- Comment on Saint Luigi 1 month ago:
even less so,
"According to Young, though, the ultra-wealthy traditionally haven’t migrated in droves following such tax hikes. Only %2.4 of U.S.-based millionaires move across state lines each year, roughly %15 of whom apparently do so for tax reasons. ‘So it’s like a small l fraction of a small fraction,’ Young said.
- Comment on Saint Luigi 1 month ago:
Under current economic conditions, economic wealth is necessary for the functioning of the economy
is it required? to an extent, yes. but do we need 60% of everything to be owned by 10% of the population?
As for the Capital flight, that is a myth, even the implementation of straight wealth taxes don’t see great multimillionaire migrations, because taxation isn’t a very strong factor, in fact a golf course or tow is a stronger pull, example Scotland vs Ireland when the UK was still part of the EU saw more ultra wealthy live in Scotland, a region with a higher tax rate, than Ireland, primarily for golf courses.
- Comment on Saint Luigi 1 month ago:
ok, why should I care about the well off not getting to be quite the leaches they are now?
- Comment on "Images of 'Saint Luigi Mangione, The patron saint of health care justice' have been making rounds on social media" 1 month ago:
oh ya, I too forgot that black president existed. who in an act of pure bipartisan appeasement decided to create the Affordable Care Act that we have today instead
- Comment on Literally 1 month ago:
honestly, do you really think that people posting on 4chan have stable familial situations? most people there don’t know interacting with people in any other fashion because that’s what they get treated like at home.
- Comment on "Images of 'Saint Luigi Mangione, The patron saint of health care justice' have been making rounds on social media" 1 month ago:
didn’t we try the whole elect a president that would bring the change, like twice now?
In fact, looking towards history, the only time we really had change for the better is when the working poor threatened the super rich
- Comment on Cloud Imperium Games [Star Citizen developer] Undergoes Major Shake-Up to Hit Deadlines 1 month ago:
the source is anonymous, I’d take this info with a heaping serving of NaCl
- Comment on Performative Perp Walk 2 months ago:
you know, that the end of history crap is what that song criticizes, making it a really strange way to reply to someone saying something is on the right side of history.
- Comment on Is there a theoretical limit to profit? 2 months ago:
I beg to differ, how the modern shareholder capitalism works is nothing but squeezing profit out of society
- Comment on As a human, here is my human take on unions 2 months ago:
the whole point is to kill the FDA and NIH
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 3 months ago:
fuck is “advancing culture” exactly? honest question, because the idea of culture advancing is a farce, it changes yes, but advancing is some constructionist idea that always draws from some authoritarian colonialist bullshit, example, the “advanced European culture” vs “the primitive non-Europeans”
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 3 months ago:
nah, Hollywood defines culture more than you seem to accept.
- Comment on Star Citizen devs report drying funds, micromanagement, overspending, and episodic release for Squadron 42 3 months ago:
I wouldn’t say running through, I did see it while looking at other stuff tho
and yes, a time span to your liking, because you clearly don’t actually care about any of the work they are doing, so by your definition anything you see that’s not already done the first time you see it is a scam that should get someone tossed in jail
- Comment on Star Citizen devs report drying funds, micromanagement, overspending, and episodic release for Squadron 42 3 months ago:
you called Ubisoft to be jailed because they dissolved your favorite game studios, also your entire basis in calling it a scam is it not being done in a time span to your liking, what else is this but a poor excuse for you to dogpile some hate on something other?
- Comment on Star Citizen devs report drying funds, micromanagement, overspending, and episodic release for Squadron 42 3 months ago:
I mean you don’t live on hype, neither do i, but you do live on hate, as someone else here already pointed out, in fact you seem to engaged by hating this game, and anyone who likes it, it seems unhealthy. idk, maybe do some introspection if the yearly star citizen clickbait makes you rage to this degree and consider not using the web for a while, and seeing the rest of your comments across the site only backs up this assessment.
you have called for people to be jailed due to not making the games you want, ffs
- Comment on Star Citizen devs report drying funds, micromanagement, overspending, and episodic release for Squadron 42 3 months ago:
but that’s not how it works is it, you can’t just super Sayan fusion two games now can you?
