- Comment on 1987 1 week ago:
Ok 👍
- Comment on 1987 1 week ago:
And yet I still believe there were kids who had good tasting vegetables. I already agreed that some didn’t but the ones who did? It was still common for kids to not step up and learn. Oh well, how about I just accept whatever you say but not actually believe your narrow view of life?
- Comment on 1987 1 week ago:
Fr I don’t think you want to think about it much past the surface level. I agree to some points but not the myth that kids all kids can’t taste good vegetables at all. Conversation ran it’s course, I don’t mind. It is what it is. I believe differently.
- Comment on 1987 1 week ago:
I guess, but really I had some bad habits and didn’t know how to make anything more than simple dishes like spaghetti and meatballs. Salads seemed like way too much effort until you get the proper technique to chop them up. I understand what you mean but I still wish I had learned it as a kid. The muscle memory/technique to hone in on would have been nice before I became an adult and had to rely on eating out or eating random stuff at home because I also never learned to plan out meals properly. I guess there is more to it than cooking is what I am saying.
- Comment on 1987 1 week ago:
idk, am I privileged to have a family who cared enough to go to eat out once in while like once a month ?
I fail to see how you can think I am trying to relate to someone who never had decent vegetables. It’s not like it is impossible for many of us to eat decent vegetables at one point. I clearly am not trying to be relating to everyone’s background. You are simply nitpicking and didn’t bother reading or understanding my comment.
- Comment on 1987 2 weeks ago:
This is so true. I find there are plenty of ways to enjoy vegetables on the cheap or lower the effects of rot on foods. I feel like people don’t realize that 2000s is the year that current adults as kids grew up in. It is so much better back than after 2008 and 2020(current generation) are having to deal with but still it was a solved problem.
Yet people don’t really see what was talking about. I wasn’t alluding to the vegetables, but rather how kids are not willing enough to learn to cook or take initiative when they don’t enjoy something.
It isn’t easy to cook but I still helped my little brother. I wish when I was a kid, I learned to cook. My mom made the best foods though, and I lived pretty much happy with vegetables. I love salads. It is sad how many are not liking salads or vegetables as much.
- Comment on 1987 2 weeks ago:
I don’t know where this came from. I am talking about how as kids we grow up too shy to pickup cooking as a skill, even though we find it not taste right for us. It is fine to accept the food cause hard work and all that about love, but if you feel like it’s not good enough, we don’t seem to try. But you know I don’t deny it’s like that, yet people can still talk to their parents as kids, spice exists and canned veggies or frozen ones can taste decent. All basic truths.
I helped my little brother cook, he started pretty terribly and to be encouraging everything was, well, not gonna be effective for him to learn. I always made it clear I admired his work but clearly put how cooking skill takes patience and dedication to do. He learned how hard it was for me to cook. I wish I learned to cook when I was a kid.
Oh well people here got whooshed on the real story I laid out.
- Comment on 1987 2 weeks ago:
I kept it short cause I didn’t think there much else to talk about. I expressed my opinion, big no-no on the internet but whatever
- Comment on 1987 2 weeks ago:
What’s even more silly about this is that you never bothered to cook it yourself to experience better cooked food and the reason is? Idk for me it was because I am lame and too shy to ask to change the established way of life. On the other hand I have adjusted to eat food of all sorts even though it is displeasing. Except foods that have capsaicin or or peppers, I’m allergic to them.
- Comment on Anon compares Harry and Ron 3 weeks ago:
It would have been funny af to watch Neville Longbottom as the main character of the series and the marketing hype train having to tiptoe the last name. I know Harry Potter as a name sounds better but imagine everyone dressing up as Neville for Halloween
- Comment on Thank god "shit" is censored 4 weeks ago:
Yeah I’m super scared too, emotions freak me out
- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 1 month ago:
Amazon fire TV requires an Amazon account to use basic features and they intentionally tell you they lock “certain” features
- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 1 month ago:
I think I saw a review of the Amazon fire TV and they literally lock controls and tell you some basic af features are locked behind an Amazon account registration or login
- Comment on Anon's PC works 2 months ago:
this is what I used to get, between 2-5 hours depending on how light to work and strict the power restrictions are. yes I wish to get the framework 16 with dGPU, I really need to save so much cash, so pricey. its the only laptop worth its cost though. so capable and I love the idea that I can baby it(with the usual repairs like battery and keyboard/trackpad) and the internals can be shelved or repurposed.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 2 months ago:
I’m daily driving a laptop with i7 9750h and 1660ti. Unfortunately I had to convert it to desk only as battery is dead and removed, and touch pad seems to have also broke. Still CPU and GPU work fine. I still wonder if I will upgrade and if I can afford it ever anymore.
