- Comment on If these mother fuckers are trying to make me pay for Healthcare to talk to fucking ChatGPT I swear to god ChatGPT is going to write me so many scripts for opioids its won't be funny. 1 day ago:
Thanks. I hate it.
- Comment on The science is divided 4 weeks ago:
Aha, but that assumes light is real and materials are real and the universe is real!
- Comment on Im thinking we still have a deeper bottom 4 weeks ago:
I can’t fathom how anyone could think someone is working for your best interests while simultaneously holding half our nation’s entire wealth just for themselves.
If the other player in Monopoly has all the money and properties and you have nothing, do you still say they are working for your best interests? Wake up, they won the game and you lost.
- Comment on Im thinking we still have a deeper bottom 4 weeks ago:
Are you trying to tell us that the guy that has billions of dollars and also did Nazi salutes on stage where we all saw it clearly… somehow is actually NOT a Nazi billionaire?
If he acts like a Nazi, talks like a Nazi, salutes like a Nazi. He might just be a Nazi
And if he has billions of dollars he might just be a billionaire.
- Comment on Im thinking we still have a deeper bottom 4 weeks ago:
The reason you are being down voted is because the current administration is not doing that. They SAY that’s what they are doing, but pay attention to their actual actions and who is benefitting. Look at the outcomes. It is the opposite of what you want.
Here is the crazy thing, I am very left wing, but I agree with you on the point of bringing down wasteful spending and that we should have accountability for government spending and such. But Trump and Elon are not at all doing those things. They are in this for their own selfish desires and agendas and they have convinced a lot of people otherwise. They are cutting the parts of government that oppose them or that they don’t like and none of that is going to have any significant impact on the budget. Go look up how much we spend on our defense budget or other big costs. Maybe we should stop sending bombs all over the world? Maybe we don’t need to spend more than half the other countries on earth combined? Maybe we shouldn’t have a system that allows a dozen people to have more wealth stolen and hoarded from the rest of the country? Maybe we need some fair wages for our hard work so that you and I can be a hard working American that gets fairly paid for our labors? The American Dream doesn’t work if you can work your whole life and still be in debt, while someone else can rake in billions without working at all, but simply because they own you and the company you work for.
I would wager that you and I want the same things. To be able to work and provide for ourselves and our family, to have enough to eat and have a home and hobbies and enjoy life. We want to feel like we contribute to our community. We want to create things and fix things and make things around us better for ourselves and others. We want to love and be loved. We want a government that REPRESENTS the people and invests in things that benefit us and help us and doesn’t waste it or tax us unfairly for it.
So why do you think the Republican party is helping you when they have a track record of voting for tax cuts to the billionaires and mega corporations and simultaneously raising your individual taxes? Why are they telling you to fear and hate immigrants when they are the backbone and the reason our country even started? Why are they telling you to fear and hate trans people that just want to exist and be who they are? Why are they NOT saying a word about the trillions of wasted money on military? The trillions stolen from us hard working Americans that goes into the pockets of the already rich like Elon? Could it be that they are lying to us?
Go look at the actions they make and look past the words they speak and tell me what you find.
- Comment on The science is divided 4 weeks ago:
This is what arguing with people about politics feels like.
- Comment on The science is divided 4 weeks ago:
That theory assumes that color is real. Color is just some photons smacking into your retina and then the brain deciding what that even means.
- Comment on (They're not allowed to legally anymore) 1 month ago:
The reason abusers and fascism and authoritarianism and evangelicals and the GOP all strongly overlap is because all those systems are centered around abuse and fear.
All those systems create the problem and then step in to be the hero that saves the day. They set a building on fire then rush in and save a few people to be a hero. And a LOT of people that aren’t paying attention only see them as they emerge from the building helping people. They don’t see that they started the fire in the first place, that multiple people died, that the building is now ruined. And that is now happening on a large scale on many levels to our country.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Well, we have an incoming president that, per the constitution!!!, is now illegal to hold office, and has committed countless hundreds of crimes that we know of and has yet to face actual consequences under our law, who’s win was also bought by a billionaire, which was quasi-legal at best, and the current president pardoned his son. And we have an entire legal system from SCOTUS on down that takes bribes and favors and will overturn any law that doesn’t suit their overlords and oligarchs. And speaking of, most of our oligarchs, have never faced prosecution or consequences for all their innumerable illegal and deplorable actions over decades and decades. And to top it all off, we have an entire police and “justice” system that murders people on the streets or in their homes every day and at worst gets paid
leavevacation for a few weeks for them to sweep it under the rug or maybe they have to transfer to another department. But never any actual consequences except in the few rare cases where we notice and raise enough noise that they have to appease us, but then go right back to ignoring and hiding them when we don’t see.So, no. The laws do not apply to them, never have. The laws are to keep us peasants in line. We live in an oligarchy that is pretending to be a democracy.
I think it’s long past time to overturn it.
- Comment on Making sense of election results 4 months ago:
As soon as politics keeps it’s damn hands off our bodies and lives we will.
- Comment on It's coming! :( 5 months ago:
I’ve left Firefox twice now and come back. It’s still far less shitty than the other main options.
