Yeah, classics really don’t do it for me.
Comment on Anon visits a bookstore 4 weeks ago
Life is too short to read shitty self help books that’s written by influencers(yuck) or some LLM shit books. Read the classics. 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
The only book I’ve read from an “influencer” is How to Win at Chess by Levy Rozman (@GothamChess), and mostly because it was one of two books on chess at my local library. He runs a chess training website (chessly), so he actually has some creds there.
I also bought The Civilian Rights Handbook by John Lang (@AuditTheAudit) because I wanted to support him thought the book might be genuinely interesting to read and loan.
Other than that, I mostly read from regular authors, either past or present. 4 weeks ago
Levy is the only youtuber where I can forgive clickbait because he goes so over the top with it. 4 weeks ago
There are loads of great contemporary writers. Some of the best books I’ve ever read have come out in the past 4 years. 4 weeks ago
Any recommendations? 4 weeks ago
I swear Bad Lieutenant (the movie) is a modern adaptation of Musset’s Lorrenzaccio. 4 weeks ago
You gotta find your favorite classics. I can’t read some old 19th century British lady writing about 18th century British teenagers getting married to their cousins, but I fuck with HP Lovecraft and HG Wells