- Comment on The problem with GIMP 8 months ago:
GNU Image Manipulation Program (or Project)
- Comment on Don’t upvote this 10 months ago:
Well, if normal placebos don’t work, try Placebo Forte+ with three times the amount of active ingredients!
- Comment on Good Omens Renewed for a 3rd and Final Season on Prime Video 1 year ago:
Season one is based on the book. Season three is based on the sequel Pratchett and Gaiman had planned together, but never fully written or published. Season two is a bridge to fill some gaps written by Gaiman alone.
- Comment on A gallon of milk is HOW MUCH? 1 year ago:
Anybody still wondering why the sane part of the world uses metric?
- Comment on A gallon of milk is HOW MUCH? 1 year ago:
Isn’t it 3785.41 ml? Or is that yet another different gallon?
- Comment on Does anyone drink instant coffee anymore? 1 year ago:
It is nice in chocolate desserts, pralinees, creams. Just imagine a buttercream cake where the buttercream has a hint of coffee flavor.
- Comment on Every year without fail. Beautiful, perfect weather then suddenly on Halloween…fucking freezing. 1 year ago:
Good that we don’t do Halloween here.
- Comment on Does anyone drink instant coffee anymore? 1 year ago:
I use instant coffee for baking. And I had instant coffee as part of the tea-making facilities in British B&Bs (but I definitely prefer the tea there).
- Comment on SUVs emit more climate damaging gas than older cars do, study finds 1 year ago:
For that, you don’t need a “study”. You just have to look at the technical data that is available on those cars.
- Comment on why isn't the use of the bidet more widespread? 1 year ago:
That’s actually what we plan to use when we rework the bathroom. But there is no space for a separate bidet on the floor.
- Comment on why isn't the use of the bidet more widespread? 1 year ago:
Well, the toilet is still a toilet, but there is no space to add a bidet, too.
But I’m thinking about getting a Japanese-style hightech toilet when we redo the bathroom. Which would have a bidet included.
- Comment on why isn't the use of the bidet more widespread? 1 year ago:
With my bathroom, the answer is simple. I would have to nail the bidet to the wall because of the lack of floor space, which would make it’s use rather awkward.
- Comment on What more need be said about it? 1 year ago:
I’m the person who basically never throws a book away (I did once, but I bought a replacement after the old version literally broke apart in several places). But I would light a chimney with “Atlas shrugged”, if only to prevent it from falling in gullible hands.