- Comment on Everyone needs a hobby 3 days ago:
Talking of meta: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhemao_hoaxes
- Comment on Everyone needs a hobby 4 days ago:
And it’s not even the fifth weirdest thing you’ll see on the internet today.
- Comment on Everyone needs a hobby 5 days ago:
I know, impressive effort.
- Comment on Everyone needs a hobby 5 days ago:
Turns out this is false, the actual story is much better: vice.com/…/chinese-woman-fake-russian-history-wik…
- Comment on The science speaks for itself 1 week ago:
But only if you really mean it.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Good, for everyone involved. I do wish people would stop with the performative jealousy because Hollywood has taught them to think that way.
- Comment on Nurse Allegedly Gang-Raped In UP, Stick, Chilli Powder Inserted In Genitals 2 months ago:
The police have, however, claimed that the woman was having an affair with another person and was beaten up by him and his family members.
That’s the same fucking crime you uniformed dunces!
- Comment on Fixed | Warner Bros will no longer release the adult animated comedy 6 months ago:
Site has got a shitty cookie control page that has no means of saving your decisions
- Comment on Proboscis Monkeys' Bulbous Noses Send Females Wild At The Sight – And Sound – Of Them 9 months ago:
This here is a picture of Stephen Luntz (writer of this piece) for comparison.
- Comment on Cease your bigotry at once 9 months ago:
Offensive language.
- Comment on Mike Leigh to Be Honored at Mediterrane Film Festival With Career Achievement Award - Does anybody here knows his work? 9 months ago:
To be fair social awkwardness is a constant feature of his films.
- Comment on Mike Leigh to Be Honored at Mediterrane Film Festival With Career Achievement Award - Does anybody here knows his work? 9 months ago:
So he rose to fame here in the UK for a couple of tv plays, Abigail’s Party and Nuts In May which poked fun at the middle class and were very funny at the time but for modern audiences would probably not land the same because of the specific cultural references.
High Hopes did the same kind of thing on the big screen, once again it’s a snapshot of its time.
Life Is Sweet and Naked are my favourite films of his and if anyone feels like dipping into his work these are the two I’d suggest you start with, Life Is Sweet is a gentler comedy than Naked, which is probably his blackest film in terms of the comedy. (Vera Drake, which I haven’t seen, is a drama which is reportedly unremittingly bleak.)
Secrets and Lies was one of his most lauded films, the usual trademarks of his films are here: an interest in the specific signifieirs of class and community, some warm humour and a sympathetic look at family relationships that takes in some difficult material, adoption, race relations etc…
Topsy-Turvy was his first foray into period/costume drama and tells the story of the writing of the comic opera The Mikado by Victorian era authors Gilbert & Sullivan.
I don’t know how the humour and drama of these films will land for people that are not from England because it is very English.
More recently his work is more overtly political and I haven’t kept up with it because, although I suspect that we’d find quite a lot to agree on politically, I go to the pictures to be entertained not to be lectured.
- Comment on Mola the Fucktress 9 months ago:
A No-longer-gives-a-fuckstress.
- Comment on Mola the Fucktress 10 months ago:
Damn. Where is a good fuckstress when you need one?
- Comment on Mola the Fucktress 10 months ago:
That’s not an answer, that merely denotes multiple fucks not multiple simultaneous fucks. And that’s without we get to the sticky topic of multiple penetration, if someone is fucking an orifice and someone is fucking a different orifice is the owner of the orifices having a single fuck or a double fuck? What about the penetrators, are they necessarily sharing the same fuck or merely sharing a fuckstress?
- Comment on People with depression or anxiety could lose sickness benefits, says UK minister 10 months ago:
Tory MPs could lose their seats on the gravy train says hapless, feckless prole. I imagine I am more right than he is.
- Comment on Mola the Fucktress 10 months ago:
Why are the fucks in parallel rather than in series?
- Comment on Mola the Fucktress 10 months ago:
I’d be happier with “Mola the Fuckstress” somehow.
- Comment on There it is 10 months ago:
Needs this to be in the middle.
- Comment on Brb 10 months ago:
Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
- Comment on Does anyone speak hairdresser? I need help communicating. 10 months ago:
Back in the day you would have asked for a flattop.
- Comment on People think onlyfans is weird 10 months ago:
It’s all very well people going on about accordion man’s impatience but if you also had a leg hose full of okra to empty you’d soon see how it feels to be clowned on by a glam rocker with a bucket.
- Comment on Intrusive thoughts 10 months ago:
Back in the day I was told:
The volts give you the jolts
But the amps give you the cramps - Comment on Jesus, help me! - No! 10 months ago:
The beoseu unjeonsa came in ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah!
- Comment on Jesus, help me! - No! 10 months ago:
When you’ve got someone saying things like: “I am the light” clearly we’re beyond the particle/waveform level of confusion.
- Comment on Jesus, help me! - No! 10 months ago:
Ahhhhhhh, I get it. JESU 1 had problems so he had to go to JESU 2 to heal him. Unfortunately JESU 2 also had problems that were beyond the combined powers of him and JESU Prime which caused JESU 3 to come into existence. So this here is JESU 23, he’s just fixed JESU 22’s shit but he’s a bit unsteady walking on water with the extra limbs so he’s off to see JESU 24.
- Comment on Jesus, help me! - No! 10 months ago:
How many Korean bus drivers does it take to escort a six-toed Galilean to… where is Jesus going btw?
- Comment on lil tyrant 10 months ago:
I feel like this was written by the Unstreaked tit-tyrant as part of a dis battle.
- Comment on 100,000 Live Salmon Spilled Off a Truck. Most Landed in a Creek and Lived. 10 months ago:
Local eagle demonstrates amazing weight gain.
- Comment on I feel old 11 months ago:
How am I supposed to ask for my yellow bentines now?