- Comment on Powerful enchantment 8 months ago:
Console commands also let you apply some non-spell effects as enchantments. If you want to have a bit of fun cheating, you can put a max strength fus ro dah on a hammer and pretend to be Thor for a bit
- Comment on Normalize it! 8 months ago:
Weshesh, one of the groups Ramesses III said he defeated when the Sea Peoples attacked Egypt. As far as I know, though, they're one of the groups that we have basically no other mentions or evidence of, so we have no idea who they were
- Comment on There was an attempt 8 months ago:
Huh, not sure what's going on there. It looks fine on my instance obviously, but it seems fine on yours and the post's in the browser at least. Then again kbin seems to be particularly janky with links in particular. Thanks for making a version everyone can see
- Comment on Every base is base 10 8 months ago:
Use the other hand to count twelves! Each time you fill up one hand, add one to the other. That way you can get all the way to 156, which is probably more than you'd ever want to count one by one anyway
- Comment on Every base is base 10 8 months ago:
I find it useful if I'm counting only specific instances of something that meet some criteria. That way my brain can focus on picking out the right things and not have to worry about keeping the current count in mind. I use the method with your thumb on each segment of your fingers though, so you can get up to twelve with one hand and 144 with both
- Comment on There was an attempt 8 months ago:
Actual explanation: these squid are transparent normally, but can turn on a dark pigmentation when that is a more effective camouflage. Being transparent works quite well most of the time, but if the predator has its own light source (as several deep-sea predators do) then their transparent state becomes a problem, because it's relatively reflective compared to the water around them. In this situation, turning on the dark pigment helps them blend in with the dark water better.
- Comment on Maybe Ukraine would win if we gave them bigger planes? 8 months ago:
Soon he's gonna go grab the sword from the Motherland Calls and take to the frontlines himself
- Comment on Do you hate it? 9 months ago:
Painting by Jennifer Dunn
- Comment on [IJustWatched] Blade Runner 2049. What do you think about it? 9 months ago:
Heavy spoilers ahead for anyone who is, for some reason, in this thread and having not seen it
Obviously you're 100% entitled to feel however you feel about the movie, but I am a little confused by this. Wallace (Leto's character) was the driving force behind basically the entire film. K got accidentally wrapped up in Wallace's attempt to find the replicant child. That's what Dave Bautista's character was hiding at the start, it's why Luv went to capture Deckard, and learning about it is what ultimately motivated K to go rescue Deckard in the end.
- Comment on this picture is 27kb 9 months ago:
we clearly haven't brexited hard enough yet
- Comment on Boring ass planet 9 months ago:
To add to this, we apparently always knew. The famous blue image is more or less the correct hue, but the saturation has been absolutely blown out like a clickbait youtube thumbnail in order to show faint features more clearly. Somewhere along the line we stopped mentioning that that had been done. Irwin and co just just re-calculated it to get the most accurate version yet, because we've got a lot more data to work with now than we did back when Voyager 2 did its fly-by
- Comment on Anon hates aluminum 9 months ago:
Yes if you're American or Canadian, no if you're British, Australian, or New Zealander, and other varieties of English I'm afraid I'm not sure about
- Comment on Anon hates aluminum 9 months ago:
If we're going by the way people use it, both are correct, because loads of people use both. As your search demonstrates. American cultural hegemony has not erased other varieties of English
- Comment on [Serious] Any high-quality right-wing media, books, explainers? 9 months ago:
Fair enough. The whip is a reasonable point to bring up, though I would suggest that if it bothered him that much he wouldn't have stayed in the party for ten years. After all, he had switched parties beforehand. I get where you're coming from though.