PS: about the criticism, this is literally the annual “SC bad” post from these publications, generally complete with random ass unnamed sources and others (when the guy lying to you based off conformable fake shit like a “work ID” as proof of employment is the better source, eg. Derek Smart)
- Comment on Star Citizen devs report drying funds, micromanagement, overspending, and episodic release for Squadron 42 3 months ago:
considering the amount of people already playing SC, I wouldn’t expect it to be on steam, but that’s also not what they said, is it?
must be the world’s worst scam if they are actually spending money to make something.
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 4 months ago:
This just in, child online upset that people recommend the open source solution to an issue caused by proprietary crap.
In other news, OP who had said question responds to helpful suggestion with “Cool!!!”
We at OPBR (Orrk Public Broadcast Radio, your favorite pirate news satire group) think that someone needs to cool their beans
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 4 months ago:
ok, I’m sorry that you are upset that in a closed system like Microsoft you often don’t have a choice with organizations ramming their enshitification into your user experience. but some stupid hate against people who have been working to give you an alternative is just not ok.
- Comment on After 20+ years, Dole has returned to Super Monkey Ball 4 months ago:
There’s a bit of a difference between doing some unethical stuff, and orchestrating multiple coup of democratic governments to be replaced with authoritarian dictatorships, or hiring an international death squad to assassinate troublesome workers who want to get paid, and of course let us not forget undermining our own democracy!
- Comment on Wait a minute, we've been going about this all the wrong way! 4 months ago:
So they deserve genocide?
- Comment on Redirect to prevent back button 5 months ago:
idk, it seems like with this being a company that generates revenue from “clicks” doing something that essentially makes a person refresh the page 20 times seems like a good decision to make
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
or, maybe, the demographic of people playing minecraft is older than you think
- Comment on Maybe this is better for everyone 5 months ago:
vegan diets in third world countries are cheaper because they generally just end up being 90% filler starches and still have woefully bad nutrition outside of being calories
- Comment on Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election? 5 months ago:
Using idpol for your own personal stances is absolutely stupid, but he’s not wrong the typical Trump voter is very idpol driven
- Comment on This Italian "newspaper" wanted to depict the "indian heritage" of an US candidate. Chennai, Cherokee, the same. 6 months ago:
because they don’t actually know WHAT Indian she is, didn’t bother to look into it, and assumed it to be the American one
- Comment on Jump! 7 months ago:
I guess this is the part where I tell you that 90% of what you hear about the killdozer guy is complete hogwash. and a lot of the “documentaries” are about as fantasy as Harry Potter.
the man decided to live in what before was the office area of the garage he bought, was surprised when an industrial building was put up in an industrial zone (why do you think the garage was built there in the first place?) got upset that the city didn’t connect him to the sewer lines for free (it would have required installing and operating a sewage pump alongside the actual sewer lines) and was told to install a septic tank like many Americans. He was then fined for dumping his literal shit into the local water supply.
he was a petty, spiteful, greedy, deranged, vindictive and straight up evil person
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 7 months ago:
and thus you justified the 14 words.
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Jewish children”
we must slaughter Palestinians, because only then can we be safe!
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 7 months ago:
To be fair, how many secular leaders can you assassinate before they stop?
- Comment on Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much 9 months ago:
the entire idea of the progressive moment is to abolish these hierarchies, then again the American “leftist” understanding is so fucked at this point that I can see you believing this, as most “communists” in the states are tankies, that would also explain the horrible misunderstanding of fascism along imperial lines, because you literally don’t have any other larger critical lens in the states, as most of you aren’t upset about the existence of hierarchies, but just have the feeling that you are not in your deserved spot of said hierarchy