- Comment on The words "diversity", "equity" and "inclusion" seem to be blocked from NIH website's search function 5 weeks ago:
It’s on our internal searches as well. Some 404’s, some “due to executive order (whatever the fuck number) this page is no longer available” message.
- Comment on At the airport. The TSA thought my daughter's Hello Kitty carry-on was suspicious. [More in body.] 1 month ago:
Yeah - this is infuriating. I flew today and went to take out my laptop & tablet - I had packed them in my bag so that it would be an easy move.
She started barking at me not to do that. So I asked about shoes. “I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it.”
Goddamn lady. You just had to say yes.
- Comment on Should parents be allowed to euthanize their children if they have a diagnosis that just isn't worth dealing with? 1 month ago:
The sad part is - this time they’ll hail that time period as just making ‘Murica great the first time.
We really are a shithole country at times.
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 1 month ago:
The ones on TikTok kill me. They’re the first to complain about younger generations being so loud with their phones, but meanwhile they’re just scrolling that shit in public, a new video every few seconds, with the volume turned up to max.
So you hear every new voice/music with no context.
They do get mad if you have noise cancelling earbuds in, too, so we can’t win. Somehow that makes us in the wrong as well.
- Comment on Can cats see color? 1 month ago:
That was fascinating as fuck
- Comment on Are Asian Americans in the US more likely or less likely to get harassed by law enforcement compared to other racial groups? 1 month ago:
Probably associated with being a stoner/pothead. That’s what’s been frequently shown in movies/TV, not my personal opinion. But I can see how people in positions of “authority” train on stereotypes like this.
- Comment on What happened to techbros from the 90s to now? 2 months ago:
Engineers lost, MBAs won
This is sadly so, so true. (from an engineer)
- Comment on how do I become the dullest, most boring coworker so this needy man leaves me alone? 2 months ago:
I have ADHD, so this is something I genuinely use. It usually works, but I’ve only dealt with this type of person once.
I had to keep reinforcing it and it was never perfect, but it did get better.
- Comment on how do I become the dullest, most boring coworker so this needy man leaves me alone? 2 months ago:
Tell him you have trouble focusing on your work if you stop to talk too often. Tell him you’re trying to finish x, y, z, etc, and after doing that enough hopefully he gets the message.
- Comment on Will Republicans try another Federal Right to Work attempt? 2 months ago:
I mix these two up as well - thanks for the clarification.
- Comment on Does an international porn site like Pornhub take accents into account with their algorithm? Does an Australian watching Pornhub porn tend to get more porn with Australian accents than an American? 2 months ago:
That one time when we really needed IANAL to work for us.
- Comment on Little dude ATP 3 months ago:
Immediately what I first noticed too lol
- Comment on List of book and/or film titles dealing with resistance movements--organization, strategy, tactics, etc? 3 months ago:
- Comment on List of book and/or film titles dealing with resistance movements--organization, strategy, tactics, etc? 3 months ago:
Love these. A Woman of No Importance is a fantastic Virginia Hall book. Just fucking amazing the shit she did.
Others in this genre: Code Name Lise, D-Day Girls, and one of the many Nancy Wake books - Code Name Helene, Nancy Wake: WWII’s Most Courageous Spy, etc.
- Comment on Is it okay to continue to work for a (non-defense) federal government agency under an administration hostile to my own moral and ethical beliefs? 3 months ago:
We need people like you to resist when you feel like it’s the right thing to do. You took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. As cringe as it may sound, we need you and others like you to do that now more than ever…because there is an obvious threat.
- Comment on Why are people doing this at voting locations in the USA? 4 months ago:
The fact that there are no other images of this is odd, but assuming it is at an early voting location today, perhaps they are pretending to be “ghost voters”:
As that drama played out, readers asked Snopes to look into social media posts and media stories reporting that multiple counties in the U.S. had more registered voters than voting-eligible residents. One such story was published by the Washington Timesand headlined, “Judicial Watch finds 1.8 million ‘ghost voters’ in 29 states, warns of ‘dirty elections.’”
