- Comment on The Onion wins bidding for InfoWars assets | CNN Business 5 weeks ago:
This story reads like an Onion article and I’m absolutely fucking here for it. For someone who made a career out of owning the libs, having your assets owned by libs is sweet justice.
- Comment on Save 100% on Minimalism on Steam 2 months ago:
Thanks! Free game!
- Comment on Borderlands' theatrical run grinds to a halt with just $31 million worldwide, which is barely enough to cover the marketing costs 3 months ago:
Found Butcher!
- Comment on Starbucks’ new CEO faces backlash over 1,000-mile commute to Seattle office 3 months ago:
The Behind the Bastards episodes on this dickbag is a solid listen.
- Comment on Pill bottle 3 months ago:
It’s hella bangin’
- Comment on 2005 Chevy Astro 4 months ago:
This sounds rad as fuck
- Comment on Run for it Marty! 4 months ago:
Who do you think?!?
- Comment on Mysterious Arrival 7 months ago:
Wow Amon got Fabulous
- Comment on InstantID: Zero-shot Identity-Preserving Generation in Seconds 1 year ago:
This is one of the first posts I’ve seen that blows my mind about the possibility of AI for art that isn’t just mishmash.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 02-10-2023 1 year ago:
How do you like it compared to the first? Loved fallen order but holding off on Survivor until there’s a good sale.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 02-10-2023 1 year ago:
I’ve been bouncing between Red Dead 2 and Cyberpunk (don’t have the new DLC yet though, was going to clear all the base gigs first). I love the open world whiplash I’m getting between these two amazing character driven stories.
- Comment on How are we supposed to convene an impartial jury for a trial involving high profile political people? [USA] 1 year ago:
Nobody’s ignoring it. There’s plenty of room to investigate that too. Corruption of any source SHOULD be confronted and removed regardless of affiliation, but that wasn’t the point of the exercise. Besides, your assumption of my lack of morals from a single reply (and regarding a what-aboutism to boot) is just another logical fallacy. There’s more of them too if you’re looking for more ways to be an unreasonable contrarian online.
- Comment on How are we supposed to convene an impartial jury for a trial involving high profile political people? [USA] 1 year ago:
Nice what-aboutism, Biden’s son isn’t even an elected official in any capacity. False equivalence is a red flag logical fallacy.