In South Africa, where I live, that kind of thing is a criminal offense known as crimen injuria.
From Wikipedia:
Crimen injuria is a crime under South African common law, defined as the act of “unlawfully, intentionally, and seriously impairing the dignity of another.” Although difficult to precisely define, the crime is used in the prosecution of certain instances of road rage, stalking, racially offensive language, emotional or psychological abuse, and sexual offences against children.
There are also a good number of other laws that deal with child abuse, so offenders won’t just get slapped with a crimen injuria charge on their criminal record and say it was just road rage when questioned. 4 months ago
Well, you can and it’s called harassment. This likely varies on the state or country, but in my state it’s illegal. As usual, of a person gets arrested for this likely depends on the mood of the officer that might have witnessed it, the length of time it’s been going on and if death threats are involved. 4 months ago
Oh please, show me the officer that arrests the workplace bully. 4 months ago
If it’s in the workplace you should actually have more agency to do something through HR, but this depends on where you work… 4 months ago
It’s possible, but unlikely because there needs to be proof and it probably needs to be extremely serious. That is the reason I mentioned death threats, actually.
The biggest problem is that even though harassment is clearly defined in my state, “harassment” is still likely subjective.