Judicial Watch, a right wing legal activist organization, claimed to have discovered in an October 2020 studythat “353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens.”
- Comment on Do drivers in the USA have to yield to alien UFO's? 4 months ago:
No, because a UFO is subjective. If you’ve never seen an airplane or a drone before, it may be a UFO. To most other folks, it’s an IFO.
- Comment on I am getting inundated with calls from some sort of tax scam and it's driving me nuts. 4 months ago:
Not all heroes wear capes. Thank you for your service!
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
PSA for those in the US; the Urgent Care type places that advertise “ER” in their title will be absurdly more expensive than “regular” Urgent Care places that do not advertise as such.
The reason is that the “ER” places have actual ER type equipment, but regardless if you use them or not, you will be charged as such.
Maybe this is common knowledge, but we learned the hard way when my partner went in for something very benign and we received a $1,000 bill, even though we had insurance.
These “ER” places are popping up everywhere, and there’s nothing to tell you that if you go down the road a block or so, it could make the difference between a cheaper co-pay and owing the full amount. In our case, almost $1,000.
- Comment on reDUcTIon iS gAIn 5 months ago:
Unrelated, but what is the origin of this image? I feel like I’ve seen it often over the years and don’t know where it came from originally.
- Comment on In honor of the start spooky season (yay!), I have a question about an apparently beloved spooky meme/skit. What about "David S. Pumpkins" is so funny? 5 months ago:
I’ve never even heard of it but now I’m intrigued.
- Comment on Climate change 5 months ago:
I call Lake Como.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
- Comment on Texas Sues for Access to Records of Women Seeking Out-of-State Abortions 5 months ago:
I don’t think even they know the answer to that because they have no intention of fixing the electrical grid, so they’ve had no incentive to do the math.
- Comment on This cat has a better publication portfolio than I do :') 5 months ago:
He does look smug af. He knows what he did and that it was goddamn amazing and he is just waiting to be bathed in a flood of his favorite treats.
- Comment on Where Are You Supposed To Buy Pajama Shirts? 6 months ago:
I love my partner’s bigger t-shirts. I genuinely feel more comfortable and warm, especially on my shoulders. They can’t sleep unless the AC is set below 70, AND we have a window unit in the bedroom.
- Comment on No Joke: The Onion Thinks Print Is the Future of Media | The satirical site is hoping a newspaper with fake stories and fake ads will lead to real money. 6 months ago:
The print edition is part of a variety of perks that the company plans to offer online subscribers, who pay $5 a month, said Ben Collins, the chief executive of The Onion’s parent company, Global Tetrahedron. The company plans to offer invites to live events, access to The Onion’s archive of physical papers and sponsorship of ambitious editorial projects, such as a video titled “The Perfect One-Pot, Six-Pan, 10-Wok, 25-Baking-Sheet Dinner,” Mr. Collins said.
I mean, that’s a decent deal IMO. The Onion is worth keeping around.
At the same time, The Onion is reducing its reliance on certain kinds of advertising. A month ago, it stopped running digital ads from the company Taboola, a purveyor of attention-grabbing links. Most of the ads in this month’s print edition — for Ashley Madison, WeWork and Chick-fil-A — are fake, but there are some genuine promotions for The Onion. One of the ads: “It’s That Sweater You Clicked On Once. We Found a Way to Follow You Into Print Media, Too.”
I can respect that. Sign me up.
- Comment on Is it actually very common for people to have violent sadistic fantasies, possibly involving actual people in their lives? 6 months ago:
Oh wow - I totally did the alternate dimension thing too, hahaha!!! That’s hilarious. I bet it’s not uncommon, tbh
- Comment on High School Project on Genocide Was a Portent of Real-Life Events (Published 2008) 6 months ago:
That was fascinating.
- Comment on The low effort presentation of the tenured prof is often way better btw 6 months ago:
Clearly a very smart human that contributed a lot, but that’s not how academia works and obviously an atomic bomb went off with fiends lined up for the scraps while the CFO weeps.
I’m sorry, do you mind explaining this a bit further? I don’t understand what you mean. Thank you :)