At one point Trump literally suggested reducing reported Covid cases by just not testing. They genuinely think the important thing is not to talk about it.
Comment on (They're not allowed to legally anymore) 1 month ago
Can someone explain the benefits that GOP are trying to achieve with this rule? Does the censoring somehow provide an advantage to their popularity? 1 month ago 1 month ago
Its how conservatism works.
If it makes you feel uncomfortable, sweep it under the rug and ignore it. Nothing is allowed to be bad or need fixing, nothing is allowed to change or be different, thats all scary. 1 month ago
What troubles me the most is that sounds like a very deeply abused person. It’s a kind of person that has problems introspecting and managing their emotions. Is that what we’re really up against? Is it all just mental illness? 5 weeks ago
The reason abusers and fascism and authoritarianism and evangelicals and the GOP all strongly overlap is because all those systems are centered around abuse and fear.
All those systems create the problem and then step in to be the hero that saves the day. They set a building on fire then rush in and save a few people to be a hero. And a LOT of people that aren’t paying attention only see them as they emerge from the building helping people. They don’t see that they started the fire in the first place, that multiple people died, that the building is now ruined. And that is now happening on a large scale on many levels to our country. 1 month ago
I think it is part of making government agencies ineffective to prove their ideology that these agencies should be abolished and replaced with private companies (or not at all). That way, they can say come election time, “See? Government can’t do these things well. We should eliminate these agencies.” Many people will forget they are also the reason the agencies are shitty.
They have tried this with underfunding them in the past mostly. This is a much more direct approach. 1 month ago
They’re taking things out from Hungary’s (and Russia’s) playbook. Your voters cannot fault you for something they don’t know about. 1 month ago
Voters usually have a pretty good idea of whats happening but it’s part of a general malaise of misinformation. 1 month ago
The order is only in effect until February 1.
I’d be curious about it if it was longer but a 1 week freeze is probably about reducing miscommunication during the gov transition.
Biden instituted a similar rule for 60 days: 1 month ago
[deleted] 1 month ago
Clam your tits bro 1 month ago
Trumps first term was stymied by an extremely inconvenient global pandemic.
He doesn’t want to be undermined by subject matter experts again