- Comment on the flies 2 months ago:
In the cited study with buckets, it was shown that striped and spotted surfaces attract fewer flies.
That makes me think if Nguni cattle Nguni cattle have an easier time with those pests.
If yes, that would be another plus for hardy landraces in place of overengineered, capitalmaxxed breeds.
- Comment on "what happened??" 3 months ago:
Are you calling the Federal Republic of Germany fascist?
- Comment on Checkmate 3 months ago:
And in German they’re “Runners”
- Comment on Could an American please prove me wrong? 3 months ago:
Well all inhabitants were pretty much thrown out or fled to Germany in fear of persecution. Then Stalin filled it up with ethnic Russians.
They do have their own identity afaik, but it stems more from the connections they made with the neighbours: Lithuania and Poland.
I don’t know how deep it goes, but Kaliningraders were more against the war as it inconvenienced them in doing their shopping in Lithuania.
Btw it’s only half of East Prussia, the southern half was given to Poland.
- Comment on Basalt Baddie 3 months ago:
Er is n richtiger Basaltkopp. Wäller, vereinigt euch!
Wällers stand with basalt heads.
- Comment on Anon doesn't know what she's doing wrong 4 months ago:
Girls ≠ Girls that are on 4chan
- Comment on Pi Day 4 months ago:
More like π days per day
- Comment on A photography depicting the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza - 2565 BCE. 7 months ago:
Imagine one person holding up a pillar of stone, the base area of the person’s width, and higher then one man. So maybe 50cm X 50cm X 300cm of solid stone. That’s more than double the weight of the person itself, probably more than 5 times.
- Comment on War crime 8 months ago:
Is this some Yor cosplay?
- Comment on Form over function, eh? 8 months ago:
Welsh representation
- Comment on Should this be in unethical life pro tips 11 months ago:
You’ll get far in the tiling business
- Comment on Help him... 11 months ago:
Dann you messed up the meter
- Comment on German Art 11 months ago:
That would be implying that only learning about battles is “learning about the 2nd ww”. And it would deny that learning about society, policy and civilian suffering is part of learning about the war.
I disagree with that.
- Comment on frog 11 months ago:
I am beef stroganoff but the beestanoff is silent
- Comment on Prometheus 11 months ago:
New day, same problems
- Comment on Anon is Icelandic 11 months ago:
Quickly, I must think of a bird endemic to Europe to not feel left out
There you go: blue tit
- Comment on Fun facts with Skeletor 1 year ago:
The city is called Wien and the sausages accordingly Wieners.
- Comment on Affordable self-care 1 year ago:
Green snow
- Comment on Do they also know C++ or Python? 1 year ago:
No worries <3
- Comment on Solve this wordsearch 😛 1 year ago:
Oak, sir, tad, bit, man, hi
- Comment on let's place it on the bottom.... 1 year ago:
Looks a little like BIrCB
I honestly thought the fifth one was a second Brazilian flag kkkkkkk
- Comment on incredible 1 year ago:
Yeh just gimme a cat fur and a plastic rod. I’ll demonstrate electrostatic on a balloon.
- Comment on Do they also know C++ or Python? 1 year ago:
It’s not about you personally, more about the education system in some countries versus others.
- Comment on Is America Really That Bad? 1 year ago:
I don’t think you understand how much of a difference it makes to speak another language.
You are far less likely to marry someone with a different language or move somewhere with a different language. From what I read on the internet, Americans move between states several times in their lives. That is a very equalising factor for the culture and general way of life. There’s much more exchange and assimilation if there is constant mixing.
How a French person and a German person view life, work and public conduct can differ greatly. And the differences won’t be equalised soon, because of the different languages and therefore less mixing.
Surely the states have differences between them, but you have one traditional Thanksgiving dinner nationwide for example.
What an Italian considers a traditional Christmas meal would not be considered “christmassy” in Finland.
On the political sphere, there are constitutional monarchies, presidential republics, parliamentarian republics, oligarchies and dictatorships in Europe. Personal freedom and safety might differ greatly. But even within the EU, where personal rights are more or less equal there are still so many cultural differences. At what age you move out, how prestigious it is to go to university, if cooking at home is a great value.
Even architectural trends are different in each country.
Not to diminish the diversity in the US, but two different countries is just another level.
- Comment on "Thank you For Your Service"... During the Revolutionary War! 1 year ago:
Yes, it would be different but not necessarily better. There is no moral value in the US owning that land. If it was owned by Spain, or maybe have many different independence movements and be owned by native peoples, would it be worse?
The Great plains would also still exist (as would Louisiana and Florida)??? They don’t vanish if someone else governs them.
- Comment on "Thank you For Your Service"... During the Revolutionary War! 1 year ago:
Which wouldn’t be too bad.
The citizens didn’t gain much through the conquest.
- Comment on "AI going to take our jobs" 1 year ago:
Ahh Kiribati. A member of the Caribbean, African and Pacific states. What a group!
Might as well put the kingdom of the Netherlands in there.
- Comment on "AI going to take our jobs" 1 year ago:
Arguably Georgia as well.
- Comment on built different 1 year ago:
Come on dude. We didn’t leave all our joke sensors on reddit, did we? I mean reddit had enough missed pointes on its own already, but you’re smarter than them.
- Comment on started my day, had a breakdown, bon appetit 1 year ago:
James acaster reference in this economy?