- Comment on [Serious] Any high-quality right-wing media, books, explainers? 9 months ago:
I'm not sure that makes him not right wing, surely that just means he wasn't the kind of right wing that succeeded in the political landscape of the UK in the past 20ish years? His voting record is generally in favour of less regulation (outside of a few issues), lower taxes, military intervention, isolation from the EU. He's pro-environmentalist, but that hasn't always been an exclusively left-wing thing. Similarly, anarchists and Marxist-Leninists are both left wing, even if they wouldn't necessarily get along well in a single political party together
- Comment on [Serious] Any high-quality right-wing media, books, explainers? 9 months ago:
I will have to preface this with the fact that I have not read any of his books, but former British politician Rory Stewart is one of the people that comes to my mind when reading your description. I don't think that he comes to the right policy positions, of course, but whenever I listen to him he does seem to at least have a degree of empathy for all people. He seems to at least generally see the problem even if I think that his solution wouldn't work. He has an effective way with words in interviews and his writing is generally very well reviewed too.
- Comment on Anyone else travel to see the eclipse just to have clouds come in right before totality? 10 months ago:
While we don't have another total one u the UK until 2090, we've got a near-total one coming to the UK in August 2026. About 90-95% depend on where in the country you are, with Cornwall getting the best of it again. Spain and Iceland get the totality of it, so you could take a short trip to some pretty nice places and catch it along the way
- Comment on In movies a strong woman is manly. (big muscles, aggressive, punches people, etc.) Is that really the way it is? 10 months ago:
I'm not sure about that characterisation of Ripley in Alien. She doesn't survive by fist-fighting the xenomorph, she's not Arnie in Predator. She's just determined and resourceful.
- Comment on If Hitler was captured, what would have been his punishment in the Nuremberg Trials? 10 months ago:
Scaphism, although the historicity of it is questionable
- Comment on 3 days 🤯 10 months ago:
We can indeed print steel with direct metal laser sintering. I think that the object needs heat treatment afterwards, though to be fair it is almost ten years since I properly read up on it and things have probably advanced since then
- Comment on FF Evangelists 10 months ago:
- Comment on Form over function, eh? 10 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
It’s likeIt is relying on unpaid labor when the company has nearly a billion dollars in revenue,” - Comment on Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons 10 months ago:
I wouldn't even mind them as much if they showed you who posted the short before you watched it. There are a few creators I like enough that I'd watch shorts by, but I've got no way to know it's by them
- Comment on Kitten Heeled Pumps 11 months ago:
Pale, but like... Swedish pale, not clown makeup pale
More tanned. Outlines are a bit fucky on this one and I had to change the building behind him a bit because it was too close to the new skin colour, but I'm not doing an effort job for this
- Comment on Kitten Heeled Pumps 11 months ago:
Sample Red Green Blue Thigh 87% 92% 96% Calf 87% 91% 98% Ankle 84% 87% 91% Samples taken as the average of a 5 pixel radius circle. The ankle is a little darker than the rest, but the colour is consistent
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 10th 11 months ago:
I picked up Tunic after wanting it for quite some time. I'm enjoying it a great deal. I was sure that it couldn't possibly be that much like Dark Souls when it has that art style but, uhh, no, turns out it's the opening is basically exactly Dark Souls right down to being told to go ring two mysterious magic bells in opposite directions from where you currently are
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 10th 11 months ago:
As a fellow scared-of-the-ocean-ist, I actually feel like it kinda adds to Subnautica. The game is meant to have some horror. We just get a bit extra
- Comment on Counterspell this 1 year ago:
For the most part it is. But it uses wisdom as its secondary stat, so if you pick a non-wis caster class you're going to have to split your ASIs up a lot
- Comment on Counterspell this 1 year ago:
5E's semi-official gunslinger uses wisdom instead of intelligence, so unless you have a GM willing to let you make a wis-casting wizard you might want to go cleric instead. I think that swapping casting stats should be allowed in a lot of situations anyway, and not only because wis-ard is a funny pun, but I'm aware that this isn't a universal opinion. Forge cleric would let you make your gun magic and ask god for ammunition with only two levels though