Depends. Some people just absolutely cannot handle blood under any circumstances.
Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 5 days ago
If her reaction to seeing someone suffer is: “leave”, then anon is better off without her. 4 days ago 5 days ago
Honestly a powerful litmus test. You’re not going to hook many, but by god will they be empathetic. 5 days ago
Can’t keep doing it in the same place though. Word gets around and suddenly you’re Blood Cough Guy and… wait a second, this has got to be a bit from IASIP right? 5 days ago
Like all greentexts, its premise was plagiarized, yes. The well has always been poisoned (by my constituents) 4 days ago
If you’re using fake blood and sympathy to get girls, you’re likely the kind of guy who wants to wear their skin 4 days ago
When you contract tuberculosis and your partner leaves you for an a hot young thing with an unblemished set of lungs, you’ll understand the folly of your words 4 days ago
Yes I remember the Buddhist saying “weight lifting is suffering” 5 days ago
If someone’s coughing up blood in front of me I’m leaving too. 5 days ago
tbh I’d probably leave but notify someone who works there so they can call an ambulance or do first aid or something. and even if the cougher wipes the blood up, the floor there should be disinfected. 5 days ago
People really need to watch 28 Days Later, they’ll be sitting ducks otherwise! 5 days ago
No wonder he developed the atomic bomb after that. 4 days ago
Why 4 days ago
You might like playing in stranger’s bodily fluids but that’s not my bag, baby. 4 days ago
Lol ye, I’m not associating someone coughing blood with playing in it but maybe helping?
Do you walk past accidents on the road if you are the first third party seeing it or do you help? 4 days ago
Yea, I’m not dealing with whatever contagion they may be spreading with that. GL to them though.