- Comment on When people in constitutional monarchies pledge loyalty to the monarch, is it actually for real, or just symbolic / a pro-forma thing? 6 days ago:
In the British monarchy, the monarch (“the Crown”) and the person who is the current monarch are considered distinct “people” with their own separate possessions (i.e. King Charles as the Crown owns property separately to Charles Windsor the private citizen).
So these oaths are meant to be pledging loyalty to the Crown, in its role as the embodiment of the British state, as opposed to the king personally.
The commons library is a treasure trove of information about the UK’s fascinating and complex constitution, I’d strongly recommend giving it a read if you’re interested in this sort of stuff!
Commons Library: the Crown and the constitution
In particular, I’d recommend checking out The United Kingdom constitution – a mapping exercise, which is a document intended to be a reasonably thorough summary of the UK’s constitution and where it comes from. It’s ~300 pages so I wouldn’t recommend reading the whole thing, but it’s great as a reference for the parts you find interesting.
- Comment on Why don’t more people start profit-sharing companies or co-ops? 2 months ago:
No, public companies and cooperatives are completely different things
- Comment on BACK IT UP 3 months ago:
They’re hoarse
- Comment on USA President term limits 3 months ago:
It’s also worth adding, though, that the convention of only running for at most two terms had existed pretty much since the establishment of the republic (until FDR broke it), when Washington and Jefferson each chose not to run for third terms
- Comment on Why are most mobile games trash? 3 months ago:
Plus mini metro, terraria, don’t starve, wild rift, and TFT (last two are free to play, and only have cosmetic transactions)
- Comment on This feels wrong. I love it. 4 months ago:
I think BAC is supposed to be defined as a right-angle, so that AB²+AC²=CB²
=> AB+1²=0²
=> AB = √-1
=> AB = i
- Comment on Truly a tragedy of our times 4 months ago:
- Comment on Iguanadons 4 months ago:
Get the knife!
- Comment on Why are peole hating on .world? 5 months ago:
I’m such a dunce, I didn’t spot your username 🤦
Thought I was asking a db0 random, not the NaN himself
- Comment on Why are peole hating on .world? 5 months ago:
Slightly off topic, is db0 one of the anarchist instances you’re referring to? I know it’s a generally leftist instance, but don’t know much more detail than that
- Comment on Academic writing 5 months ago:
It’s saying that it uses terminology that is well-understood, specific and explicit within the field, but depends on a common understanding of the language used. So people outside the field are unable to understand it, even though they would be able to understand the actual concepts.
- Comment on More 5 months ago:
It sounds hot, though
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Lula Brazil is very different from bolsonaro Brazil
- Comment on little hopper 6 months ago:
And the overreaction of the year award goes to…
- Comment on Thousands of counter-protesters take to UK streets as far-right unrest fails to materialise 7 months ago:
I think you misunderstand the idea - he wasn’t proposing hiring more police, but temporarily increasing the total man-hours being worked to make sure there is sufficient capacity to respond
- Comment on what is with child names like Aiden, Braiden etc? 7 months ago:
What’s with your name, buzz?
- Comment on The taste of 🦅🇺🇲 Freedom 🇺🇸🦅 7 months ago:
This is a knife and fork burger if I’ve ever seen one
- Comment on I wish I was as bold as these authors. 8 months ago:
Why? This is a scientific paper with a shitpost as the title
- Comment on Lemmy is the best social media 8 months ago:
“generally speaking” as in “I pulled this stat out of my ass”
Calling you a russian bot isn’t exactly a liberal policy, is it?
If your reasoning for determining someone is “a lib” is saying that, then that’s exactly how you’re using the term.
The fact you immediately assumed I was a capitalist is a pretty compelling argument that you’re not good at determining people’s ideologies based on their unrelated complaints about your bad takes
- Comment on Lemmy is the best social media 8 months ago:
Criticising liberal policy is absolutely reasonable
Using “the libs” as a catch-all term for “anyone I disagree with” is the marker of an incoming terrible take
- Comment on Lemmy is the best social media 8 months ago:
Didn’t mention capitalism, and I consider myself a socialist, but go off
- Comment on Lemmy is the best social media 8 months ago:
Word “libs” in first 5 words, opinion rejected
- Comment on Ah, memories... 8 months ago:
Or - get this - it’s because I’m from a country where having more guns than citizens isn’t considered normal.
Children aren’t old enough to vote, why the fuck would you think it’s a good idea to give them easy access to ranged, deadly weapons?
“Gunphobic” is an absurd term, because a phobia implies an irrational fear, so fearing misuse of objects explicitly created for killing things isn’t exactly a “phobia” so much as it is a legitimate concern for the country with the 2nd highest rate of firearm homicides per capita on the planet.
In my country, we don’t do “school shooting drills”. We don’t have to.
- Comment on Ah, memories... 8 months ago:
Of course, the solution to children using deadly weapons is to give them to more children. Genius!
- Comment on What do you do with your time after leaving Reddit? 10 months ago:
Listen to some music, perhaps?
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
How is turning it off an improvement over lockdown? I was under the impression that the security impact is basically the same
- Comment on NASA 10 months ago:
I feel like “moves relative” also understates just how fast it moves: ~19,000mph
- Comment on [META] Never change, lemmy.ml 1 year ago:
Have you noticed that almost every argument you have is based entirely on what other things you think communists think, as opposed to anything about what communism actually is?
Your entire ACAB argument is totally unrelated to both me and communism other than the fact that you’ve decided that’s what communists think.
Your chain of reasoning was:
(1) Communists hate police (???)
(2) Communists only hate police because they don’t work for them
(3) Police have power
(4) Power corrupts
=> (5) Communism is bad
1 & 2 are both just random bullshit you’ve decided is true about communists
3 is true
4 is true
5 is totally unrelated to 1, 2, 3 & 4
The problem with that is that power always corrupts, not matter how good its intentions
Well yes, that’s kinda the entire concept of communism. A huge part of its goal to equitably distribute wealth is that it reduces the power imbalance caused by the huge difference in wealth in capitalist economies.
- Comment on [META] Never change, lemmy.ml 1 year ago:
I think it’s also worth considering the impact of different voting systems on this as well, which is hard to do in an experimental way.
The effect of, for example, first past the post’s 2 party system is hard to know for sure, but almost certainly has a substantial impact on how political views transition over the long term.
- Comment on [META] Never change, lemmy.ml 1 year ago:
Nah man, I never said that was my stance, and that’s because it isn’t my stance. You brought ACAB up, insisted it was my opinion, and then whined that I disagreed with it. You don’t know me.
I never said that violence ends violence. I merely said that sometimes the result of violence is a better situation than without it. It’s not a simple thing to evaluate, but I would absolutely say that women having the right to vote in the UK is worth the violence they committed, and, additionally, physical violence against them is hugely reduced as a result.
Violence is sometimes worth it, and deciding when that is the case is extremely difficult to quantify. But writing off an entire economic system because one proponent of it said sometimes it’s worth it is beyond absurd.
universally agree that violence is acceptable in order to reach their goals
This is such a terrible reason. Firstly, it’s based on your personal idea of what communists think - I dare say you don’t know many communists based on this, most likely not a single one in person.
Unless you think that no violence is ever acceptable - I expect it’s unlikely you think Ukraine should stop fighting and hope the Russian army just go home - then you also hold the stance that violence is acceptable in some circumstances.
The Gandhi quote
You’ve hit the nail on the head - Gandhi was totally committed to peace and would refuse to commit violence under any circumstances. But he was acutely aware of the fact that violence could be an effective tool against oppression.