People might look at me and think why would anybody like to play so much Factorio. Or why does this guy keep going rock climbing when he’s already torn a tendon.
People do things that they like to do regardless of what anybody else thinks or without some ulterior motive for it.
Sure some people might have body issues and this is the result, but for the vast majority of people they’re doing what they enjoy and doing it for themselves.
I worked at Apple and one thing that always stuck with me was their approach to Positive Intent, we assume that people are being honest and the best selves and so we assume that of people until proven otherwise. Someone cuts me up in traffic, oh well perhaps they’re in labour and heading to the A&E. 5 days ago
Maybe he enjoys working out, maybe he doesn’t mind taking steroids, maybe he wants to win body building or powerlifting competitions?
People like you shit on men looking like that and then go into other posts and tell people who talk shit about obese/bulemic women’s bodies that they are misogynistic assholes.
Quit being a hypocrite. 4 days ago
I don’t talk shit about people who are obese or bulimic because that’s rarely a choice, more of a disorder (I didn’t misread you, I’m just clarifying). This guy spent huge amounts of time and effort to do this to himself. It’s not something I understand. But as I reflect, that’s also something like disordered thinking.
I’m not a hypocrite, but you’re great at making assumptions about me. 4 days ago
Glad to see you can come to a realization of your own hypocrisy and acknowledge it through self reflection, not a lot of people can do this. Good on you kid. 4 days ago
You might want to look into whether free will is something that really exists at all. Might humble you a little and stop you from judging people.