- Comment on How did people poop before smartphones were invented? 5 months ago:
We read the backs of shampoo bottles.
- Comment on So THIS is the correct way! 7 months ago:
I can hear the theme song
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 7 months ago:
Love them. There are tons on unnecessary things we do.
- Comment on There's rupees in there 7 months ago:
That’s how you get to the dead world in bettleguise
- Comment on Cursed wretched marketing 7 months ago:
Grab your pitchforks gang. OP is selling us snake oil posts!!!?
- Comment on Horse kicks tree, farts on dogs then runs away. 8 months ago:
This is one of my favorite videos ever. It just is what it is and I’m all for it.
- Comment on What is that sound effect in the House M.D theme music? 9 months ago:
guitar string harmonic run through a ring modulator, delay and EQ.
- Comment on Maggots 9 months ago:
Looks like a goofy Micro Walrus.
- Comment on Maggots 9 months ago:
- Comment on Quite a talent 10 months ago:
Well, there are two schools of thought. Smell vs Sound.
- Comment on The moment the cargo ship hit the Key Bridge 11 months ago:
Nothing like Michael Bay would have us believe.
- Comment on What are the other 6 Ds? 11 months ago:
I imagine the conversation to start this company went something like this…
- Comment on Aliens decide to communicate with us 1 year ago:
Show them my tinyverse
- Comment on Interior design 1 year ago:
Then we are gunna do the bad thang on the good foot.
- Comment on Nothing to see here, right? 1 year ago:
Because of the ass it’s been jammed into.
- Comment on Is America Really That Bad? 1 year ago:
American here. Lived in California most of my life just outside LA in suburbs. Ventura as well. Lived in Tennessee for 2 years and Idaho 2. I’ve seen people open carry a few times. I own a gun and I’ve never seen or heard a gun fired outside of a gun range. I’m 40 btw. It’s not that bad here. It’s big and there are a lot of people so the news has tons of opportunities to present the worst of humanity which makes up a small percentage.
- Comment on I love d 1 year ago:
She was gunna start Wang’s
- Comment on 62% of Student Loan Borrowers Say They're Likely to Boycott Repayments: Poll 1 year ago:
Life finds a way. Do you want me to explain deeper into how a married man and woman living together end up making babies? To be fair. Our third was an accident and it was a hard decision to go through with it. Also, with each child a momentary boost or good news was had monetarily that would soon become moot.
And if starting out wealthy is all you seem to think should drive humans having children, consider how many people have fallen into poverty or are living paycheck to paycheck that would have otherwise not had children. The economy would collapse.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 17-08-2023 1 year ago:
Finally tried Just Cause 2 and it’s super fun. The physics is hilarious.
- Comment on 62% of Student Loan Borrowers Say They're Likely to Boycott Repayments: Poll 1 year ago:
I live paycheck to paycheck on 150k/year. Every time I made more, more was needed for rent, medical, car maintenance, lemon cars breaking down, gas, 3 kids food… Right on the perfect path where every time I needed something I was in the perfect position to be fucked by high interest rates and not being able to make sound financial decisions before hand. Because I never started with money. I get so angry when people tell me “but you make good money.” But I have tons of debt from living on the edge for decades. I do absolutely nothing because I have no money left over at the end of each paycheck.
No idea where $610/month is going to come from. So again, yes I make “good money” but the path to get here has taken it all and is still taking.