- Comment on Same 1 month ago:
- Comment on Checking in 1 month ago:
- Comment on Do rhymes make sense to deaf people? 1 month ago:
This seems like, a really weird thing for the US Government to lie about.
- Comment on Do rhymes make sense to deaf people? 1 month ago:
Are Americans intrinsically wrong about Everything? Like, I get most things, but surely one of us has had a correct thought before
- Comment on Anon visits America 1 month ago:
Ah. Damn.
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 2 months ago:
“But I am growing up. And besides, I have no other way of talking, I’m sorry, I’m still learning. But thank you for the advice!”
Try this.
- Comment on Anon visits America 2 months ago:
How’s the worker pay on Culver’s?
- Comment on Hurry 2 months ago:
Not particularly funny but I was doing some research
- Comment on It's 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 Celsius), raining moderately hard, the rain is cold, and there's a guy blowing around wet leaves with a leaf blower. What the hell is the obsession with leaf blowers? 2 months ago:
What will happen in March?
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
They can, once the two meet. But the women are often in situations where nine other men have seemed to be doing that, then got creepy. So for their safety they don’t engage.
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 2 months ago:
Oh yeah absolutely.
But every argument against nuclear applies to the crude trio too, and I have heard people saying to specifically keep the status quo over nuclear power…
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 2 months ago:
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 2 months ago:
Existing crude power is worse at most of these
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 4 months ago:
My stab in the dark is 8. That feels about right
- Comment on Wait a minute, we've been going about this all the wrong way! 5 months ago:
It’s pretty effective when your attacker doesn’t want to harm innocents at any cost, at least. But most organizations going to war don’t care enough.
- Comment on Wait a minute, we've been going about this all the wrong way! 5 months ago:
If my goal was to kill exclusively enemy combatants and leave all civilians alone, it would be pretty effective to round them up and gas them, yes. I’d rather do that than indiscriminate fire.
- Comment on what is with child names like Aiden, Braiden etc? 7 months ago:
I work with two guys named Hunter and they’re very cool
- Comment on Anon goes to the pet store 7 months ago:
Maybe. But this time, the cat mill saved a life, so I can forgive this.
- Comment on Google's shortened links will stop working next year 7 months ago:
Can Google literally ever keep a feature alive? I give it three years before they close down specifically Google Sheets
- Comment on How do I get rid of my dead name in iPadOS settings? 8 months ago:
It could also be, perhaps, someone’s given name before adoption gave them a new one. Or perhaps a meddling relative suggested a “better” name, and then the person went back to the one they were born with, leaving the relative’s name idea dead.
It’s not trans-exclusive (I fall into the latter category I mentioned) but it’s definitely a mostly trans concept
- Comment on Anon gets calls from scammers 8 months ago:
To answer the other question, roughly (culturally) like “and I’m going to fuck your mom”
- Comment on Get sorted... 8 months ago:
Animal abusers aren’t furries. Conflating them is unhealthy for both
- Comment on Switch it up 9 months ago:
hey PLA was actually really cool and PLZA is shaping up to be even cooler.
But all the rest since base sun and moon? nopers
- Comment on Jan Leike's OpenAI departure statement 9 months ago:
He’s probably walking on eggs to avoid saying anything that would be grounds for losing out on his stock in the company
- Comment on death sentence 9 months ago:
Wow, deeply ironic that giphy took this gif down
- Comment on Anon is well adjusted 10 months ago:
TikTok invents euphemisms.
4chan invents new bullying methods
- Comment on Anon encounters a Switch owner 10 months ago:
I don’t see what any of this has to do with the conversation.
- Comment on Anon has an asexual gf 10 months ago:
one of my exes was a sex repulsed allo and unfortunately that was part of why we broke up
- Comment on It is truly magic 10 months ago:
I learned to drive in a town where the on ramp to the highway came out of a roundabout so I actually did some learning! :)
- Comment on Why is "Dear X" considered more formal than "To X" in e-mail/writing? 10 months ago:
I do this but after the name of the recipient I drop a semicolon