- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 2 months ago:
Ideally they’ll start hormones or go off blockers by about 16, but you can’t comprehend that because you already decided that 18 had to be the start point. You don’t want trans kids lucky enough to discover their identity early to transition, probably not thinking through what the consequences are. You hope that they’ll not medically transition, but in all likelihood, they’ll just end up suicidally depressed for no good reason.
You’re correct in assuming that gender isn’t a choice, but incorrect in how you apply that idea. Attempts have been made to force cis boys that got maimed by botched circumcisions to be girls. They did not end well. Attempts have been made to find alternatives to gender affirmation, but they never work. Nobody can be converted. Nobody knows how.
Stop being a knob and accept the failures of naive doctors trying to snuff us from existence. You affirm us, or you torture us. There is no other option.
- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 3 months ago:
Their bodies get “fucked up” by hormones if they do nothing. We all get “fucked up” on hormones to some extent, it’s just that puberty blockers allow more opportunity to decide which way to get “fucked up.” If you truly wanted to help “brainwashed trenders” not “fuck up their bodies,” you’d support puberty blockers. It gives them the most time to decide with as few side effects as possible.
You think transitioning is what happens when treatment fails? You think it’s some sort of unfortunate outcome? The data paints a clear picture: transition is the best outcome for us. No other treatment works, and as far as treatments for psychological phenomenon go, it’s one of the best.
I wish I could say you’re dying on a hill, but you’re not. You’re throwing screaming children into a pit and burning them alive. You’ll face no consequence for your humble contribution outside of possible guilt, but nothing will undo the harm.
- Comment on The full source code for GTA 5 has been publicly leaked 1 year ago:
You could buy it in GTA Online.
- Comment on it always interesting when multi billion dollar company's costing system is a 63 tab excel 97 spreadsheet at it's core... 1 year ago:
If they did care and tried to improve it, they’d ruin it.
- Comment on Redditor when women 1 year ago:
Men are 12 year old boys, women are adult men, and children are either FBI agents or catfishing pedophiles.
- Comment on Redditor when women 1 year ago:
It obviously hasn’t worked.
- Comment on Redditor when women 1 year ago:
I think he heard some philosophy stuff out of context or over simplified, and was knee deep in inferences when he tweeted that. Something like:
The only thing we know with certainty that we exist.
So we don’t know if anything, including what we perceive, is real.
If our perception could be fake, we can’t even know that our sensory organs, like eyes, are real.
However, in my perceived life, I can look at myself in a mirror, and see my own body and my own eyes.
If my perception isn’t real, and my eyes aren’t real, how can I see them in that mirror?
If our eyes aren’t real, we wouldn’t be able to see them in a mirror for… some reason.
But my name is Jaden Smith, and I can’t understand that a fake reality could trick me into thinking I see my own eyes, so I think being able to see my eyes in a mirror means my eyes must be real, the mirror must be real, and the physical world exists with certainty. I disproved solipsism guys!
In all seriousness, I don’t think he believed his eyes weren’t real, he was asking a rhetorical question that he thought proved something deep. However, because he was a dumb teenager, he thought he could figure out something no one in history ever considered, and was thus making some grand contribution to society.
- Comment on Bosses and workers still can’t agree on whether the commute is part of the work day, and it’s creating a $578 billion productivity problem 1 year ago:
Nah, Hexbear would defend employers screwing over their employees as long as the government claimed to be Marxist. They would only talk about this in a negative light as long as the problem happens in a liberal democracy.
- Comment on They are watching 1 year ago:
I never said we’d be able to understand or prove everything, just that there is some logic underpinning reality. It might be that some things are fundamentally unknowable, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist to be known, just that we’ll never know it.
I also don’t get what the halting problem proves about reality. It might be possible that infinities or unresolvable results are real, so long as we can still exist. The cosmological principle proves that we have to live in a reality that it is possible for us to exist in, otherwise we wouldn’t be here to observe it. So long as the infinities or uncomputable problems don’t prevent our existence, it might represent reality. If the equation doesn’t allow us to exist, then it doesn’t represent reality.
- Comment on They are watching 1 year ago:
Magic is just what you don’t understand. Everything is a mechanism. Even if there was magic, a human soul, the afterlife, God, it would still operate under certain logical rules and principles. Eventually, unless there was something keeping us from obtaining knowledge, we would be able to apply science to magical forces. Science will eventually understand everything it is possible to understand, which might honestly be everything.
- Comment on They are watching 1 year ago:
We know that the universe was much denser and close together based on measurements, but cannot truly see the beginning. We think it’s most likely that the big moon in the sky most likely came from another planet hitting ours, but we don’t know exactly how the collision went down. Science is our best understanding, not some absolute source of knowledge. Our interpretations are often incorrect and updated accordingly, and even the most accurate theories are known to be an incomplete understanding. Until we understand everything, science is the search for knowledge, rather than knowledge itself.
- Comment on When did Christians get involved in politics in USA? I was watching young Turks clip on youtube. There was an exmuslim guy he said pat Robertson forced Christians into politics. So when was it? 1 year ago:
Better question might be when did non Christians get involved. Before recently, it was basically all Christians of different flavors who even got to play a role in politics. Secularism was more about not valuing one version of Christianity over others, at least that’s the sense I have. The role might have changed but it’s always been a major force.
- Comment on DON'T 1 year ago: