You don’t have to prove anything to anyone, but you have a choice to mock / belittle other people and their issues or not to. You may get repercussions for joking about sensitive topics like these people did, but that’s not really the point.
There are no prizes for choosing not to use dark humor beyond personally knowing you may have spared someone a little bit of suffering. If that matters to you, take it into consideration. If it doesn’t, that’s fine too… I just advise you to remember your choice, why you took it and observe how it makes you feel and what it makes you become.
And there are all kinds of shades of gray here, too. You can joke around once in a while if you want to, but extreme attitudes tend to cause extreme consequences.
And just to be clear, I’m not claiming to be an example of anything. I used to be the dudes Derek hung out with. Hell, i still am if you catch me on a bad day. Just sharing what I feel those decisions taught me.
Whatever you choose, hope it’s for the best. 3 days ago
This is absolutely true.
This is the part that makes you a bad person no one wants to be around. 3 days ago
Again. Wrong. Plenty of family and friends, and a whole region of my state who come to me for advice on cnc related shit, so you missed the mark there too.
Only people who avoid me are well…people like you, who think you need to “display” how good of a person you are. Most normal people understand humor and aren’t perpetually offended. Go touch some grass and meet some people outside for once. 3 days ago
Do you believe someone can’t be internally motivated to encourage and uplift their peers, or at the very least feel guilt when they laugh at someone’s expense?
Just wondering because I was like that: I told racist jokes, had plenty of similar friends, thought trans people were fooling themselves, and anyone who challenged me was pretending to be offended. I was obviously fine because I had good life.
Then I got older, met more people, learned more stories and when my old friends made fun of the new ones, I felt off about it. Decided I would rather hang out with the people who accepted everyone, made me feel good, and were still funny, just in a different way.
I still feel awful about the things I said and did and kinda wish I had noticed the signs sooner. While I was embraced by one group, I was being excluded from others and didn’t even know it.
I donno man, live your life the way you want. 3 days ago
Look at this red neck hick over here drinking cheap beer who things he’s a god because people tolerate him enough to use him for his tiny island of knowledge around cnc machines.
The only line of work he can maintain because the machine doesn’t judge him for his horrendous stench and ogre like appearance. 3 days ago
Can I ask if you are part of a group that regularly gets belittled, made fun of, or generally disrespected? Do you embrace those jokes and stereotypes that are at your expense and laugh along with them such as “That is TOTALLY us! We are crappy just like that meme says!”? 2 days ago
You are ignoring the bit where this was a private conversation. They wouldn’t need to laugh along with jokes at their expense because, in the context you are discussing, they would never even be aware that the jokes were made. 3 days ago
Even if we put aside the poor taste jokes and insults, sharing private conversations like what OP said his friend did is wrong and especially shitty since their purpose was to mock the other person