This is a fair part assesment, however you also have to consider how people take care of their tools. A 40 year old tool that looks as beat up as a 5 year old tool has been taken care of better by the owner/user.
That said, I feel like we all have that massive sacrificial flat head that’s no longer flat, super warped, got electrical bites, and still keeps chugging. 8 months ago
There’s a joke in the climbing community, “never trust a person with shiny gear”, and I think it might well apply to DIY as well 8 months ago
This is why I was so hesitant to buying new climbing shoes, even though mine were completely falling apart. I didn’t want to go back to being seen as a newb when not on the wall. 8 months ago
Aww, I’m sure nobody would actually look down on new shoes; it’s not like they don’t wear and you can only resole them a few times before they’re better off being retired. Plus anybody who actually gets judgy is an asshole anyhow 8 months ago
Yeah nobody actually cared except me. Those shoes represented so much progress that I was sad to let them go. 8 months ago
Nobody who matters judges new shoes, but you can also extend the life of your shoes by resoling them before they get torn up. does mail in resoling, but there could be a place near you. Huge savings! 8 months ago
That’s great to know. Thanks for the link. The shoes I replaced were pretty mild, all-around shoes, so I was glad that I replaced them in the end. I went with a more aggressive, down-turned toe, and a stiffer heel. They come off as soon as I’m not climbing, but they are awesome while on the wall.