- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 1 month ago:
Unintentional deaths www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/accidental-injury.htm
Homicide statistics statista.com/…/murder-victims-in-the-us-by-gender…
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 1 month ago:
You are 10x more likely to die by falling, car crash or unintentionally poisoned than get murdered.
You are 20x more likely to die by falling, car crash, or unintentionally poisoned than get murdered, as a woman.
Women are actually much less likely to get murdered in general.
Stop villainizing men. This is equally as idiotic as villainizing POC because they have higher crime rates Dont sink to the level of the GOP by generalizing. The unfair alienation of young men is real, and ultimately cost us the election, just so we can feel better than them.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 2 months ago:
I genuinely dont understand this. On time my friend bought an rtx 3060 (was using rx580).
I asked “oh cool, whay new games are you gonna play?”. She said “none, I’m just gonna play the same ones”. I asked “what was wrong with the old card?” And she said “idk just felt like I need a new one.” We play games like tf2…
I just don’t get this type of behaviour. She also has like 14 pairs of sneakers.
- Comment on MS new captcha: Why did it have to be that hard!?!? 2 months ago:
Honestly captchas and the enshittification of the internet has completely driven me away from tech. Its become so user hostile that it simply is no longer worth the effort. There have been times where just to access a page I have to do five rounds of captchas.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 months ago:
I’m glad people love the scent of wood. Working with green oak blew me away. It smells sweet! It kind of smells like vanilla and cinnamon. Theres actually a guy who made oak flavored ice cream by toasting oak scraps and soaking them in the cream he intended to use.
Also good to know i shouldn’t be self conscious of all the scars and stuff. Thought it’d make me look like an idiot haha.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 months ago:
Especially cause chairs are fucking hard (for the good ones). Lots of specialtly equipment to make it. A steam box, a kiln, bending jigs, all sorts of cushioning, fabric, springs, twine, burlap, its mind-blowing. I saw a master upholsterer give a demonstration and the depth of the craft of just constructing the cushion is jaw dropping.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 months ago:
Any women here who can give insight on why woodworking is attractive? I thought my hands would be too grimy with sharpening grit, everything covered in chips and shavings and my hands covered in scars for it to be considered attractive.
Also do you find power tools or hand tools more attractive?
- Comment on The most powerful brain on Twitter 4 months ago:
Minus the “leftist” part of his argument, his assumption is correct. Reasonable laws and measures can be abused by power to oppress the people. Give the government an inch of power and they will take it a mile.
Using grounds of “preventing the spread of rabies” authorities invaded this man’s home and killed his pets. Keep this in mind whenever giving the government any power. It is clear trump wants as much power as possible, even complimenting Hitler’s generals for their loyalty and obedience.
- Comment on Houses in my area increases 82% in just 4 years 4 months ago:
Where tf do you live then? You’re just gonna need to buy another home
- Comment on Honey 5 months ago:
This is probably a hot take but I have the opinion that nature isn’t any more merciful than we are. Existence is suffering and every animal ends up as feed for another.
Is it better to be raised in horrid conditions in a farm, or to spend every moment of your life scavenging for food, running for your life, while probably infested with parasites just to be torn to pieces, alive, by a wolf or other predator?
Humans at least have the decency to sedate or knock unconscious our food. Wild animals have to experience being eaten alive.
- Comment on Honey 5 months ago:
Yeah exactly, people arguing whether dragon fruit or some shit is a “super food”. The super food is right in front of us, potatoes (and onions).
What other food has been so vital to our survival that its disappearance could ravage a population (Irish potato famine)
No offense to dragon fruit, blue berries or whatever exotic fruit, but if they went extinct, not that much could change.
- Comment on Honey 5 months ago:
I feel like instead of a giant push for veganism, there should just be a push to eat what’s sustainable.
Beef and dairy? Causes huge amount of greenhouse gasses and with current methods of production, it is not sustainable
Blue fin tuna? These things have been way over fished and are endangered. Not sustainable, just try it once and move one with your life.
Tilapia ? These things grow like weeds and can be fed efficiently. Go ahead, good source of protein for your diet.
Honey? We need bees and they are an important pollinator for crops. Go nuts (just watch your sugar intake}
Almonds? Takes huge amounts of water to grow and exacerbates droughts in the areas they are farmed. Eat less of these.
Potatoes? Grow stupid easily in all sorts of conditions. Go nuts.
- Comment on Self care 5 months ago:
I’m here to chew buttplugs and kick gum
And I’m all out of buttplugs
- Comment on Self care 5 months ago:
Have a fidget spinner in your other hand, chew gum and start blowing bubbles, oh and wear a vibrating buttplug.
