- Comment on At what point in the relationship should I move in with my girlfriend? 3 days ago:
- Comment on Continuously runn8ng screen recorder for linux? 5 days ago:
They call it the replay buffer, it works well. I use it sometimes when gaming so I can capture a cool clip to share with friends.
- Comment on Hell nah brah 1 week ago:
There are multiple different ways to connect your phone to your computer to send/receive text messages on your computer.
- Comment on Gimme some evidence that anyone at all in the government is pushing back on Trump with any effectiveness at all. Someone throw me a bone here. 😬 5 weeks ago:
When has cognitive dissonance and being contradictory stopped the right wing in the US?
- Comment on Cancel the call to Houston 5 weeks ago:
You’re qualified to do tons of IT jobs in that case, unironically.
- Comment on After years of holding out hope, 2024 was the year I finally gave up on BioWare 2 months ago:
Yes exactly! I did every available side/companion quest that was available before progressing the main story, and when I ran out I’d do one main story quest and then back to side quests.
Previous games it felt like you got to do more things with each companion. This one there’s like one story each, and they’ll barely talk to you about anything else on the rare occasions you can talk to them.
- Comment on After years of holding out hope, 2024 was the year I finally gave up on BioWare 2 months ago:
Agreed on all points. I decided to do a full series playthrough after I finished, and aside from how action oriented the combat is, it really reminds me of DA2. It feels more like you’re playing the character of Rook, just like how you’re playing the character of Hawke. You don’t really have “evil” options, and are more railroaded because why the fuck would Varric recruit someone to be his number 2 that has evil tendencies? You’re not a blank slate nobody like your character in 1 and 3.
My biggest complaint is it feels like a lot of your companions don’t really talk to you that much. You get to know 1 part about them and that’s it, we needed more dialogue with them!
- Comment on Stop making up states 2 months ago:
I wish!
- Comment on Houses in my area increases 82% in just 4 years 3 months ago:
Well, the house I’m living in now was built in the 1960s, and is also still very solid.
- Comment on Houses in my area increases 82% in just 4 years 3 months ago:
My parents’ timber house is from the 1780s and is still solid. So, 240 years at least, give or take. I’m aware of plenty of timber houses from the 1600s that are still standing and functional as well.
- Comment on Anon has a special request 5 months ago:
- Comment on Sonos lays off 100 employees as its app crisis continues 6 months ago:
It really does feel like their setup process is broken! Also, they fortunately only seem to break every 6ish months or so, which isn’t a lot but it’s really not great either. Maybe since it’s a newer one it’ll break less for the person you set it up for!
- Comment on Sonos lays off 100 employees as its app crisis continues 6 months ago:
I have a few of them at work, installed by my predecessor. They randomly break when the app updates and are a pain to get back online.
- Comment on I'm am myself and myself is bad at fitting in 8 months ago:
The character is Gowron, from Star Trek TNG and DS9. It’s an edit though.
- Comment on What happens when every time your browser sends data to a tracker it makes a beep sound? 10 months ago:
It went up by 2 while typing that comment!
- Comment on What happens when every time your browser sends data to a tracker it makes a beep sound? 10 months ago:
Might be related, but even youtube, after 8 minutes of video that tab has 90 blocks.
- Comment on What happens when every time your browser sends data to a tracker it makes a beep sound? 10 months ago:
I built this computer just under 3 months ago and I’m at 5.26M.