- Comment on I will take no arguments 5 weeks ago:
My favorite is irregardless, having an identical meaning to “regardless”, just because linguistics nerds get so tilted by it.
- Comment on I will take no arguments 5 weeks ago:
Funner follow-up: this definition is correct and true to the original usage of “factoid”, however, the alternative definition meaning “a small or minor fact” has been used often enough that it’s generally accepted, and appears in several dictionaries. Ain’t English grand!?
- Comment on From now on, I wish to be addressed as Lt. Commodre Squid 5 weeks ago:
Yeah… what a shame. These poor tortured souls have to settle for Dipl. Ass. instead.
- Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
OSRS player spotted.
- Comment on Time to make your decesion 2 months ago:
Yeah this is an easy Shiloh angle for me. I’m down for some Radiohead every now and then, and when I’m not, that’s what noise cancelling headphones are for.
- Comment on Did you recently get cancer near me? 2 months ago:
Same here. They put me on a short round of it because it apparently can kickstart a sluggish sinus system to start draining properly again. It did that, and it also gave me the locked in kind of focus that people claim to get from Adderall, but I didn’t have any twitching or jitters. I was just fully in the zone, the Predni-zone.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 3 months ago:
OSRS or the shitty one?
- Comment on The Divine Dick 4 months ago:
Hey christofash men, if everybody is entitled to their own personal and private relationship with god, and you should love god as he loves you, it’s totally legal for your wife to think about god’s massive peener while you’re having sex strictly for the purposes of procreation. Just noodle on that for a bit.
- Comment on Twitter 7 months ago:
This is Musk’s oldest child, she chose the name Vivian when she came out and despite being genetically related to Musk actually seems like a pretty cool person. She went through some legal procedure to remove herself from his family, and IIRC basically walked away from all of that generational wealth because severing connections with an abusive father was worth more to her.
- Comment on 5 Feep Deet 9 months ago:
“Sign’s done, boss”
- Comment on Seedless Catholics Against Watermelons? 9 months ago:
I like how the watermelons have a whole 10K more likes. Let’s go watermelons!
- Comment on Thanks, Grandma! 10 months ago:
Yeah… I would unironically rock those jeans.
- Comment on Meta wants to be the Microsoft of headsets 10 months ago:
Why the fuck would anyone want to be the Microsoft of anything?
- Comment on Tell Borts I said "Hi" 10 months ago:
I heard that left Borts was a little bit too interested in WWII history…
- Comment on She did her best ok? 11 months ago:
To further dehumanize it for not buying enough pizza of course. /s
- Comment on How this "terrible artist" made MILLIONS | matttt 11 months ago:
A lot of those criticisms are valid but I feel like the average observer wouldn’t pick out those details when viewing the drawings as a whole. In that sense, the art isn’t spectacular but it achieves what it is intended to IMO.
- Comment on Gonna watch Javatar, you? 11 months ago:
From the director of Jijanic.
- Comment on RichardAragon/NightshadeAntidote: An 'antidote' to the recently released AI poison pill project known as Nightshade. 1 year ago:
Again, in many instances, folks training models are using repositories of images that have been publicly shared. In many cases the person/people who assembled the image repositories are not the same person using them. I agree that reckless scraping is not responsible, but if you’re using a repository of images that’s presented as ok to use for AI training, I’d argue it’s even more ethical to strip out the Nightshaded images, because clearly the presence of Nigthshade means you shouldn’t use that one. I guess we’re just going to have to agree to disagree here, because I see this as a helpful tool to specifically avoid training on images you shouldn’t be.
- Comment on RichardAragon/NightshadeAntidote: An 'antidote' to the recently released AI poison pill project known as Nightshade. 1 year ago:
I don’t think most people are collecting images by hand and saying “ah yes I’m just gonna yoink this and use it in my model”. There are a plethora of sites for sharing repositories of training data, and therefore it’s pretty easy for someone training a model to unknowingly pull down some data they don’t actually have permission to use. It’s completely infeasible to check licensing by hand on what could be millions of images, so this tool makes it easy to simply not train on images that have gone through Nightshade. I fail to see how that’s unethical, as not training on the image is the whole reason the original image was put through Nightshade in the first place.
- Comment on RichardAragon/NightshadeAntidote: An 'antidote' to the recently released AI poison pill project known as Nightshade. 1 year ago:
The tagline is really poorly written IMO. From reading the README, this doesn’t outwardly appear to be a tool for bypassing an artist’s choice to use something like Nightshade, but rather it seems to detect if such a tool has been used.
I’m assuming that the use case would be to avoid training on Nightshade-ed images, which would actually be respecting the original artist’s decision?
- Comment on It's a good thing they aren't in charge of adult toys... 1 year ago:
Yeah makes sense. The whole listing is super sketchy.
- Comment on It's a good thing they aren't in charge of adult toys... 1 year ago:
It’s pretty telling that the product page has zero reviews. I don’t think this product has any surviving users.
- Comment on Inconvenient indeed 1 year ago:
So that’s what truck nuts are for…
- Comment on Is Wealth University job application process a scam? 1 year ago:
They’re also using this website template: webflow.com/…/flux-it-company-website-template
And they didn’t even change the header logo (notice the “flux” logo at the top of the page).
Definitely seems like some guy paid $24 for a template, half bothered to fill it out, and is hoping to collect as many $1000 payments as possible.