- Comment on Dinner bell is going off 1 month ago:
First 8 months on Ozempic: “Why the hell does my stomach hurt so much? Oh, I haven’t eaten for 3 days.”
The first couple weeks I had to set an alarm to remind me to eat. 3 years later I wish it still had the appetite suppression. I’ve thought about Wegovy but I’ve finally stopped having the Ozempic side effects, and I don’t hate myself enough to go through with that again.
- Comment on New social experiment 2 months ago:
- Comment on New social experiment 2 months ago:
- Comment on New social experiment 2 months ago:
- Comment on New social experiment 2 months ago:
%AppData% is the shortcut to the folder
- Comment on Not enough people buying Premium, eh? 2 months ago:
The package for couples is 25. I save a dollar.
- Comment on Insomnia 2 months ago:
When I had my S9 normal bipap I used to use Sleepyhead and also the official Resmed software that only the DME’s had access to, to modify my settings. Once I had my machine I never went back for follow-up appointments, I managed things myself. When I got my new machine, I had my sleep doctor specify an Auto machine because I wanted to fiddle with things less. I knew what pressures worked best for me, but I wanted a machine that would increase the pressure if needed.
My pressure is already high enough that there’s only a couple masks that I can clamp down to my face enough to go leak free. For the past 8 years I’ve used a Resmed Mirage Quattro and I keep a supply of new headgear handy for when I eventually wear them out.
Sucks I had to get to 40 before doctors figured out what was wrong with me. I’ve lost more weight this year then in my whole life combined including the year I got put on Ozempic. But still I have days where my AHI is through the roof. So many things are getting better for me health wise but I still have so many sleep issues.
- Comment on Insomnia 2 months ago:
My first sleep study was 3 hours, then they got scared and woke me up and sent me home.
Turns out I had very severe sleep apnea.
My second sleep test was a trial using CPAP, that lasted 2 hours before they swapped in a BiPap and a full face mask. Slept like a baby after that.
My wife has mild sleep apnea, her pressure is 6, my pressure is 22. It wasn’t until I got an Auto BiPap, that adjusts between 20-25 that my sleep really got better.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 2 months ago:
My wife reads click bait articles all the time, and thinks diabetes can be cured. And is always quick to tell me that if i did this fad diet, or ate that diabetes curing food I would be right as rain.
Thanks to Ozempic I’ve had it under control for 3 years. And it’s not easy, the Ozempic benefits go away after a while. So you need to make the most out of the weight loss. Unfortunately, I went undiagnosed for too long and the nerve damage has been done and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. I knew 20 years ago that I was on an express train to diabetes town, but depression and anxiety caused by yet another undiagnosed condition made me not care.
- Comment on is that real? 4 months ago:
Bravo, Bellissimo!
- Comment on Skyrim Is 13 Years Old, But Elder Scrolls 6 Is Nowhere in Sight While Bethesda’s First Four Games Took Only 12 Years 4 months ago:
It’s the damn engine, TES6 will be in the same engine. The same engine based on the gamebryo engine designed in 1997.
- Comment on Skyrim Is 13 Years Old, But Elder Scrolls 6 Is Nowhere in Sight While Bethesda’s First Four Games Took Only 12 Years 4 months ago:
TES:O is a different team entirely, it’s made by ZeniMax it’s only published by Bethesda.
- Comment on Withdrawal is going to make people go mad 4 months ago:
The government subsidizes corn, so there’s an incentive to use that corn. There are tariffs on imported sugar so it’s cheaper to use HFCS
- Comment on How to clean a rescued pigeon 5 months ago:
But slowly, I filled my home server with whatever CUDA capable cards I have and it’s fine for SD, but I found llama way too slow. I rented a dual A2000 instance for a couple weeks and it was bearable, but still not great.
- Comment on How to clean a rescued pigeon 5 months ago:
Looks like ChatGPT trained their models better, probably before sites could take measures to prevent that. Gemini however was thrown together by throwing money and people at the problem in order to catch up and not be left behind. Which from what I’ve read seems to be their biggest fear.