- Comment on Artifical Intelligence 5 months ago:
Bullshit. AI is taking over everything I enjoy doing. Drawing, writing, making music, what will be left to accomplish? To create? To have pride in?
There’s no pride in clicking generate every couple minutes.
Curse this lifeless world we now live.
- Comment on Anon recommends a cast iron pan 5 months ago:
I use a wok and I wish I could use it for everything. I love that little damn thing to bits. I have only seasoned it twice (removed the previous one due to rust) and it can fry an egg fine.
It handles soap, tomatoes and other acidic foods fine as well. Didn’t use any fancy oil, just avocado oil.
My mom’s 300$ tephlon pans don’t even last more than 8 months without getting nicks. My Lil fella is 15 years old.
They want to brainwash into using expensive, disposable, products.
- Comment on Drake 5 months ago:
¯\\ (ツ) _/¯
- Comment on Drake 5 months ago:
oooooooooh noooooooo
- Comment on Drake 5 months ago:
- Comment on Drake 5 months ago:
This is how I felt since like iOS 7. I also use android now so ¯_ (ツ) _/¯
- Comment on how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do? 6 months ago:
Double than ANY of our salaries with their passive gains. Few of the working class are failures, only the system
- Comment on Why does the USA have so few legal protections for ordinary people, and how can we change that? 6 months ago:
And Viola Ants
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
I’m in a very similar spot. My mom is starting to slip mentally and the further she slides, the more hateful she becomes. Before she knew and were friends with many diverse people. Now she hates their kind. Gays, trans, immigrants, blacks, etc.
I theorize the more you decline mentally, and lose your ability to critically think, the most convincing arguments are most repeated ones. I’ve noticed that the strength of her opinions are usually based on the frequency that she hears it. I can predict how often she’s gonna start ranting about black people, trans pedophiles, electric vehicles by the amount of content she’s watching. The more she watches, the more she argues.
I can’t seem to break her out of this cycle. The right has thoroughly brainwashed her that Democrats and leftists are scum and should only exist to be shamed and exiled. If an opinion or fact is even slightly related to democratic values, she just shuts off and rejects it.
She had a PhD and was extremely successful but now she has difficulty just using the oven. There are days when she is lucid and relatively straight thinking but other days she is entirely unintelligible and relies heavily on hand gestures.
Sometimes I wish she would pass. She causes so much pain for everyone around her (my sisters went no contact) and she is in pain herself. She is so extremely stressed and fears that antifa is going to burn down all of the great American cities, the homeless and blacks are going to ravage and loot everything and the left will be complicit since it’s their “ultimate goal” to destroy america.
It makes me extremely sad.
- Comment on Hes alive so this meme is OK right? 8 months ago:
To be fair, it was a point blank shot, and there wasn’t secret service up the ass everywhere.
- Comment on I'm just gonna stick to slotted, thanks 8 months ago:
I repair a lot of tech and I have never seen torx other than the standard, and security version. And security torx drivers are compatible with regular torx
- Comment on Hello lovelies!!! 8 months ago:
I think it’s because of Americanized potato salad. The kind with miracle whip and tons of corn syrup. I’ve had mayo based salads like this and it makes me want to puke (as an American lol)
I think this plays with the stereotype that weird eccentric middle aged people like weird/gross food. Sort of like jello salad coincidentally (search it up, it is foul).
- Comment on it takes time to start appreciating imperfections instead of beauty 9 months ago:
As a diy-er Always found it funny how YouTubers always have the most pristine tools while professionals will have the dingiest, sketchiest tools. Granted, YouTubers are representing their craft but the two (professional and YouTuber) are very distinct from each other.
It’s ok to have tools that look like they’ve gone through hell and back, because that’s the only way you know they have.
- Comment on Anon wants to ride a zeppelin 10 months ago:
To be honest it’s pretty unfair to compare something built before humans sent anything into space, vs something after we’ve made it to Mars. There is over 60 years of innovation between the Hindenburg and the airbus.
- Comment on Day one and done 10 months ago:
Even pizza dough and sauce is a scam. You really got to do everything from scratch.
On the bright side you can make a big ass batch of sauce and dough and make your own frozen pizzas to bake when you don’t feel like cooking.
- Comment on 2x2 lumber at Home Depot is now 1.28x1.28. Nominal size is supposed to be 1.5 10 months ago:
It’s weird because it’s the size of lumber BEFORE smoothing the edges. Manufacturers take this inch a mile and the 2x4 (as well as all other dimensional lumber) has gotten smaller and smaller.