- Comment on Nice 6 months ago:
Hahahaha. “processing”. Mmmmhhhmmm. Yep. We have all processed and dealt with the trauma of losing millions of people including friends and family and half of our country actively denying it and gaslighting us. And we’ve also had therapy and really healed from having the curtain of capitalism yanked back and seeing the reality and then just going “back to normal” and pretending everything is fine and we definitely aren’t ignoring the exploding inflation & housing cost & food cost, stagnant pay, while watching a belligerent narcissistic racist sexist conman felon still be close in the polls for president despite using a global pandemic to cash in some gains at the cost of our lives, attempting a coup and countless other horrific activities. And the planet is on fire and we could stop it, but a few people REALLY want to get a 7th yacht and go to space for fun so we’re gonna do that instead. And that’s fine. Did I mention we’re all being exploited for our labor and getting less than enough to live on in return? And AI is about to fuck up all our shit because we aren’t prepared. And it could be amazing and do a million tedious tasks people do and let us all have more free time, nah let’s let corporations exploit that too and throw us under the bus as they speed by with all the benefits we made for them. And did I mention we are still arguing over the conman felon narcissistic loser that swindled our entire country to benefit himself and his buddies and got millions killed and whether or not we want him in charge again, or the person that has a plan and wants to make things better for us all. Not sure, still undecided. Oh, and today is 9-11, the day our whole country mourned the loss of ~3000 people in a tragic event and 20 years later we were losing that many and more daily to a virus, but it was “just a hoax”, now get back to work! We need to break our record profits this quarter for the shareholders!
Yeah, were fine. We’ve processed. We’re all good here. A OK. 👌
- Comment on Thanks to science, men can now locate the clitoris with micrometer accuracy. 6 months ago:
Ohhhhhh! I didn’t realize the clitoris was in the esophagus. I feel like such an idiot because I’ve been looking around the vulva this whole time.
- Comment on Virginia is shrinking! 8 months ago:
That really does. But humans aren’t particularly great at naming things sometimes.
- Comment on Virginia is shrinking! 8 months ago:
Where is the mitochondria of Virginia though?
- Comment on Virginia is shrinking! 8 months ago:
I still don’t understand why they named West Virginia so. Virginia has land further West. North Virginia?
- Comment on Virginia is shrinking! 8 months ago:
- Comment on Part of this complete breakfast! 8 months ago:
It’s hard to make though. You have to harvest Iridium quality Wheat and mine for Iridium bars and then build the Advanced Cereal Irradiator on your farm to craft it.
It’s hard to do until year 2.
- Comment on Efficency 8 months ago:
If God was real the boxes would all fit in a nice grid for any square container. But the OP already has the conclusion for that one.
- Comment on Efficency 8 months ago:
True. You can’t have joy without suffering, light without dark, cars without an extended warranty.
- Comment on Efficency 8 months ago:
It’s like that because the universe wants us to suffer.
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
Yeah for real.
Smart TVs, Subscription services, etc.
It’s all just capitalism doing its thing, everyone racing to sell sell sell.
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
Maybe it is human-like intelligence. It’s dumb as shit, but have you met people?
But yeah, I guess at its core, human intelligence and machine intelligence are both just pattern recognition, but I guess my point is that calling it “AI” gives people this false sense that it is something it is not. AI has been a thing in Sci-fi for so long that we all think of Data from Star Trek or C-3PO from Star Wars and similar. When in reality it is more akin to a robot arm in a factory doing the same task really fast and really precisely, but it isn’t some adaptable all-purpose thing yet.
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
I really hate that we are calling this wave of technology “AI”, because it isn’t. It is “Machine Learning” sure, but it is just brute force pattern recognition v2.0.
The desired outcomes you define and then the data you train it on both have a LOT of built-in biases.
It’s a cool technology I guess, but it’s being misused across the board. It is being overused and misused by every company with FOMO. Hoping to get some profit edge on the competition. How about we have AI replace the bullshit CEO and VP positions instead of trying to replace fast food drive through workers and Internet content.
I guess that’s nothing new for humans… One human invents the spear for fishing and the rest use them to hit each other over the head.
- Comment on Nobody dare Pluto Pterodactyl 9 months ago:
What we have here is a dactyl that pters and a helico that also pters.
I name them, Pterhelico and Dactylopter.
- Comment on Chevrotain 9 months ago:
My chevrotain has about 10,000 miles on it, which doesn’t sound like much until you realize it’s only 4 inches tall, but it’s reliable and gets me where I want to go, which is home, because I don’t want to be around people.
- Comment on Internet comments 10 months ago:
- Comment on Trout populations 11 months ago:
Won’t SOMEBODY think of the CEOs and shareholders!!!
- Comment on Or we could do metric time 11 months ago:
This is the real discussion piece. We either always have Friday the 13th or we never do again.
I’m with you for always Friday the 13th.
Plus, never having one again just feels wrong.
- Comment on this is how CRABS eat BLOODY clams. 1 year ago:
It’s been a long time since I read it.
The part at the end of time where all that remains is a dying crab on a desolate beach?
I don’t remember the details, but the feelings and emotions that end of time nothingness and death of all things left is still with me… It is sad and lonely and depressing and empty feeling. Same with thinking about the eventual “Heat Death of the Universe”.