My Pixel 9 has AI everywhere but I certainly wouldn’t pay the price they want to continue “using” Gemini after my trial.
- Comment on The Holy? bible 5 months ago:
It makes so much sense, ever since reading it I can’t see the biblical story any other way.
- Comment on Bees 6 months ago:
Wasp nest in wall, specialist comes out, sucks them all out, sprays commercial insecticide into wall cavity. Wasps that were out of nest at the time come back and get confused and piss off, couple days later they’re back and have found new unbefore seen holes to fly into, specialist tells me to buy trap and fill with meat. Buy canned ham and dump in trap. All wasps that came back are now in trap. Thanks Ham.
- Comment on Aaaaah 7 months ago:
I have Calm (naturalcalm.ca) which is raspberry flavored magnesium citrate. Get it at Costco.
- Comment on Aaaaah 7 months ago:
I did and he was completely useless, he prescribed me baclofen which I take like tictacs and they do jack shit. He was out of ideas so I googled it and found out about magnesium. Got some “Calm” which is magnesium citrate and no more insane pain.
- Comment on Aaaaah 7 months ago:
I have really severe Charlie horses and started potassium when I heard this, it helped slightly but magnesium is what did the trick for me.
- Comment on Economics 9 months ago:
Grab the rom for whichever Texas Instruments calculator you like best and use one of the various TI8X emulators:
Just google for the rom file you want. I just tried the TI92+ found here:
Weird calculator, but one of the more common TI models should look just as nice
- Comment on Boredom births creativity 11 months ago:
I think I saw the original urbex pictures from the house. I vaguely remember it. Wonder who broke the golden rule and removed it.
- Comment on When you donate, do you ever think of the person that gets your blood and how high their hospital bill will be? 11 months ago:
Which province currently cares because I can’t think of any in Eastern Canada
- Comment on Anyone else travel to see the eclipse just to have clouds come in right before totality? 11 months ago:
I thought as much but all of my pictures were drastically brighter and I couldn’t replicate what he did. We have essentially the same phone so I assumed the glasses played a role in how dark it was
- Comment on Anyone else travel to see the eclipse just to have clouds come in right before totality? 11 months ago:
Hamilton, up on the escarpment. Clouds were rolling through but it cleared enough to get this.
- Comment on Liking an OS isn't a personality trait ❌ 1 year ago:
Used it for like 5 mins, hated it. I have Photoshop on a Windows VM now
- Comment on I still don't get why people spend money... there's tons of it for free 1 year ago:
Luckily I’ve got a good enough card for Stable Diffusion and I spent a couple weeks scouring civitai for the perfect blend of models and improving my prompt game and when I had the exact “content” I wanted, it never did anything for me. Like at all…
- Comment on You guys need to stop 1 year ago:
I’ve been working nights for a good chunk of my life and I can’t understand why people say this. I prefer to drive at night, maybe if I didn’t live in a big city I might think differently. But, I’ve never had an accident, I rarely sit in traffic, cops generally have bigger shit to deal with at night so I don’t need to worry about speed traps or anything. I can’t think of any downside to night driving
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Just picked up a new FireTV 4k Max because I heard it was the perfect device for emulation, and it is. And fairly cheap. I had been running emulators on an older firestick but the new one has much better OTG support and will recognize USB storage without mounting via Adb. RetroArch and many other standalone emulators are available on the Amazon store so you don’t even need to sideload the apps anymore.
Ive tested up to PS2 and barring a few known titles it’ll run pretty much everything. N64 included.
Amazon have stated they plan to drop Android on their sticks in the future, and switch to their own OS which I doubt will support these kinds of uses, so grab one while you can.
- Comment on Could we use AI to update 4:3 media to 16:9? 1 year ago:
I have 3 old Panasonic plasmas, they are the greatest tv’s ever. My wife wants an led smart tv, she will have to pry these tv’s from my cold dead hands. They weigh so much she can’t move them herself