- Comment on UK would need forest ‘twice size of London’ to offset new airport expansion. 5 weeks ago:
The level of production of CO2 is so vast that planting trees is not going to do anything meaningful. We need to sharply and rapidly stop producing CO2 immediately and work on viable scalable CO2 removal and storage methods with urgency.
- Comment on The Stars of Star Trek: Section 31 Know Why You're Nervous About the Movie 1 month ago:
The two trailers put out on the Star Trek Youtube channel definitely didn’t calm my concerns about this movie!
- Comment on UK's elite hardware talent is being wasted. 1 month ago:
The UK wastes most of its graduate talent, much of it ends up in jobs other than what the degree is directly in. Despite quite a lot of great Computer Science and Engineering universities most of the reasonable paid jobs have historically been in finance. As inequality gets worse and worse the Uk is becoming a county of serfs and lords once again with a poor populace and very rich owners. Its what people keep voting for so its what they want but it confuses me everytime people vote to be lorded over.
- Comment on Keir Starmer says the UK can decarbonise without disruption – that’s neither true nor helpful 3 months ago:
Food is the big one that clearly has to change, its not possible to reduce the CO2 impact of meat and that will have to change. Its also going to be required to change the gas boiler for a heat pump or electrical heating, cars to be replaced by Electrical Vehicles and to stop using airplanes. The electrical side which is making progress is only about a third of the CO2 production and all the other things also need addressing.
What a lot of personal CO2 calculators currently do is conflate primary CO2 production (your burnt the fuel in your device) and secondary (you bought electricity from a company) but things like meat and airplanes we know there isn’t a technical solution to reducing CO2. The same is not true for transit miles and other goods which often get included but which could largely be made with electricity given the transition that must occur.
- Comment on Any hope of ‘getting Britain working again’ must not demonise people on welfare 3 months ago:
The war on the disabled that Labour is committed to will bring further shame to a country already getting called out for crimes against humanity against disabled people in the UK. Labour seems to be worse than the Conservatives in its treatment of the most vulnerable in our society.
- Comment on Government pledges nearly £22bn for carbon capture projects 4 months ago:
The laws of physics mean that no matter what we do with carbon capture it is never going to be cheaper and less energy to emit it and then capture it again. This is a foolish endeavour the focus should be on the green transition with Wind, Solar and Storage combined with ensuring infrastructure is there for Electric Vehicle transition. This is the sort of investment the fossil fuel wants governments to make that will have no impact and allow them to continue to emit.
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
Yes Satellite Reign, I guess its not very recent since it was nearly a decade ago!
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
Syndicate (the recent indy homage alas broke the formula too much).
Mech Commander
- Comment on Is the Federation "Communist" or Socialist? 7 months ago:
There are capitalist elements. The Picard family still owns a farm and farm house and pass it down generations. There is still some concept of money being used by humans who are pursing payments for rare and stolen goods. Most of what we see around Starfleet is merit driven people working in starfleet out of self interest but the ships appear to be owned by Starfleet and they seem to have some democractic structure. Since most basic needs are met via replicators it seems they are post scarcity and trips to the doctors seem free but is not really socialism in the sense of people owning the means of production, there doesn’t seem to be much of anything said about how these ships get built and I the implication is its a lot of automation.
I don’t think its brilliantly clear, there are a mix of ideologies on display and what makes it hang together is the humans are all behaving well, which isn’t very human nature like at all.
- Comment on Study: American workers in labor unions has fallen from nearly 35% in 1954 to just 10.5% in 2018 8 months ago:
This is why wages are failing to keep up with inflation now for decades. Breaking up the labour unions has been an enormous accelerator for the capitol owning classes.
- Comment on Cropped out, banned, airbrushed: the school photos that show the ugly face of Britain today 11 months ago:
People don’t realise how common this is in our society unless you are a minority. Its everywhere. The state abuses disabled people via the DWP, the doctors do the same to disabled people by refusing to accept they are disabled, access is awful everywhere and people with wheelchairs fail to get on buses because the spot is taken by a pram. Then there is all the attacks and verbal abuse on the streets from random people.
Despite whatever self reported level of discrimination the UK gets as one of the best in the world any minority in this country can tell you how many times a day they are abused by someone else. Its every single day. The Police, NHS and other state functions all do it. Most of the time there are no consequences, its so common infact its not ever news. Its hard to accept this basic reality as someone who isn’t a constant victim of our society but if you listen to the people who are the victims of this stuff its relentless.
- Comment on Public satisfaction with NHS falls to lowest level on record 11 months ago:
Its notable its not listing Long Covid at all. The 1.9 million long haulers in the UK have all been treated atrociously by the NHS so far, most have been misdiagnosed and gaslighted and the rest have been abused with graded exercise therapy that has worsened their disease. But then this was a poll by the NHS so it likely wasn’t one of the answers available.
