- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 1 week ago:
The people pushing these laws are hoping it will have the “California Effect.”
Like when California says “Cars need to meet X emissions standards” so far makers just make cars everywhere meet those standards.
They are hoping that by making age verification a thing in a few states, it will become a thing everywhere.
This fails to realize that one, it’s easy to geofence a state online (VPNs being anwork around). And Two, companies generally comply with California laws because, on the whole, California passes mostly positive limitations. It only makes the cars and world better if they all meet the better emissions standards. Blocking porn like this, is a net negative.
Also, on the subject of kids accessing porn. They are going to do it anyway, anyone thinking otherwise is oblivious to the world, and two, it’s not up to the state to nanny this shit, it’s up to the parents.
- Comment on White House Faith Office 4 weeks ago:
Rapture already happened as predicted. The problem is, literally no one except like, one dude named Rick in Michigan and the Yang family in a small fishing village in China.
Everyone else got left behind in a spiraling purgatory chaos world.
- Comment on This is getting bad. Like, really really bad. 4 weeks ago:
left fascist regime
Please, enlighten us all on what exactly this even means.
- Comment on This is getting bad. Like, really really bad. 4 weeks ago:
Comhress wont flip in 2 years because by then Musk will have replaced voting with some cyrpto scam bull shit claiming its “more sexure andnaccountable” and all voting will be on X polls and like “magic” every election will go to some member of the Nazi Maga cult.
- Comment on When we explain to other people how our capitalist system works and they recoil in horror 4 weeks ago:
I mean, the Nordic Countries are kind of an example of how you can make an economy work that that isn’t purely “endless growth capitalism” and isn’t “everyone is poor and miserable Communism.”
There can be things in between.
- Comment on When we explain to other people how our capitalist system works and they recoil in horror 4 weeks ago:
This is why Libertarianism and Ayn Rand followers are so dumb. Galt’s Gulch only works because its like, a hundred or so people. The entire concept breaks at any level of scale. Not every person can provide a genius world changing idea to cash in on if only that pesky government would stay out of the way.
- Comment on When we explain to other people how our capitalist system works and they recoil in horror 4 weeks ago:
Also, extremely agressive measures to stop the harm of others through the accumumation of mass wealth.
Basically, once you reach, I dunno, 5-10 million total “worth”, you get taxed at 100%.
Something like that. No one will ever need that much ever, and they can feel free to just reture and live out their life doing nothing if they manage to get there.
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 4 weeks ago:
Peoppe voting based on border walls, are entirely doing it because they think “all mexicans are violent rapist criminals.”
Its not about jobs or even immigration, its about racism.
If they really cared about jobs they would fight back against all the Indians on H1B Visas taking all the tech sector work.
- Comment on Americans are weird. 5 weeks ago:
Found the non American.
If you were American, you would know its the traditional American custom to put up frammed fan photos.
- Comment on Americans are weird. 5 weeks ago:
Minimalist Pepe
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 5 weeks ago:
Imagine thinking Trump will do literally anything but bulldoze the Palestinians for hotel properties.
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 5 weeks ago:
Along the northern border
Look, while most of the southern border rheroric is rooted in racism, I would say there is probably a bit of an issue there, just not nearly as terrible as these racist assholes keep pushing.
But Canada?
Are we pushing that Canada has a border issue now?
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 5 weeks ago:
This is basically what I keep telling people.
The lesser evil sucks, its still evil, but there is zero path to good, by ever supporting the evil evil.
Like, at least with the lesser evil, you are moving in the right direction to dig yourself out.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Yeah, this whole thing is very poorly done and really screams like annexcuse toncreate andalse flag moment. I saw a Reddit comment that this exact thing was listed in the Project2025 playbook as part of an excuse to create a scene and enact martial law.
- Comment on (They're not allowed to legally anymore) 1 month ago:
Its how conservatism works.
If it makes you feel uncomfortable, sweep it under the rug and ignore it. Nothing is allowed to be bad or need fixing, nothing is allowed to change or be different, thats all scary.