Comment on Forgive them, for they know not what they do 4 weeks ago
Can’t believe tipping landlords was considered even as a meme lol 4 weeks ago
Comment on Forgive them, for they know not what they do 4 weeks ago
Can’t believe tipping landlords was considered even as a meme lol 4 weeks ago
Sounds overltly American tbh 4 weeks ago
Actually, it was invented by the British in 1643. 4 weeks ago
Tipping landlords? 4 weeks ago
No, memes. 4 weeks ago
No, the Internet. 4 weeks ago
Worst landlord laws I’ve ever seen was in Japan. You have to pay them a welcome fee and a key fee on top of your bond and rent when you sign a lease. 4 weeks ago
In Berlin they now expect a blowie on top. 4 weeks ago
Korea has an interesting system. You pay a single (very large) deposit when you move in, and you get the entire deposit back when you move out. The landlord keeps only the interest on the deposit. 4 weeks ago
In Canada, there’s a last month deposit that is paid at whatever the rate is when the rental begins but counts at whatever rate the last month ends up at. This is to cancel out the interest the landlord should owe on the deposit. 4 weeks ago
Hey, at least key fee rhymes 4 weeks ago
Well it always baffled me, you just sign a lease, put a deposit down and pay the guy a welcome fee and then you don’t get a key until you pay more?
Fucking wild.