- Comment on Struggling 4 days ago:
Well how is that better?
It is so funny that people on this platform often act high and mighty, finding people despicable for owning a car from a company with a fascist ceo and then go shit on people for their looks. Pathetic.
- Comment on Struggling 4 days ago:
When it comes down to looks, the leftist lemmy can be pretty petty. Comes along as sexist af. I am not saying that these women look attractive but why do they have to?
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
The russians started a war to literally seize land, not to demilitarize Ukraine. And that after Ukraine giving up nukes and not being part of NATO or EU. Fuck russia, fuck donny the little russian rat and fuck people who still eat up his shit, trying to rationalize this god damn treachery and deceit the U.S. is pulling. I just hope all this shit comes down to bite at least some of the enabling asses.
- Comment on Anon plays a prank 3 weeks ago:
fake: anon has a girlfriend gay: anon dislikes women so he pretends to ‘prank’ them
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
You might want to look into whether free will is something that really exists at all. Might humble you a little and stop you from judging people.
- Comment on Anon describes the micro-celeb pipeline 1 month ago:
Because most sane people by know realized that sex work is just work. The irrational disgust and moralisation is dwindling.
- Comment on Larry Ellison wants to put all US data in one big AI system • The Register 1 month ago:
These are the kind of people that played cyberpunk and thought “damn all this hyper capitalist stuff is pretty neat”.
- Comment on How This Billionaire Couple STOLE California's Water Supply | The Class Room ft. @SecondThought [08:08 | DEC 20 2022 | More Perfect Union] 2 months ago:
Eat. The. Rich. Now.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 months ago:
Does growing cannabis count as gardening and what about painting figures?
- Comment on Anon gets a blood transfusion 4 months ago:
Fake: op having a gf and the money for medical care Gay: thinking about someone elses blood in his dick
- Comment on Microsoft CEO's pay rises 63% to $73m, despite devastating year for layoffs 5 months ago:
Employees are a companies biggest expanse. Thats why they want to get rid of them as much as possible. Why are people really thinking that AI will free up new jobs? There is a finite amount of things only humans can do more “effeciently”(not sure if thats the right word, forgive my german) or better, and it is only getting smaller.
- Comment on I hate link rot 5 months ago:
Time to start downloading again
- Comment on Five flavors 🤤 5 months ago:
Sounds like metal gate keeping
- Comment on This is not fine 5 months ago:
No no, only the poorest 90% will die. Everyone else will pretend they were one of the good ones afterwards and carry on.
- Comment on Anon is a collector 5 months ago:
I don’t collect rocks but i feel the same about my little silly collection of figures.