- Comment on What's up with 5 weeks ago:
I dislike it.
Pretty sure my instance blocks it.
I believe it’s counter productive and stifles engagement.
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 1 month ago:
You’re very willing to surmise what their views on Biden would be, but not Trump?
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 1 month ago:
I’m not asking you to speak for them.
Do you think they would feel relieved that Trump is POTUS?
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 1 month ago:
Do you think Palestinians are relieved that Trump is POTUS now?
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 1 month ago:
Sorry for your loss.
Religion sucks so much, especially the more dogmatic ones. Mormonism is gross.
One insight I would offer is that categorising people as “good” or “not good” may not be helpful. I suspect that your dad probably invests a lot of effort in being a good man, he’s just unable to acknowledge that his perspective has been corrupted.
We judge ourselves by our intentions but others by their actions.
It’s not wrong to never speak to him again, but maybe this will make the mourning easier.
- Comment on Psst, the Americans are asleep, post some eggs 1 month ago:
Me neither. We do dozens in Australia.
I mean, what if someone needs a quarter of a carton? Or even a third? Didn’t think about that did they.
Curse these Europeans with their fancy metric numbers.
- Comment on Romance scammers are now in the fediverse 1 month ago:
Lemmy seems so snarky lately.
- Comment on When you see it.... 1 month ago:
Me neither. I’m not sure how that makes me feel.
- Comment on Google's AI is using past tense to describe a sporting event that takes place in 3 days. And it knows who won too. 1 month ago:
Searxng all day baby.
- Comment on Isn't EU's "VAT" a regressive tax? Why do they have that, instead of something like, taxing the rich? 1 month ago:
It’s regressive in the sense that poor people spend more of their money on goods and services that include VAT.
It’s also “broad based” in that wealthy people spend more money (in total) on things, and the vendors of those things collect the tax.
For example, if a company in Australia sells a $11m private jet to some asshole, that asshole just paid $1m in taxes.
Said asshole may well pay no income tax by virtue of their ability to disappear taxable income through complex business structures.
- Comment on (They're not allowed to legally anymore) 1 month ago:
From what I read it doesn’t cover h5n1 but being vaccinated against the other flu variants obviously prevents you getting both h5n1 and some other preventable illness at the same time.
You’re dead right though, getting a flu shot is a good way to be prepared.
General preparedness for h5n1 has been in the back of my mind for a while but your comment has motivated me to tick a few things off the list.
I’ll order up some masks, sanitiser, and TP.
I had a flu shot a few months ago, but probably due for a covid top up.
- Comment on (They're not allowed to legally anymore) 1 month ago:
You probably already know this but for clarity it sounds like the flu shot won’t protect you from h5n1
- Comment on (They're not allowed to legally anymore) 1 month ago:
Voters usually have a pretty good idea of whats happening but it’s part of a general malaise of misinformation.
- Comment on My Honest Opinion 1 month ago:
Yeah they “should” be, but I don’t really think it’s practically possible to implement and enforce a rule like that.
- Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 1 month ago:
This isn’t the reason.
The switch is more likely to attract a toddlers attention. Some have little red lights even. It would be false sense of security at best. You can get those plastic blank plugs to stop your kid putting a fork in there.
The switch is so, if you kid is being electrocuted by putting their fork in the toaster, you can turn it off at the wall without having to touch the electrified kid.
- Comment on Is there any way our of the US political spiral? 1 month ago:
Sadly, I think you’re right.
It’s absurd that the wealthiest people in the world are making all the decisions that effect the rest of us, especially when they’re using that control to influence the rest of us through social media.
I think the only solution is a revolution where wealth is redistributed, probably through violence.
Bezos and Musks assets should just be nationalised. Give them pensions of 10m a year or something in return.
- Comment on Is there any way our of the US political spiral? 1 month ago:
Seems like a lot of support honestly.
- Comment on Can we all agree on THIS 1 month ago:
You know you can call your drs office to check whether they’re running behind right?
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 1 month ago:
No democracy is perfect.
America’s is less perfect than many.
That said, Trump won the popular vote.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
I always text people because it’s quicker to get a response than email but it’s less invasive than a call… they can respond at their convenience.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
I don’t know much about it but I’ve read that captchas are very easy for bots to solve.
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 1 month ago:
Hmm… it kind of is really. How do you separate democracy from the narratives that campaigning representatives espouse? It’s a part of every democracy.
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 1 month ago:
The country just elected this guy knowing that this is what he would do. That’s democracy.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I was thinking the same. There should be a rule at any posts about these cunts needs to include their names in the title or something.
The constant feed of these cunts every action is not conducive to positive mental health. I get it. Shits fucked. I don’t need to read about it all day.
Filtering by community is impractical in some cases.
That said, using thunderbird on android I can filter by keyword… is there an alternative front end for the desk top that allows the same?
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
There’s so much shit going on in the last 24 hours probably doesn’t rate amongst the worst 5.
- Comment on People who live in hot climates, how do you deal with the heat? 2 months ago:
Mental conditioning and altered behavior.
If you’re not used to it the heat can feel oppressive. Some kind of lizard-brain response telling you that the heat is a threat that must be mitigated immediately. Once you get used to it you realise that it’s just mild discomfort and that it’s not harmful (except for sun burn, heat stroke, et cetera).
You also alter your behavior in simple ways that may not occur to you if you’re not used to a hot climate. Like… make mid-day the least active part of your day. You’re not going to just duck down to the shops for a bite at 1pm.
- Comment on Now you know why your wife gave you a can of WD 40 2 months ago:
Everyone uses it as lube.
- Comment on How is TikTok being blocked in the US? 2 months ago:
I feel like it’s pretty irrelevant honestly.
Like if my house is burning down I don’t care whether I have my blue boxers or my green boxers nor whether China knows.
- Comment on Good afternoon I'm here to make a parches of a slic. 2 months ago:
This isn’t saying something funny by accident though.
When you’re on holiday and you ask the barman for nipple juice sure, you can all have a good laugh about languages.
This person is an employee, doing their best to perform a complex task that you were lucky enough to learn as a child. Imagine walking into the shop and having a good old laugh with the signs author about their bad spelling. I don’t think they would find it very funny.
Additionally, there’s a profound difference between having a light-hearted joke with someone, and posting it on social media where everyone can make lame jokes about people struggling to get by using English as a second language.
Honestly, I’m amazed that you’re insensitive enough not to understand that the two situations are completely different.
- Comment on Canva charges you to make a circle 2 months ago:
What is the point of saying that a response sounds like an AI generated response?
It’s just a generic insult.
Your mother smells funny, and you’re wrong.