- Comment on my boss hates this one simple trick 4 months ago:
Thank you so much for the reply! I love it when memes teach me something!
- Comment on my boss hates this one simple trick 4 months ago:
I am not a chemist, but it was my understanding that HCl isn’t a hexane. Are we just reusing glassware without removing the label, or is HCl actually a hexane?
- Comment on Anon has a back injury 4 months ago:
This shit ain’t nothing to me man
- Comment on Oxbowin' 4 months ago:
Sorry, I was just quoting Mr.Weebl’s old video about the subject, probably should have linked it in my original comment XD Youtube link
- Comment on Oxbowin' 4 months ago:
What’s the hells an oxbow?! Are our bovine friends fashioning weaponry? Someone should tell me, do I need to buy a shield?
- Comment on Let's discuss: Visual Novels 5 months ago:
They’ve all been mentioned, but I want to second my favorites of all time
- Pyre
- You me and Her a love story
- Slay the Princess
My roommate just finished ‘Until Then’ last night and she was crying her eyes out, so I know it’s gonna be good, I just haven’t played it yet.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Visual Novels 5 months ago:
Pony island was awesome! ::: Still haven’t Had the heart to reinstall it and play it again :::
- Comment on Let's discuss: Visual Novels 5 months ago:
It’s definitely not exactly DDLC, but it’s so good and unique I put it in the same 'greatest VNs of all time category. Slay the Princess is a masterpiece, and I’d urge you to bump it up on your backlog!
- Comment on Let's discuss: Visual Novels 5 months ago:
Pyre was the game that made me get into visual novels. Took me about 10 minutes to go from ‘When do I get to the game part’ to ‘Idgaf about soccer please just keep talking to me’ and I think it’s because it wasn’t marketed as a VN. All in all, everything supergiant touches is gold.
- Comment on Do rotating plates in microwaves help when heating food? 5 months ago:
The Cheese Test (youtube link) is a great way to visualize this. If the food doesn’t rotate, you end up with hot and cold spots.
(This was just the first video I could find of someone performing the test for people who hadn’t heard of it, I didn’t listen to the video, only confirm that that’s what they’re doing)
- Comment on Anon browses r/AmITheAsshole 5 months ago:
Exactly! ‘My headphones are so quiet now, could the speaker be dying?’ is something we got all the time. Most of the time when people clean their headphones, all the do is take a wipe or a brush (if you’re lucky alcohol) and clean the outside of the mesh. Half the time all they’re doing is pushing earwax through the mesh so you get a nice little wax puck when you open them up.
It’s gross, but it did feel good to be able to tell people they didn’t need new headphones, we just cleaned them for $15.
- Comment on Anon browses r/AmITheAsshole 5 months ago:
In their defense, properly cleaning headphones is kinda hard, especially wireless earbuds.
Source : Used to work at an electronics repair shop that cleaned stuff, and even clean ‘looking’ (aka externally clean) headphones can have some disgusting junk on the inside.
- Comment on Anon drives a bus 6 months ago:
Who is bringing gas inside? I’m struggling to come up with even one legitimate reason to bring gasoline inside.
- Comment on Kids at Science Fairs 6 months ago:
‘We tested each crunchwrap with the 25lb dumbbell and the-’ AND THE WHAT?! I HAVE TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED.
- Comment on I Worked For MrBeast, He's A Sociopath 6 months ago:
BlockTube. It let’s you block all kinds of stuff from specific videos to channels, even block shorts outright. I only use the channel block feature, so your milage may vary with the rest of it, but it’s pretty easy to use so it works for me.
- Comment on I Worked For MrBeast, He's A Sociopath 6 months ago:
This is what I’ve said about Mr.Beast from day 1. First video I saw of his was putting his friends in a taped off square in some backyard and the last one to leave keeps the car. So a rich asshole makes people dance for money and then he profits off the video for more than he paid. Mr.Beast is 1 of 2 youtubers that I have used an extension to explicitly block me from seeing his videos in my feed.
- Comment on What are your favourite controllers? 8 months ago:
I hugely regret not buying 10 of them when they were liquidating their stock and selling them for $5. I love mine and am really worried about what I’ll do when it inevitably breaks.
- Comment on Caves of Qud gets a huge new Beta released with the big UI redesign 9 months ago:
Your thirst is mine, my water is yours
- Comment on Allegedly* 10 months ago:
Thanks for posting this! I also googled it (It took like 10 seconds, not sure why we’re expecting so much of you below) and saw they’re are a lot of people talking about it. I don’t know how much stock I put in it personally, but it’s an interesting theory that I knew nothing about prior.
- Comment on Allegedly* 10 months ago:
I had never heard this theory prior to his death, but now I see it popping up here and there. Is there any evidence to support this? I still think he probably did it, but I’m curious as to why people are saying this now.
- Comment on My moon is in Silty Loam but my Sun sign is Clay. 11 months ago:
Who is Sandy Loam, and why can’t I reach her?
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
If you’re into colony Sims Rimworld is amazing! Biotech and Idology are also great DLC expansions that give you a lot more options. IMO Royalty is the weakest one so if you’re just starting out I might recommend passing on it unless you really love the game
- Comment on 5+ man group games 1 year ago:
This was always my issue with Dota. It just feels so sluggish to have to turn around to run away instead of instantly changing direction like in LoL. That being said I love Dota! Now whenever my friends drag me into League I constantly find myself wishing I had a courier.
- Comment on This is my life now 1 year ago:
This is the second XRA post I’ve seen on lemmy in the last 2 days. Please for the love of God keep it up
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Just stay away from the luciferium!
- Comment on Continuing the milk posting 1 year ago:
Man, I used to watch Brain Dump up until the ghost drank a glass full of cum. I kinda fell off after that.
- Comment on you are at home with your wife and daughter and this guy comes in -- what do you do? 1 year ago:
I’m in that thread as well XD I was just wondering why you didn’t want to talk about it here
- Comment on you are at home with your wife and daughter and this guy comes in -- what do you do? 1 year ago:
OP is afraid to admit he’s playing an H-game?
- Comment on Why wasn't former President Bush of the USA, charged with any crimes, when we marched into Afghanistan and Iraq by his orders, under pretenses? 1 year ago:
Preemptive strike WHITOUT formal declaration of war signed by congress and WITHOUT congressional or U.N. approval.
Isn’t he directly saying congress DIDN’T sign off on it?
- Comment on higher wages for the servers... by the customers. Fnbs 1 year ago:
I’m sure that they have a sign by the front stating that they do this. Probably on the menu as well. I doubt that most people are doing the math themselves and are more likely to see a $10 menu item and think it’s $10 + tax and fees. Basically the extra fees are an afterthought.