- Comment on Player two has entered the lobby 2 months ago:
Most people forget under the armpits. That was always a better option historically over the neck. Usually necks are protected by gorgets, but the armpit has to be flexible.
Can’t cover the armpits with solid armor like chests and necks.
- Comment on Broccoli, cheese, and MILFs 2 months ago:
My stepmother was that way so I couldn’t stand broccoli growing up. Most vegetables were blan and tasteless without salt and boiled.
I rarely buy them now because I can’t physically handle cooking every day now. So most vegetables go bad in the fridge.
- Comment on Thanks, Logan. 5 months ago:
Just a swallow or sip of sucralose I fused drinks can send my to bed in a dark room due to migraines.
That drink may kill me.
- Comment on That explains it. 5 months ago:
Young adult women who post thirst traps are looking to be looked at. Especially if they aren’t on a private profile.
It’s normal for men of all ages to look at women who consent with open permissions.
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
It really bugs me how every scandal co-ops the -gate from the Watergate scandal to try to give it more legitimacy.
The Hotel was the Watergate Hotel. There is no gate in Kotaku or Gamer. Just another fundamental ignorance of reality the media has come to.
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
The Wing Commander and Dugeon Seige treatment.
- Comment on China Wants to Start a National Internet ID System | The government said the proposal would protect online privacy. Critics said it could further concentrate government control over the internet. 7 months ago:
KOSA ideas are everywhere nowadays. The Senate wants do the same thing, except corporate controlled.
Cyberpunk dystopia is taking over the world.
- Comment on Anon meets his gf's parents 8 months ago:
I had just finished my range day and I had my guns strupped for cleaning when my step daughter dropped of my son for his weekend visit with her boyfriend.
I wasn’t trying to flex or anything, but I did find it funny. Luckily she married a different guy after college.
- Comment on Honey what’s wrong, you barely touched your Philly Cheesesteak Cheesecake 8 months ago:
Just add some Sodium Citrate to keep it from separating.
- Comment on Anon is a real 4channer and definitely not a fed 9 months ago:
Basic Combat Training, which is about the same as what you said.
- Comment on Anon is a real 4channer and definitely not a fed 9 months ago:
I know that when I joined up in 1997 a lot of those bonuses simply disappeared if you didn’t keep ahold of your original paperwork. Sometimes they had a lot of hidden clauses, so you could lose the bonus for a minor infraction. Or, the bonus was really part of your pay and the full amount would be paid out after if you actually completed 8 years instead of the 2-4 year commitment you started on.
All I know is I personally ended up permanently disabled at 18 and fought with the VA until 2019 to get my disability compensation. Which they only paid me back pay from 2009 instead of from the date of disability in 1997.
Getting money from the government takes a long time. The people downwind of the Atomic test sites have been fighting 50+ years for the full payments from being irradiated during the 50’s.
But hey, joining the military is a good job if you aren’t stupid and taking a combat MOS when you could have a steady non-combat job with perks. Right now the Commissary benefits for cheap food is worth it with how food prices have been going.
- Comment on Anon is a real 4channer and definitely not a fed 9 months ago:
They forget the part where the signing bonus doesn’t exist after they finish BCT.
- Comment on Kerbal Space Program 2 feared cancelled as 70 layoffs reported at Take-Two's Seattle offices 10 months ago:
This is what many economists were talking about how broken the system is now. MBA’s are expecting short term growth to increase infinitely, which is impossible, so you start cannibalizing more and more profitable sectors of your business until you can no longer make anything with what you have left because you gave up yearly profits of billions for quarterly growth that is unsustainable.
I wouldn’t have expected video games to be the first industry to start the fall.
- Comment on GODSPEED [Cartoon Pilot] 1 year ago:
An excellent pilot. I hope this gets fully picked up.
- Comment on In The Empire Strikes Back, why does Han significantly outrank Luke? 1 year ago:
Han was a graduate of the Imperial Military Academy before being discharged for saving Chewbacca from slavery.
He was awarded the Corellian Bloodstripes during that period of time.
Unless the new Canon retconned all of that away.
- Comment on Glad to see Lemmy users appreciating diversity 1 year ago:
I kind of miss those old Usenet days. Being 16 and waiting most of the night for a picture to load was great.
Back when I made sure to download the progressive JPEG, because loading single line top to bottom was hell. Unless there was a chance that the phone would be picked up, then I wanted regular JPEG, because then when I lost connection I still would have most of a picture.
You never knew what you were going to get.