Silver lining of another trump presidency, it’s gonna be REAL easy to say I told you so.
Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago
So people told me I was being an overdramatic dick when I pointed the multiple similarities between the rise of Hitler and Trump and how the Nazis are coming back.
They’re back, out and disgustingly proud.
I’ll be showing them the footage and awaiting their bullshittery gymnastics. Wonder how they will spin it. 1 month ago 1 month ago
I will cling to this schadenfreude as my friends and family are disappeared. It shall provide me warmth and comfort.
😑 1 month ago
That is undeniably a Nazi salute. I’m actually more surprised he didn’t yell “HEIL DONALD” too 1 month ago
So what is their reaction? 1 month ago
Why would they care a out your gotchya? 1 month ago
My dad, who voted for Trump at least twice, told me to read Viktor Frankl to cope. 1 month ago
Don’t bother. They won’t believe it until they are sent off to the camps. That’s how it works. The people calling it out are made to look like fanatics while the real fanatics solidify power. 1 month ago
The only way I can believe it’s not them showing they’re Nazis is that Musk is so fucking stupid he tried to do the first pose Trump did when he got shot and fucked it up twice, which is believable when you remember how fucking utterly stupid Musk is.
But the truth is Nazis are back and in charge of the US this time.