Orange is the new black just became awful
Comment on What is a TV show that was one of your favourites, but just went on for far too long? 3 days ago
Californication, Weeds, orange is the new black, the walking dead 3 days ago 3 days ago
The worst part of The Walking Dead was when they split the Negan stuff into 2 seasons. Every other episode was filler and the whole thing crept along for two years. And it was after the show was already on for awhile and already kinda slow. It just killed any remaining interest.
I’m glad I stuck it out cause the rest was pretty good. But also if you include Fear, I think that was around the Negan seasons, that shit sucked. Too much bad content all at once. 3 days ago
Walking dead is just so damn repetitive. Hey we found a safe place. Oh no rick fucked it all up. Repeat like 5 times and that’s the show. I did read some of the comics and I really appreciated how they kept negan’s character intact - and what a fucking character he is - but the show as a whole just drags on. 3 days ago
Fear got better once Morgan showed up there but even in just that time span it went on a season or two longer than it should’ve 3 days ago
I only watched one season with the new crew (Google is telling me it was season four when Morgan and they joined), but imo the only thing I liked was Dorie. Did it get good after that?
What’s messed up was that a lot of the original cast would get really interesting and then leave or die as soon as I got excited about them. Like Travis and his son got really interesting for about 2 seconds. 3 days ago
It never reached peak TWD level but it was alright, enough for me to stick around for all but the last season. 3 days ago
Man they repeatedly dropped the ball with Fear.
TWD I can actually rewatch (or at least I’m not repulsed by the idea) but they changed things up so many times in fear its like watching 5 different shows.
And I am still so very salty that what was supposed to be about the start of the apocalypse quickly jumped to post apocalypse.