Don’t worry, they won’t. (at least most of them)
Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 1 day ago
Just remember folks, those 2007 people are able to vote now. 11 hours ago
Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 1 day ago
Just remember folks, those 2007 people are able to vote now.
Don’t worry, they won’t. (at least most of them) 23 hours ago
I just aged 40 years 23 hours ago
Fuck im 25 and feel 40, this is why I will not shy away from my day of destined death. I can feel that it’ll be before I’m 40 and I frankly want nothing to do with being 40. 6 hours ago
I’m frostysauce (44) and this is why I drink. 21 hours ago
One day you’ll wake up and realize people born on the year you graduated school can legally vote, drink, etc. A short time later those kids have kids of their own … and you are ( or are old enough to be ) a grandparent.
The worst part is you’ll still mentally feel like you’re not much older than your late 20s or 30s. 4 hours ago
My older sister was a grandmother at age 34. 30’s is literally grandparent age to my great nephew and great niece who are approaching their teens. 13 hours ago
I dunno, I’m in my mid-50s and I feel like I’m about 100. 23 hours ago
Na, being 40 is fine. I’m 45, eat well and get a little exercise. I am healthier than I was in my 20’s, I have more stamina and I think more clearly. 20 hours ago
I’m 38 and I feel 40, and you know…none of it has been worth anything. 21 hours ago
Also 25, and looking forward to my inevitable death too! 22 hours ago
Luckily by the time you get there I’m sure you will feel it will be yourself soon, and will be more a feeling of existential dread than a fear of loss.
Death is the harm of deprivation, presupposing lack, loss, or absence of some future goods. At the same time, people deprived of things valuable for them try to acquire them joining some movements or struggling for some privileges. 22 hours ago
Perhaps I should’ve spelled out why I am so willing to embrace death. I do not care about myself and of the general opinion that I could do more for mankind by throwing myself into violence. I wish to make someone I hate or who opposes my end goals bleed out right alongside me, I ain’t picky. The problem is that even if I end up like my 3X great grandfather and practically don’t age till I’m 70 I would still face some amount of slowdown in my physical or mental faculties, slowdown that may make me less effective.
The only way I could be convinced otherwise would be if I could purge my biological fathers blood from my veins. Or if I do my damnedest to get myself killed and somehow survive. Not like I’m rushing into it, I swore an oath to my friends that I wouldn’t do anything unless I get a Stamford bridge. 22 hours ago
just wait until you’re 34 and feel 68