- Comment on FBC: Firebreak Gameplay Trailer 1 week ago:
So… its an extraction shooter set in the oldest house? I’m game.
- Comment on PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games, oh and there are apparently 908 million of us now 1 week ago:
Well. The nature of my backlog is like I wait for games to come down in price and by the time I get to them they’re 10 years old haha.
I also have a habit of playing through the entire series before playing the newest one. I’m currently playing Legrnd of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion which is the 4th game from Japan in that series but the 2nd to be released in US, SO I’m playing through it even though I don’t like it and will beat the next two games to finally play Trails in the Sky which is the one I really probably should have started with.
I do that with all my games, like Doom Eternal looks cool and so does the upcoming Dark Ages, but I went back and played Doom 1 & 2. 64, then the updated remaster of Doom 1 & 2 when that came out, and now I’m working on Doom 3. I got one more whole Doom game before I even get to Eternal.
- Comment on Anon shares his taste in music 5 weeks ago:
Hey now the mario soundtrack is a banger
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 2 months ago:
I couldn’t get the xbox version to run emulated. It was all black, none of the graphics loaded. But i did get the ps3 version working.
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 2 months ago:
Nah it was never added to backwards compatibility on the xbone or series X. I tried so many times with hope in my eyes to put the disc in and nada.
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 2 months ago:
Yeha but the pessimist in me thinks of box’s backwards compatibility where only the games they curated would work. Still can’t play eternal sonata anymore.
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 2 months ago:
What bugs me is i thought it was cause of the switch 2 pending, but turns out the switch 2 won’t be fully backwards compatible Image
- Comment on I don't have to check the price because I know I can't afford it. 2 months ago:
Closer to 100k. I still owe about 75k. I couldn’t get anything on a 3 year plan. I’m on 5-10 years depending on the loan. My mortgage is about 2k a month and the repairs are another 1k a month, half my mortgage
- Comment on I don't have to check the price because I know I can't afford it. 2 months ago:
Whenever I get back on my feet life seems to kick me down again. I never am good at saving, but every time I start to get my debt under control,pay off a loan or something, something else hits me that i need to take out another loan for, or i lose my job and have to struggle to pay the bills for a few months while racking up credit card debt. The house I moved to 3 years ago was the single worst financial decision I ever made, and I wound up having a day 1 plumbing emergency (6k), replacing the roof and all the windows (30k each), replacing the dish washer, clothes washer, and dryer (another 6k), having the sewer line collapse for 12k, finding out all the electrical outlets used aluminum wiring and were sparking during the winter when it got cold so another 7k, the finished basement started flooding and to get it waterproofed they had to rip out the finishing and that cost 7k to do, and the repairs to put it all back will be another 7k after I pay off this other loan I’m close to paying off. That’s just the past 3 years but my life has been a Neverending series of crap like this.
- Comment on I don't have to check the price because I know I can't afford it. 2 months ago:
I always thought of the point known as ‘making it’ was the point at which i could just go to the grocery store or a restaurant or a movie and just not worry about how much I was spending comfortable that I had enough. Never got there.
- Comment on Guys, what did you buy during the Steam autumn sale? 3 months ago:
Mainly Banishers Ghosts of New Eden. I don’t have much money at the moment due to almost 4 months of unemployment, just got a new job and with my first paycheck from 4 days of work I got that, plus the new humble bundle, a couple coloring packs cause I like the pixel coloring books, and a couple games that were $2-3 each: a zelda clone called Blossom Tales, The Snow Fable: Mystery of the Flame (I also like hidden object adventure games), a lovecraftian 2d platformer called The Last Case of Benedict Fox, and adventure game version of Sherlock Holmes: Hound of the Baskervilles and a Wipeout clone called Flashout 3.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 months ago:
I beg to argue that being able to 3d model the figures and printing your own original creations is far more attractive than downloading a file aomeone else made and printing that.
