As labour are continuing tory crap. And have added nothing to it.
How can that be worse.
As a potential victim of this crap. Please stop weakening the case with over grandiose claims of crap.
Comment on Any hope of ‘getting Britain working again’ must not demonise people on welfare 3 months ago
The war on the disabled that Labour is committed to will bring further shame to a country already getting called out for crimes against humanity against disabled people in the UK. Labour seems to be worse than the Conservatives in its treatment of the most vulnerable in our society.
As labour are continuing tory crap. And have added nothing to it.
How can that be worse.
As a potential victim of this crap. Please stop weakening the case with over grandiose claims of crap. 3 months ago
I’d say the conservatives do a pretty bang up job treating disabled people badly. 3 months ago
For me, it’s not that the Tories are worse, but you expect it, yknow? In theory, Labour are supposed to stand up for us at least a little bit, so it’s something of a betrayal