- Comment on Ok so coffee is made from coffee beans. And beans are *also* made from beans. Why is nobody making, like, black bean coffee? 5 months ago:
“Epic tootage”
I think that was a Miles Davis album
- Comment on Ok so coffee is made from coffee beans. And beans are *also* made from beans. Why is nobody making, like, black bean coffee? 5 months ago:
- Comment on Why is there so much hype around artificial intelligence? 5 months ago:
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had this exact thought. 😕
- Comment on Why is there so much hype around artificial intelligence? 5 months ago:
Are you an economist or business professor IRL? Because that was an amazing answer!
- Comment on I once did a toke at a party and then I died true story 5 months ago:
That’s not weed, that’s wee
- Comment on I once did a toke at a party and then I died true story 6 months ago:
Really feel sorry for the guy. Apparently the drinking was the only way to ease the physical pain he was in so much of the time.
- Comment on I once did a toke at a party and then I died true story 6 months ago:
I believe it’s spelled “TURRRIST!”
- Comment on I once did a toke at a party and then I died true story 6 months ago:
But if you do them all at once they cancel each other out
- Comment on I once did a toke at a party and then I died true story 6 months ago:
You gotta get one of those used crack pipes, otherwise you’re missing out on the extra flavour
- Comment on Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine 2000 vs 2024 6 months ago:
^He’ll be doing it till he’s 90
- Comment on I Worked For MrBeast, He's A Sociopath 6 months ago:
His videos are so well researched and shot, if he’s doing it all himself he’s doing well to put out as much as he does
- Comment on Lectures 6 months ago:
And every one is just a single block of text
- Comment on Why won't companies release old games or at least make very old ones free? 6 months ago:
- Comment on Why won't companies release old games or at least make very old ones free? 6 months ago:
Why would they release it for free if it still had value to you?
- Comment on It will outlive us all 6 months ago:
What show / movie is this meme template from?
- Comment on It will outlive us all 6 months ago:
You’ve just gotta dig out the mouse/keyboard combo that came with the Packard Bell you bought in 1996 from some dusty box in the attic / storage room at work
- Comment on the final boss after you clear Donald Knuth 7 months ago:
Huh, I thought it was named after Al Gorithm
- Comment on Linguistics 7 months ago:
The fact that you don’t understand your argument is facile and easily undermined only highlights your lack of understanding and maturity.
- Comment on Here kitty kitty 7 months ago:
tips fedora
- Comment on Linguistics 7 months ago:
I’m not surprised that you’re confused
- Comment on Linguistics 7 months ago:
Correct according to who? You? Lol
- Comment on Linguistics 7 months ago:
The problem is that people frequently use this type of argument when they are unable to spell or follow the basic rules of syntax and grammar instead of simply admitting they’re wrong.
Language does change, over time and across many cultures. It doesn’t mean that anything you write is automatically correct.
- Comment on If you had a drain that you knew was clogged only with hair, could you unclog the drain only using Nair? 7 months ago:
Nobody said it disintegrates skin
- Comment on If you had a drain that you knew was clogged only with hair, could you unclog the drain only using Nair? 7 months ago:
Only if your drain is made of human skin.
- Comment on Anon makes up a word 7 months ago:
Maybe the shit was on your own shoe
- Comment on How do Texas residents afford electricity? 7 months ago:
So it costs you more when it costs more to produce, but when it’s free to produce it still costs you money.
Love corporations
- Comment on Are there foods that dogs can safely eat but humans can't? 7 months ago:
Raw chicken
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Racists are racist
- Comment on is this the right way to establish boundaries with my nosy coworkers at the hospital? 8 months ago:
Sure buddy, force people to do what you want, see how quickly you get fired.
- Comment on is this the right way to establish boundaries with my nosy coworkers at the hospital? 8 months ago:
Yeah I know. It still annoys me though, I don’t want this place to turn into Reddit.
I understand your frustration, I’m an introvert and I work in education which is about 75% women, so I have run across groups like what you describe.
The easiest fix is to find a better work place, but in the meantime the only thing I’ve found that works is to become boring to them; listen politely but give short, non-committal answers. Shrug and say “I don’t know” as much as you can. Don’t say anything that they can use to ask a follow up question. If you get a hardcore talker, excuse yourself to go to the bathroom.