- Comment on Hurry 2 months ago:
Happy holidays!
- Comment on It's all a little bit mathy. 2 months ago:
Needs more higher dimensional objects
- Comment on You best start believing in a cyberpunk dystopia 3 months ago:
Unless the robo dog doubled as a drone to make a quick getaway, it’s just plainly an expensive walking mistake
- Comment on You best start believing in a cyberpunk dystopia 3 months ago:
fr not encouraging anything illegal, buuut. The robot dog should only be used if the drone needs a place to stop mid way from the check point because of battery limitations or weather, as like a mobile outpost/command center to prevent easily spot able routing from places. Having the robo dog do the entire trip is quite wasteful on resources.
- Comment on Bird Bath 3 months ago:
Yeah, I quickly realize that while I don’t care about the word and don’t really care if it does get deleted and censored. It just reminds me of why I practice privacy and don’t really keep or create accounts. I realize why I don’t express myself. It always is benefiting some rich guy and at some point I will get censored or whatever because freedom of speech is non-existent on the internet. AI now being used to censor negative views or highlighting darker aspects of humanity. Even more words or combination of words are banned on other platforms. They only want to make everything look great and never want it to be negative unless it makes them more money, which they will wait until later to retroactively remove them or only keep some in case people notice their old posts are deleted. Have to make it confusing as ever cause that is a money maker.
- Comment on Bird Bath 3 months ago:
Moderated because of n word
- Comment on Bird Bath 3 months ago:
Ain’t love beautiful
- Comment on Can you draw a perfect circle? 3 months ago:
It does seem harder to reach lower numbers than high numbers
- Comment on Post-election blues 3 months ago:
Whilst screaming make America great again
- Comment on My little buddy (pack of 12) 4 months ago:
Buy more than you need and redistribute them to those in need of non dozen-ist values, be the change the world needs
- Comment on Screenshots of what I'm playing, day 1: progressing through Sonic 2 4 months ago:
I can still hear this level in my head
- Comment on Since when does a clock need a privacy policy? 4 months ago:
- Comment on smart engineering 4 months ago:
Unfortunately, that would not match up with the other three panels. The smart engineer should be able to figure out how to satisfy the customer. It is up mostly to public interpretation, as most art is. That is how I see it but I won’t deny someone who labels themselves as an engineer could be a con artist in disguise.
One way I see this is how we interpret the glass half full or glass half empty. There are some ways to see it and modify it a little and meaning can take a different more pronounced form. So yeah both can be valid but then we are considering if the label engineer is truth or a lie.
- Comment on smart engineering 4 months ago:
You’re a moron to think this is about scamming someone. The smart engineer realized he can offer a louder option but didn’t want to disturb the preset settings the customer is used to. If anything, not only is the engineer smart but empathetic towards how troublesome learning a new tool is like. Let me tell you it is not a problem that the volume is not standardized. Instead, it is nice to know that the customer can choose options he is familiar with AND now has a setting to go louder. Of course the much smarter way is to make the dial more analog input than a digital input. However, the digital dial will not move as easily when bumped. Trade-offs were made. For aesthetics and function. Yes I know some music nerds who like the dial more than a touch button.
Now don’t get me started with how they can sell it however they want. If it is louder than the product it is comparing against and the buyer likes it then it is not a scam, it was a fair trade.
- Comment on Ok boomer 5 months ago:
Tbh back then the pay was more fairly in line with cost of living for some of the jobs. however, it has been a good 20 or so year since it was more fair. Nowadays, it is absolutely scary the cost of living. it’s down right criminal.