Oh, the pirates of the internet, They sail the digital seas, With their flags of skull and crossbones, And their hard drives full of keys.
But beware, ye scurvy dogs, For the law is on our tail, And if they catch you stealing, You’ll be left to rot in jail.
- Comment on True Romance 5 weeks ago:
Lmao, this is the way… 😂
- Comment on Make sure you get in early fellow Patriots! 2 months ago:
im going to preorder the fuck out of this
- Comment on Make sure you get in early fellow Patriots! 2 months ago:
thanks for reading between the lines on this chad mctruth they clearly display the word SMELANIA which is a mashup of SMEL[L] and MELANIA which is all the proof any patriot needs
- Comment on Things weren't bad enough and then a Moose attacks you 2 months ago:
You aren’t gonna freeze to death in the 60 seconds it takes to get from your car to your front door. If the sun’s out and snow is on the ground, it’s still t-shirt weather in my book. (Canadian here, lol)
- Comment on Reminder for all Lemmy moderators and admins. 4 months ago:
- Comment on I'm surprised it hasn't been taken down yet ...well maybe not that surprised 4 months ago:
Are you really arguing we should all be nicer to literal Nazis? That’s the group we are talking about.
- Comment on I'm surprised it hasn't been taken down yet ...well maybe not that surprised 4 months ago:
Nazis aren’t people
- Comment on Life imitates art? 5 months ago:
It’s because you are using a VPN. You always get a ton more captchas when using a VPN on some websites. Mainly because they don’t want you using one, so you can be tracked for ads.
- Comment on Oh Elon 6 months ago:
tbh it looks a lot more like parody to me. Also, please by mindful of community rule 5.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Oh damn. Autocomplete + tiredness for the win I guess :p
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
I think it’s exactly what @HerdingSnails@lemmings.world said. I assumed it was some kind of dodgy spam at first until I checked your post history. It’s definitely off-putting for users linking from a NSFW tagged post straight to another website with an NSFW pop-up, and a login prompt. Very few people would go to the bother of creating an account just to see unknown content, so I’d guess that’s the main problem with it.
- Comment on Anon drinks milk 7 months ago:
The Myth That Protein Reduces Bone Health
Despite all the calcium that dairy contains, some believe that its high protein content can cause osteoporosis.
The reason is that when protein is digested, it increases the acidity of the blood. The body then pulls calcium from the blood to neutralize the acid.
This is the theoretical basis for the acid-alkaline diet, which is based on choosing foods that have a net alkaline effect and avoiding foods that are “acid forming.”
However, there really isn’t much scientific support for this theory.
If anything, the high protein content of dairy is a good thing. Studies consistently show that eating more protein leads to improved bone health (4, 5, 6, 7).
Not only is dairy rich in protein and calcium, it’s also loaded with phosphorus. Full-fat dairy from grass-fed cows also contains some vitamin K2.
Protein, phosphorus and vitamin K2 are all very important for bone health (8, 9).
Not only is dairy rich in calcium, it also contains large amounts of protein and phosphorus, all of which are important for optimal bone health.
- Comment on It was only a fish! 8 months ago:
- Comment on Has Elon Musk made any sexist remarks? 9 months ago:
This dude is getting legitimately downvoted for JAQing off. Also, his home instance is explicitly anti-corporate and anarchist, so defending right wing billionaires is against our rules. You are correct that Lemmy is generally left of centre, depending on the instance, so JAQing in defense of billionaire assholes is never gonna go down well.
- Comment on snek id 11 months ago:
It holds true enough for North America, but not in other parts of the world, e.g. Africa. So yes, it should have a disclaimer.
This is obviously not true as many of the dangerous snakes in Southern Africa have paired subcaudal scales including the Black Mamba, Green Mamba, Cape Cobra, Vine Snake, Boomslang and Puff Adder to name a few.
- Comment on Progress! 11 months ago:
Showing my age here, but there’s a great Improvised Star Trek episode about this exact topic, if you like improv: Time & Punishment 🤣