- Comment on Here are the patents Nintendo and The Pokémon Company are suing Palworld over 4 months ago:
Seriously? Are they gonna go after TemTem. Coromon, Cassette Beasts, or any number of Pokémon clones for being too similar? The only thing i can see as a legitimate thing to sue on is if they find out palworld did use AI based off of Pokémon models to generate their models, but I think that was just a rumor anyway.
- Comment on Why do Republicans bring up Kamala's "lies"/shortcomings as a way to claim Trump is better? 4 months ago:
Not OP, but boomers, you never refer to them as their first name, it’s always Mr. or mrs. Last name. Genx started the trope of 'Done call me Mr. X, Mr. X was my father. Genx started the trend of calling everyone by their given name that stuck with millenials and gen z.
- Comment on No Man's Sky The Cursed Expedition 5 months ago:
So… they saw starfield’s expansion and were like, yeah we can do that but better
- Comment on Do you actually care about your friend's new baby, vacation abroad or similar life events or are you just being nice? 5 months ago:
Depends how close i am to them. If it’s a passive acquaintance I’m like, happy for them but in a fleeting sort of way?
- Comment on What letter has the best games? 5 months ago:
F encompasses all the Final Fantasy , Final Fight, Fable, Fallout, Far Cry, Forza Horizon series, and some individual games like Forspoken, Forsaken, Fez, Fermi Paradox, Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy, Mae tactics and many others.
- Comment on Let me at 'em!! 5 months ago:
That’s gotta be the sharpest knife in existence having a diameter of half an atom…
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
Not sure on the stats on cart returnable at ALDI but I assume most people return their carts there.
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
Aldi is the only grocery store around here that does that, and it’s a German chain so…
- Comment on Star Wars: Outlaws being a "AAAA Game" for 3 minutes 6 months ago:
I mean… all these glitches really seem tame compared to skyrim on launch. Talk about a dumpster fire but it’s one of the best selling games of the century.
- Comment on The food delivery bubble is bursting — and maybe that's not a bad thing 7 months ago:
I ahve adhd and I will tell you that seems way too hard when I’m lacking executive function. Way too many steps. Much easier is either to grab something pre-made like an uncrushable or something for fryer that is literally just put in and press button. Or the ramen in a cup I can just add hot water to from my water fountain that can just give me hot water I don’t need to boil.
- Comment on The food delivery bubble is bursting — and maybe that's not a bad thing 7 months ago:
If I’m looking at the delivery app I’ve already decided I don’t have the energy to cook haha
- Comment on The food delivery bubble is bursting — and maybe that's not a bad thing 7 months ago:
I open the app to try to find what I want to eat, then look at the prices and decide to drive there myself and get the food which saves $10-$20.
- Comment on Conversing with Mathematicians 8 months ago:
Unless I was in that clas where we had to write mathematical proofs. I HATED those. Sure, you solved the question but write out this complicated reason for why your answer is the correct answer.
- Comment on Are there any good casual/low-stress mobile games that aren't filled with microtransactions? 8 months ago:
You didn’t build a garden in bejeweled. I said original match 3 and build. I was playing bejeweled on a flip phone. Didn’t know about shariki.
- Comment on Are there any good casual/low-stress mobile games that aren't filled with microtransactions? 8 months ago:
Gardenscapes is the original match 3 and build a mansion and is still my favorite. There are micro transactions to get additional power ups, but the fact that they are constantly updating with new seasonal events and you never run out of levels
- Comment on Meet my new puppy: Ass! 9 months ago:
Actually, Alfredo is an amazing name for that little goi
- Comment on What kind of institutional gaslighting is this? 10 months ago:
Yep just me doing extra work for no salary… well. I dunno. Company just implemented a new bonus structure based on the hours you record per project. I know it’s just so they can see who’s underperformed to fire, but I might get quarterly bonuses now for working longer hours.
- Comment on What kind of institutional gaslighting is this? 10 months ago:
And thus is my greatest weakness cause I hate being bored so if I run out of work I look for more.