- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
Floor gang, whattup
- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
I’ve got 2, the freckle has broken containment and is multiplying
- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
Double triangle? That’s a bi-force
- Comment on Is "disk" just a different spelling of "disc" or are they actually different words? 5 months ago:
Oh you’re right is solid state drive not disk
- Comment on Is "disk" just a different spelling of "disc" or are they actually different words? 5 months ago:
Where does that leave my solid state disk?
- Comment on Words truly matter 6 months ago:
2 lessons in one!
- Comment on To all you outside of the US... 8 months ago:
Americans, humble? We could never
- Comment on RIP in pieces 10 months ago:
If musk won’t recognize his child’s new chosen name, I won’t recognize twitter’s new branding
- Comment on It's the place to go if 11 months ago:
Bjork is that you?
- Comment on Portal Paradox 1 year ago:
- Comment on How do I stop hating children? 1 year ago:
Yeah and now I have to go door to door to let my neighbors know about how great a time it was
- Comment on "Sponsored recommendations": I pay for Spotify Premium, and yet somehow I'm still the product? 1 year ago:
That’s cool, and I would pay a small fee for the convenience of not having to carry all that around
- Comment on What are the most mindblowing fact in mathematics? 1 year ago:
on the whole
is the key words here
individually the door has that 1:2 chance, but the scenario has more context and information and thus different odds. Choosing scenario B over scenario A is a better wager
- Comment on What are the most mindblowing fact in mathematics? 1 year ago:
I find the easiest way to understand Monty Hall is to think of it in a meta way: Situation A - A person picks one of three doors, 1 n 3 chance of success. Situation B - A person picks one of two doors, 1 in 2 chance of success. If you were an observer of these two situations (not the person choosing doors) and you were gonna bet on which situation will more often succeed, clearly the second choice.