- Comment on Pupil behaviour 'getting worse' at schools in England, say teachers 11 months ago:
This is almost certainly Covid. We already know it damages the brain and attacks the executive as well as behavioural centres of the brain and children are out sick for twice as long from school directly due to sickness. We are also busy trying to force children with Long Covid, of which there are 68,000 in the UK now, into school and unfortunately that will make them very unwell. Most schools are having to use a lot of substitute teachers due to doubling of sickness and teachers are the second hardest hit profession with Long Covid (behind medical staff).
It will keep getting worse as more and more suffer from Long Covid impacts.
- Comment on Labour 'committed' to assisted dying vote, Sir Keir Starmer tells Dame Esther Rantzen 11 months ago:
Assisted dying requires really good legal protections or we end up with a system that pushes people who are in desperation situations into death. There needs to be legal provisions that those applying have actually had all medical interventions (even those that could kill them) and they are actually fully supported socially too to live a reasonable life. It needs to be a legal requirement that the government must ensure these things happen and quickly to elevate suffering.
The problem is we currently live in the country that is actively trying to kill the chronically ill and disabled with below poverty levels of social funding and a healthcare system that isn’t fit for purpose and regularly abuses patients. We need to fix these before we can talk about a safe assisted dying system or its just eugenics.
- Comment on There Is Zero Evidence of a Shoplifting ‘Epidemic’ 1 year ago:
Way back in time I worked in a supermarket that first trialled self shopping. At the time this was done with special trolleys and boxes and hand scanners people took around the store to scan their own goods. The scheme survived about two years. The system was designed to gradually ramp up rescans by the checkout operators if prior scans had shown missing items. Certain people were clearly making a lot of mistakes (usually with expensive items like Whiskey) but many weren’t. The increased waits for rescans for the people who often made such “errors” destroyed the value for everyone else and they became increasingly angry on what should have been near instant checkouts.
Its notable I think that almost all supermarkets today use self scanning despite all those earlier experiments showing that some people would use it to hide theft. This goes very much against the image of the pocket and exit that people have in their head. That was actually very uncommon and being a person who often greeted on the door it was my job to spot them. Most of the theft occurred through items that were smuggled through the checkout in some way.
I don’t think self scanning is contributing to an increase in theft losses and the data shows its not. What I think it potentially contributes to is making it hard to identify the theft because there are less employees effectively as the security force. The decline in prosecutions is likely due to these changes that the supermarkets have adopted which they knew 25 years ago resulted in hidden theft.
- Comment on You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? 1 year ago:
Minecraft, playing a 1.20 modpack
- Comment on You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? 1 year ago:
Punching trees hurts.
- Comment on Hunt warns of benefit cuts for people who won’t ‘actively look for work’ 1 year ago:
It continues to disturb me that this is so popular. Hurting the most vulnerable in our society for votes is pretty sick and twisted.
- Comment on Hunt warns of benefit cuts for people who won’t ‘actively look for work’ 1 year ago:
In Tory land the reason the economy is in trouble is because the Poorest people have too much money.
- Comment on Record number of teachers quit for mental health reasons in 2021 1 year ago:
Given doctors are regularly diagnosing Long Covid as anxiety we are seeing mental health losses all over industry. Until medicine starts accurately diagnosing the condition it’s hard to assess if mental health is getting worse or if it’s just the pandemic.
- Comment on Most motorists want noise cameras installed to clamp down on loud cars 1 year ago:
I think this will solve itself as the electrical vehicle transition happens. Cars will become substantially quieter by default and at that point it will easy to adjust MOTs for ICE vehicles to meet more stringent noise levels.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on UK windfarm red tape to cost billpayers £1.5bn a year, say analysts 1 year ago:
The government is doing so much to harm the move to clean solutions for electrical energy.
- They cancelled the feed in tariff and now at best you can get about 1/3, most energy companies give you 1p for something they can sell for 35p. There is no net metering which would seriously help home energy projects for solar and wind without the need for expensive batteries.
- There is around 5x the countries current energy needs in solar projects waiting on the National Grid to make it possible for the projects to go ahead. The queue goes out to 2035 and there is no extra investment coming to try and make this happen earlier. These alone could be enough to completely transition all electrical energy to solar.
The entire transition is being intentionally slowed down by government, they wont invest in it and instead are trying to build as many barriers as possible. Its becoming very difficult to build energy projects that aren’t gas on a personal or business level.
- Comment on Supermarket plastic bag charge has led to 98% drop in use in England, data shows 1 year ago:
What is missed in this article is bags for life purchases. We saw the same article more or less in 2019 and once you factored that in there wasn’t much of an improvement in plastic use or disposal. Expect the same to appear after this article at some point.