Comment on 62% of Student Loan Borrowers Say They're Likely to Boycott Repayments: Poll ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I live paycheck to paycheck on 150k/year. Every time I made more, more was needed for rent, medical, car maintenance, lemon cars breaking down, gas, 3 kids food… Right on the perfect path where every time I needed something I was in the perfect position to be fucked by high interest rates and not being able to make sound financial decisions before hand. Because I never started with money. I get so angry when people tell me “but you make good money.” But I have tons of debt from living on the edge for decades. I do absolutely nothing because I have no money left over at the end of each paycheck.

No idea where $610/month is going to come from. So again, yes I make “good money” but the path to get here has taken it all and is still taking.
