What a bunch of clowns. When Sonos launched in 2004 they were far ahead of any other company in the connected speaker landscape. And they stayed best-of-the-best for a dozen years. Since the S1/S2 split they have been on a steady down trajectory with no signs of improvement.
Now another bunch of employees are getting the axe while the decision makers who have steadily ruined their service remain at the helm. Good job, Sonos.
If I was shopping for speakers right now I know exactly what not to buy.
desentizised@lemm.ee 6 months ago
I bought a used old gen Sonos Connect about a year ago to integrate my Logitech Z906 into an existing pair of Sonos speakers. They made it deliberately tedious to downgrade those speakers (who had gotten the S2 “blessing”) back to S1 to make them work with the Sonos Connect. I’m an IT repair shop guy and I cursed all the way through this downgrade process.
I would have gladly bought current hardware from them again if their prices were anywhere within the realm of plausibility. Credit where it’s due, that Sonos Connect hookup with the 2 wall-mounted 1st party speakers works absolutely reliably. That company just seriously lost its bearings since they engineered those parts.