- Comment on Misleading and false election ads are legal in Australia. We need national truth in political advertising laws 3 weeks ago:
I doubt they would need to enact truth in political advertising laws for that. Dutton and his colleagues have shown a willingness to flex defamation laws when people say things that make them feel sad. They are also privileged enough to be among the few who have the financial means to pursue those kinds of actions.
My guess is you’d end up with a bunch of strategically expensive defamation actions that are intended to tie up those sort of advertisements until after the election.
Now, if it was something that would stop the Greens or teals from building more support? Watch that fly through Parliament with bipartisan approval.
- Comment on Tiny pp 3 months ago:
Ah yes, nature’s ghillie suit.
- Comment on Get good. 4 months ago:
It really depends on the kid and the complexity of the message. Young kids are still learning the intricacies of the language and building a vocabulary. Not talking down to them helps build those skills up. But at the end of the day, if the message is not getting across, it’s the fault of the communicator.
Plus it’s an annoying flex to say “see how amazing my kid is? It’s all because of me!” Some kids just pick up language easier, some kids sleep all the way through the night earlier, some kids toilet train easier, etc. Usually it’s better for parents to quietly take the little victory rather than treat it as a reflection of their amazing parenting skills.
- Comment on Australia to review all 66 military export permits to Israel approved before Gaza conflict 4 months ago:
Thanks, I didn’t catch the sarcasm, which was what had me confused.
- Comment on 'You're not my king': [Senator] Lidia Thorpe escorted away after outburst [at Charles III in Parliament House] 4 months ago:
A coerced oath isn’t really an oath at all. But Thorpe wasn’t coerced into becoming a senator. She wasn’t forced to run for election. Once elected she wasn’t forced to take an oath. She chose to do those things because she thought it would benefit what she’s trying to achieve.
Now, I’m not pro monarchy, and I’m not against Thorpe advocating for aboriginal sovereignty. But saying “you are not my king” but also having sworn “faithful and true allegiance” to that king just doesn’t sit well together for me.
- Comment on 'You're not my king': [Senator] Lidia Thorpe escorted away after outburst [at Charles III in Parliament House] 4 months ago:
Senators are required to make an Oath or Affirmation as follows:
OATH I,…, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles the Third, His heirs and successors according to law. SO HELP ME GOD!
AFFIRMATION I,…, do solemnly and sincerely affirm and declare that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles the Third, His heirs and successors according to law.
Regardless of what you think of the monarchy, and whether you think that oath is an outright stupid anachronism, it’s still the oath she took. It comes across as plain poor conduct to act that way while acting in her capacity of Senator.
- Comment on 'You're not my king': [Senator] Lidia Thorpe escorted away after outburst [at Charles III in Parliament House] 4 months ago:
It’s more expensive to become a republic at this point. Australia would need a referendum to change the Constitution. The last referendum attempt to become a republic was in 1999 and failed, but cost $66m.
The last referundum in Australia was last year and while the AEC has not fully costed it, I’ve seen one estimate of it costing $450m.
- Comment on Australia to review all 66 military export permits to Israel approved before Gaza conflict 4 months ago:
I agree with you there, and think your active wording is better.
What confuses me is that I don’t see the conceptual jump from the Guardian using a passive voice which de-emphasises the Israeli government’s responsibility in this, and rampant antisemitism. Particularly when you give examples of how this is a larger problem in media.
Unless I’m missing something here, is it not more likely to be just a questionable grammatical choice with no ill intent?
- Comment on Australia to review all 66 military export permits to Israel approved before Gaza conflict 4 months ago:
Are you suggesting the current military offensive is not in response to the attack in October last year?
It sounds like you are taking an unnecessarily narrow definition of “trigger,” and painting that as some sort of bad faith “rampant antisemitism.”
- Comment on Don't do it. 4 months ago:
Wrong place to leave a habitat for bugs.
- Comment on How China’s first AAA game Wukong Became One of the Fastest Selling Games in History 5 months ago:
Fulifilling your dreams is all about the power of persistence folks! That, and having a friend willing to invest almost $70M in your dream.
- Comment on Sydney Funnel Web 5 months ago:
But isn’t chocolate toxic to cats? You win some, you lose some.
- Comment on MSc Mansplaining 5 months ago:
So the caption is really: “man convinces 5 clearly less enthusiastic friends to play board game.”
- Comment on Quick Chat 6 months ago:
“Thank you, but we follow Martian facts here, we aren’t interested in your Venusian ways.”
- Comment on Elon Musk moves X out of San Francisco. City leaders shrug. 6 months ago:
But earlier this month, he said he would move the company’s headquarters to Austin, citing a new Golden State law meant to protect LGBTQ+ children as the “final straw.”
Imagine being so full of hate for a highly vulnerable group of people that you base your business decisions around it.
- Comment on Bananas 7 months ago:
The bananas won’t be fooled, because everyone knows that bananas are straight until they get picked and the banana bender puts the bend in them.
- Comment on Nuclear is hopelessly uneconomic 7 months ago:
It’s not really a debate about continuing to rely on fossil fuels. For context, in Australia the conservative coalition (for some reason) has an idealogical bee in its bonnet about investing more heavily in renewable energy sources, instead arguing that nuclear energy production is the way of the future.
- Comment on Where the spoon goes 7 months ago:
I thought it must be too garbled for someone to have honestly thought it was a sensible message, but hadn’t seen it before. Thanks for the extra context.
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 19 comments
- Comment on Have rock 8 months ago:
Including humans. I’m not going near the person launching pinecones at my head from their yard.
- Comment on An Indigenous girl asked to reconnect with her culture. In a ‘racist’ child protection system, her pleas were ignored 8 months ago:
But quoting it implies it’s an invalid claim.
Interesting. I read the quotes as meaning: someone else said it, it’s not just some opinion we made up. In this case, it was reporting the coroner’s official finding.
In other words, I understood it to be reinforcing the claim rather than invalidating it.
- Comment on It's Time To Stop Giving Xbox Boss Phil Spencer A Pass It's Time To Stop Giving Xbox Boss Phil Spencer A Pass (Opinion) 9 months ago:
Why are we quoting each other? I remember the comment before yours. I made it. Idiot.
Because quoting in a response provides structure to the response that improves readability.
Also, you are posting on a publicly accessible forum, not having a one-on-one conversation. In that context, that fact that you may remember what you said doesn’t mean that it’s not beneficial to repeat it for others.
The “idiot” comment was unnecessarily rude where someone was engaging in what appeared to be a good faith response, and only brings down the tone of your entire post.
- Comment on Brisbane Woolworths store vandalised with graffiti amid Australia Day merchandise controversy 1 year ago:
There’s plenty of good reasons to dislike Woolies, but them making a commercial decision to stop stocking products that people aren’t buying is not big on the list.
- Comment on Yep, makes sense 1 year ago:
Forge Exquisite Armour Reproductions
- Comment on Why didn't anyone warn me!? 1 year ago:
Have you also been forgetting to covert votes to metric before you send them?
For reference: 1 upvote = 2.2 nah yeahs 1 downvote = 2.2 yeah nahs