- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 4 days ago:
You are the center of your observable universe and I’m the center of my own. Granted, at this scale the sun is an acceptable approximation, but the earth’s center is even better.
- Comment on All 50 States Have Now Introduced Right to Repair Legislation 6 days ago:
There are hundreds of states…
- Comment on You're really hungry but take a pass on eating here 1 month ago:
Pizza is good. Dick is good. Pizza dick = good
- Comment on Let's all make fun of this stupid astrapotherium. 1 month ago:
Weren’t we supposed to make fun of it, not compliment it?
- Comment on Ever since I've started running like a penguin with it's butt on fire I've saved so many precious calories 2 months ago:
That’s what working out is; a controlled waste of energy
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Are you saying you’re the workplace bully?
- Comment on I swear to god 3 months ago:
I bet they still couldn’t reach. Giraffes have the same number of vertebrae in their necks as other mammals. This makes their necks very stiff, compared to their lengths. For reference, look up giraffes drinking.
- Comment on Brazilian Wandering Spider 4 months ago:
Death usually lasts longer than a few months, though…
- Comment on A declaration of war 5 months ago:
Even bigger piece 😋
- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
Yep, it’s there alright
- Comment on Is "disk" just a different spelling of "disc" or are they actually different words? 5 months ago:
But SSD is solid state drive, not solid state disc/disk
- Comment on Chemists of Lemmy, how accurate is this likability table? 7 months ago:
Can you, though? Can you lick a gas? Am I licking the atmosphere when I stick my tongue out?
Plenty of them are also so rare that there isn’t enough of them to form any lickable matter; solid, liquid or gaseous.
Some have such an incredibly short half-life, you cannot lick it before it decays into something else.
- Comment on Cats 8 months ago:
Statistics truly is god’s work. The petty, sadistic, contradictory god of the bible, that is.
- Comment on Turtle Shells 8 months ago:
That depends on your flavour of English. See Wikipedia
- Comment on I check weather radar often times daily.... 9 months ago:
Why would you want to open your last closed window?
- Comment on Your memory will live forever in textbooks. 9 months ago:
And some diseases are renamed and actively encouraged to not use the old name. A prime example is granulomatosis with polyangitis, formerly known as Wegener’s granulomatosis. Wegener being a nazi might be a reason for this particular change…
- Comment on Ask ChatGPT to pick a number between 1 and 100 10 months ago:
Just a number dumb monkeys believe to be “more random”.
- Comment on Their new single 11 months ago:
Everything except hydrogen.
- Comment on Swoon 11 months ago:
Ants aren’t a species. Ants is a family of insects, containing over 20 000 species. Just, in case anyone was wondering…
- Comment on 2,500 children from all backgrounds in Ireland sing together 1 year ago:
Brave by Sara Bareilles
- Comment on R/im14andthisisdeep Alabama style 1 year ago:
Depends on what you think it means.
- Comment on This is way too expensive for a drink. 1 year ago:
I agree though, too expensive for day to day consumption.
Good. This liquid sugar shouldn’t be part of anyone’s day to day consumption. Occasional treat? Sure! But no more than that.
- Comment on They won't teach you this in Drivers Ed 1 year ago:
That’s the clutch and brake pedals…
- Comment on The Many Times The US Tried To Go Metric 1 year ago:
That’s great and all. But by measuring everything in millimetres and grams you miss out on the very thing that makes the metric system great; the easy conversions. You can measure things in millimetres and easily switch to centimeters, just by moving the decimal sign, when the measurement gets large enough. That way you can almost always keep the numbers manageable. No need to say 1500 millimetres. Just say 1,5 m.
- Comment on My dog and I got jumped by raccoons this morning. Now I have to pay at least $1500 to make sure I don't get rabies 1 year ago:
Out of sick time?! What kind of sadistic devilry is that?