- Comment on What is with volatile QR codes in membership accounts? 5 days ago:
Catima FTW
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
who has evet said, "I wish i had less pizza to eat :)
I have said it before. But usually after eating way too much pizza.
- Comment on Not enough people buying Premium, eh? 2 months ago:
I haven’t personally used it, but a buddy likes it.
- Comment on Not enough people buying Premium, eh? 2 months ago:
- Comment on Not enough people buying Premium, eh? 2 months ago:
I’ve got smartube on my fire TV
- Comment on Mail addressed to Mr. and Mrs. (husbands name) 4 months ago:
Fair enough, my Canadian bias snuck in there.
- Comment on Mail addressed to Mr. and Mrs. (husbands name) 4 months ago:
Seems strange to me, but you do you!
- Comment on Mail addressed to Mr. and Mrs. (husbands name) 4 months ago:
Wouldn’t you be common-law after 35 years?
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Specific to the USA “70-78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck” source
- Comment on it takes time to start appreciating imperfections instead of beauty 8 months ago:
This is a fair part assesment, however you also have to consider how people take care of their tools. A 40 year old tool that looks as beat up as a 5 year old tool has been taken care of better by the owner/user.
That said, I feel like we all have that massive sacrificial flat head that’s no longer flat, super warped, got electrical bites, and still keeps chugging.
- Comment on Space Cadet Trailer #1 (2024) 8 months ago:
Legally blonde… IN SPACE
- Comment on Missing cold pizza 8 months ago:
Bacon thrice.
Coffee thrice.
- Comment on This used book that I bought for 12£ on the internet was apparently previously bought from Oxfam for 1.99£ 9 months ago:
The picture shows ISBN 9781784708276
I search this to get the title: “Entangled Life - How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds and Shape Our Futures”
I see £, so I’m going to assume it’s the UK. I pitched Manchester as a city to search.
I search the book.
Seven 2021 versions, three 2020 versions, and audio book are available.
- Comment on This used book that I bought for 12£ on the internet was apparently previously bought from Oxfam for 1.99£ 9 months ago:
0.0£ at your local library.
- Comment on Yes, you cannot, so to do it do like this 10 months ago:
Facebook is a community where people use their authentic identities. It’s against the Facebook Community Standards to maintain more than one personal account.
So yes, you CAN, but it’s against their community standards.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
You got libraries where you are?
Mine does online rentals for digital products (movies, TV, audiobooks, ebooks).
- Comment on I was handed this lovely flyer while grocery shopping 10 months ago:
My 5G mobile coverage improves about 7 days after my annual shot.
I figure by 2027 I can ditch my home router.
- Comment on Live Nation/Ticket Master won't give you your tickets unless you install their app 10 months ago:
I lived in a small town with a small theatre.
If you couldn’t make a show, you called it in and they’d try to resell your ticket; if they succeed, you we’re refunded. So there was no “due date/time” but the sooner you asked them to resell, the better your odds.
- Comment on This grocery store charges a hefty handling fee and asks for a tip when using online ordering. 10 months ago:
Don’t forget to tip Galen Weston.
- Comment on This isn't a "hybrid" schedule, that's a 4 day work week 1 year ago:
It’s hybrid because you get to work from home when we want you to work evenings and weekends!
- Comment on This fucking scourge, when you own a business. Even if it's the top result in a search in your area 1 year ago:
Hi! I was checking your website.
- Comment on This person's rejection reason 1 year ago:
Just set your profile to @ not US system and your birthday will be 20/4 instead!
- Comment on Current state of Reddit 1 year ago:
When I need something, I go through my self-hosted libreddit instance.
I’ve also set up autoforwarding in case I accidentally click a Reddit link in the wild.
- Comment on Possible headcanon reason why consoles always explode on the bridge 1 year ago:
Consoles are rigged with explosives to keep the lower decks in line.
- Comment on Oh great, I'm applying to a university that doesn't proofread their own stuff. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Oh great, I'm applying to a university that doesn't proofread their own stuff. 1 year ago:
College/university can be inclusive of those who have done / are doing both.
Someone who has attended, or is attending, college and university would have to answer no to “college or university”
- Comment on Oh great, I'm applying to a university that doesn't proofread their own stuff. 1 year ago:
Even as a grammar expert, it’s easier to find other’s typos than your own.
I’m a ruthless editor that can drill in and find minute details and the smallest errors in two languages.
I’ve also misspelled my own name in formal documents.
- Comment on I'm so sick of dinky shitty devices with garbage rechargeable batteries 1 year ago:
I’ve got a black diamond headlamp that I’ve been using for 20 years. Cost me less than $40, runs in triples, has seen some serious shit, been banged, stomped, and submerged. It’s still going strong (I assume. It’s been in a box for a year, but the last time I left it in a box for two years, it just needed new batteries).
- Comment on Linux thinks "linux" is not a word 1 year ago:
I logically know you meant this as in a noun that refers to a specific person, place, or thing.
But I’m just reading as a British person excited about a noun. “Proper fucking noun, innit”
- Comment on Shrinkflation hits IKEA Family by removing 5% discount 1 year ago:
There is no free Ikea coffee in Québec or Ontario.
The member card here gives access to some discounts (not a flat discount, but discounts on whatever thing they decided to put on sale) and an extended return window.