- Comment on Posted without sarcasm /s 1 month ago:
Silicon Dioxide? -I’ve only seen that in the knock-offs like at Aldi. Here’s why I avoid it (and notice it):
-Some alcoholics can get leaky gut from drinking excessively and apparently let it through the stomach lining.
- Comment on If you have diarrhea and you hold it in will your body retain some of the water? 1 month ago:
This is why I don’t believe in butt-chugging.
- Comment on Posted without sarcasm /s 1 month ago:
Doritos are using Stevia now, which is why they don’t taste as good. I can’t explain the price hike.
- Comment on Anti-vaxxers in a nutshell 1 month ago:
They should rename Pluto to Augmentin since Pluto is associated with a planet in older literature.
- Comment on Anti-vaxxers in a nutshell 1 month ago:
I’m just gonna hold my pinion til I see her.
- Comment on Christmas cheer 1 month ago:
I’m sorry you don’t have a sense of humor?
- Comment on Wanna play a game? (please don't call osha) 1 month ago:
Probably a good idea for the winter since fresh apricot seeds would be scarcer. j/k
- Comment on Wanna play a game? (please don't call osha) 1 month ago:
I don’t anymore, but… I liked it cold for some applications like canned spinach (cools that steaming pile of mushy green down). If I were to make things like mayonnaise with it, it keeps the ingredients in the safe temperature zone or gets them there faster.
- Comment on Wanna play a game? (please don't call osha) 1 month ago:
It’s good for toilet bowl cleaner, weed killer (including poison ivy), wiping down a large cutting board (not used for meat), fruit and veg wash, descaling / removing water marks, rainbow stains or chrome / nickel residue in pans, it softens fabrics if added to laundry, is used for mayonnaise, salad dressings, sticky rice, deodorizing, and combined with baking soda has been the only thing that worked for a clogged drain. It’s also cheap in the gallon size and practically free for people on SNAP. (a lot)
- Comment on Wanna play a game? (please don't call osha) 1 month ago:
After a long romp, a fairly new g/f went into my kitchen, grabbed a 1 gal bottle of white vinegar from the fridge, poured herself a glass and tried to chugged it while I was still in bed recovering. -She had the nerve to think I tried to poison her (for half a minute)!
Read and use labels. lol
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 1 month ago:
I’m not quite a boomer, but I do see this generation as just wanting hand-outs. -Oh wait… that’s just how it appears online because they’re the ones with all the time to post about it.
- Comment on I choose innovation and patching it all together. 1 month ago:
- Comment on Battle like MEN 1 month ago:
They’re a type of Gourami, and I believe they’re all aggressive. -Hence why people use plants and shelters to give other fish hiding spots.
- Comment on master manipulators 1 month ago:
Is anyone else bothered by people saying their cat is lost? -No; it left a toxic relationship! “They stole my cat” -Nah, it moved out!
- Comment on Christmas message from Batman 1 month ago:
Joker is never ‘safely’ behind bars, and that’s a flaw of Batman but what keeps legacy villains around. Legacy villains are as important as the heroes.
Funny meme!
- Comment on DNA 2 months ago:
I have this acronym finder as a search engine shortcut in vomnibar. It never has what I’m looking for:
Department(al) Network Administrator Datanetwork Associates (Software) Does Not Apply
- Comment on they work as described 2 months ago:
Lol, well they don’t seem as popular as they once were.
- Comment on they work as described 2 months ago:
Haven’t heard the term fishnet stockings in decades!
- Comment on Bumper sticker 2 months ago:
I don’t think ‘existing’ is the cause of problems we’re running into.
Like simply being a crybaby bitch isn’t really causing any problem. Their brain - their choice.
It’s actions that are at issue.
- Comment on Bumper sticker 2 months ago:
Atheletes should be categorized by skill, regardless of gender.
Radical feminists don’t want that kind of equality, and it could get the ball rolling for equivalent pay for male models / adult film actors. I lack any strong opinion on the subject but have no interest personally in watching men’s beach volleyball. -When you disregard the draw of the event when it comes to pay; you’re messing with the financials surrounding the event. -May as well go full bore communism then. Let people be forced to work and starve so they can learn that capitalism and the traditional ways (outside of religious influence) weren’t so bad.
- Comment on No one. 2 months ago:
Pathetic is people that can’t negotiate their own pay and think their worth is more than it is.
- Comment on No one. 2 months ago:
Here’s a long list of ‘evidence’ for you:
- Comment on No one. 2 months ago:
Don’t need it. You’re obviously a leech off employers. If you could simply make a point, you wouldn’t be here QQ’ing.
- Comment on No one. 2 months ago:
Statistics are used by propagandists.
Yes there is, there’s the union elections and the consent required for participation.
Union reps are almost always the worst employees. Good employees don’t tend to want to bother with union crap.
- Comment on No one. 2 months ago:
I’m 53 years old. I’ve had an equal amount of union and non union jobs. Union jobs SUCK for good workers. How to pay workers less than minimum wage? - unions! How to keep a drug addicts job so they can endanger their co-workers? -Unions.
There’s nothing stopping unions from allowing your boss to pay you minimum while they take ‘dues’ from you. Nothing is stopping unions from being as corrupt as employers.
- Comment on No one. 2 months ago:
They lead to higher wages
They lead to companies being forced to keep horrible employees that cost them money and pay them more than they’d otherwise need to. You could have negotiated better pay for yourself, but you want to keep leech employees around. They also can cause the closure of businesses (the opposite of job security). Sick time shouldn’t be a thing. No one should be incentivized to call in sick, and that costs the company money which again comes out of what you could have negotiated for yourself.
Posting a bunch of union propaganda doesn’t change the fact that they only serve themselves.
- Comment on No one. 2 months ago:
Unions only help themselves. If you failed at negotiating; you over value yourself.
- Comment on No one. 2 months ago:
If you can’t negotiate your pay in a non-union job, then you’re not worth more pay and you should stop deceiving yourself.
You mention ‘skill set’. There are far more valuable qualities to employees like reliability, dedication, how well liked you are, etc etc. Somone not realizing this indicates a lack of value as an employee.
- Comment on No one. 2 months ago:
Spread the word and they’ll try to get rid of you. Negotiate for yourself. Not everyone is worth more and some people actually prefer to stay on government subsidies like SNAP, and HEAP.
- Comment on No one. 2 months ago:
Then negotiate. Stop fingerpointing.