- Comment on Slicing in for some opinions 5 weeks ago:
You can buy a pack of 100 count blades for like 15 bucks. That should last about 2 years at one blade a week
- Comment on This year's AGDQ included someone speedrunning Elden Ring bosses with a saxophone 1 month ago:
CZR beat a Mario 64 record using a midi drum set and released it as a song
- Comment on They're waiting for you Pioneer. In the test, chamber. 2 months ago:
This is Satisfactory right? I’m definitely playing it wrong based off of these screenshots lol
- Comment on Cloud Imperium Games [Star Citizen developer] Undergoes Major Shake-Up to Hit Deadlines 2 months ago:
I’m surprised they set a deadline at all, considering how the game itself will never release
- Comment on Friday the 13th studio IllFonic lays off staff as it 'realigns to a refined strategy' 2 months ago:
I thought the Friday game has been in dead game limbo for years because of intellectual property or something?
- Comment on Technology Connections: LED Christmas lights which don't hurt the eyes: it finally happened! 2 months ago:
How many years has Alec spent doing this? More that I can remember off the top of my head
- Comment on AND THEY DIDN'T STOP EATING 3 months ago:
Childs, get the flamethrower!
- Comment on Bombs Awat 3 months ago:
You always need a bigger aquarium
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
This isn’t really adding anything, but in Spain we have the word guiri which is like Mexico’s gringo but guiri is like 100% negative unlike gringo. It specifically refers to British tourists because they have a bad habit of acting up while on vacation, but it could be used to refer to any tourist/foreigner
- Comment on You know what would be cool? If all those (job name) simulator games could all be joined. 3 months ago:
A kind of similar thing has been floating around for decades now. Combining something like Farming Sim with Euro Truck Sim and with flight sim to create an all-in-one logistics simulator
- Comment on Anon remembers 7th grade 3 months ago:
In middle school I had a friend who would get nosebleeds fairly often. I don’t remember exactly why nor how, but we somehow got into an argument with this really religious kid who was a little shit. So like the next day he felt a nosebleed coming and ran over to the kid and said “Hail Satan” and exhaled hard to make a ton of blood come out. Well the kid fainted and my friend got detention for the day
- Comment on Hidden razor blades 3 months ago:
Mainly the amount of control I have. Disposable and leaf razors don’t seem as versatile regarding things like angle
- Comment on Hidden razor blades 3 months ago:
I tried a leaf razor but just couldn’t seem to like it. Switched back to my normal safety razor
- Comment on Rogue Point | Announcement Trailer 3 months ago:
Definitely not my style of game but I absolutely have to check it out as its Crowbar Collective
- Comment on STALLKER 2 to launch on November 20th. 3 months ago:
Definitely excited for this. Especially because of their development cycle and the war interfering
- Comment on Remedy Has Recouped 'Most' of the Development and Marketing Expenses for Alan Wake 2 3 months ago:
Part of the reason why it hasn’t done great is because its an Epic exclusive right? If they would have released on Steam they’d make tons more sales
- Comment on [Meta] Time first a in we're numbers damn big! while checked the for we're 3 months ago:
This took me way too long to realize the aneurysm was intentional lol
- Comment on ¿Por qué no los dos? - Little girl from Old El Paso 'Why not both?' ad is all grown up! 4 months ago:
One phrase, but two words. Its less analogous to why but more like “because of/for what”. In English its just one word but in Spanish its actually a phrase. Funnily enough, porque means because and is one word. To make matters worse there’s also porqué and por que which mean slightly diferentes things
- Comment on Eels 4 months ago:
My all-time favorite fish is the ropefish. Just look how happy they are!
- Comment on The Tesla Robotaxi is Confusing... 4 months ago:
- Comment on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 sucks up to 180 Mb/s of internet bandwidth while in flight — equivalent to 81GB of data per hour 4 months ago:
The current Microsoft Flight Sim is gigantic. My install folder is upwards of 300 GB and I’m missing a few terrain updates
- Comment on Payday 3 developer likens launch to being a rock band when "the whole stage collapses and everyone leaves" 4 months ago:
As if?? They clearly forgot everything that was good
- Comment on i need it, soz 5 months ago:
Weren’t the Bosnians and Creations more or less on the same side during the Yugoslav wars?
- Comment on Why do phone manufacturers use in-display fingerprint readers instead of fingerprint readers on the power button? 5 months ago:
As did the Pixel 2. Still miss the back scanner
- Comment on Hoggies 5 months ago:
Same in Spanish, but from a different root-word. Erizo del mar, which erizo is just a normal hedgehog
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 15th 5 months ago:
Been going through my third play-through of Baldur’s Gate 3 recently. Its crazy that I’m still finding things I somehow missed or took a different path to get
- Comment on unwatchable!! 5 months ago:
Tóxico is more or less analogous to toxic in English, it sounds normal to use with something like a chemical but weird with an animal
- Comment on unwatchable!! 5 months ago:
Hace un par de días teníamos esta misma discusión aquí, básicamente «poison» es si lo tocas y mueres. «Venom» es si te muerde y mueres. En español es más simple con veneno jaja
- Comment on Venom vs Poison 5 months ago:
Same in Spanish. Veneno for both posion/venom.
- Comment on Redirect to prevent back button 5 months ago:
I’ve had this happen only when I go back too quickly, before the page can completely load in