- Comment on I believe him on a factual level, but not on an emotional level. 1 month ago:
Je bin geen inconnu de da’s fantastische drei langue project de Belgica.
- Comment on I believe him on a factual level, but not on an emotional level. 2 months ago:
- Comment on I believe him on a factual level, but not on an emotional level. 2 months ago:
Kan mij inbeelden dat 't dikke zever lijkt als ge 't zo leest. Ik heb een beetje hetzelfde met Noors eerlijk gezegd.
- Comment on I believe him on a factual level, but not on an emotional level. 2 months ago:
Our coast is shit. Much prefer The Netherlands or France’s coast.
- Comment on I believe him on a factual level, but not on an emotional level. 2 months ago:
I love this comment. The different spellings of the names (Dutch, Fr*nch, English and some made up spelling) made my day.
We actually hate our own country most of the time, so I don’t mind everyone shitting on us. Thank you for enjoying your stay, love from Ghent.
- Comment on One what? 2 months ago:
A terrorist act, surely
- Comment on Anon goes questing 7 months ago:
I’m a nurse (in Europe), and I do have a lot of fun at work. Sure, it can be hard or a grind sometimes, but at the end of 95% of my shifts I feel satisfied that I helped people. The atmosphere is good among colleagues and we have a killer union. It’s ridiculous how secure my position is.
All in all, I truly enjoy what I do and after a long period of absence from work, whether it was to study, get better during illness or simply after a week or two off, I long to work again; help people; have a laugh with my colleagues.
Not all jobs are the same and I know that, I’m just lucky to be doing ‘my dream job’ and that I found it early in life.
- Comment on Anon tries to flirt? 8 months ago:
Double standards.
- Comment on 🐕 good boy 8 months ago:
That’s Urinary Meatus for you, sir.
- Comment on cringemaxxing and nonsensepilled 8 months ago:
Pronouns: Tremendey/Tremendous
- Comment on 4th rule 8 months ago:
Man that was a great subreddit.
- Comment on Elsevier 9 months ago:
Even Nature publishes shit articles now and then. Impact score is becoming a joke more and more.
- Comment on Every base is base 10 10 months ago:
5/7 movie
- Comment on YEAH 10 months ago:
Heard that “DUM dum” in my head after I read that.
- Comment on Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk 10 months ago:
That’s my mistake! Had company and posted something I didn’t read. My apologies. Maybe I can learn something from this article then.
- Comment on Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk 10 months ago:…
I don’t know how true this is, but I pulled this quote:
Indeed, the results suggest that milk is more addictive than cigarettes.
- Comment on Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk 10 months ago:
Very true, yet lactose intolerance is quite common among humans.
- Comment on Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk 10 months ago:
Everyone knows alcohol is poison. Not many people know the side effects of drinking too much milk. You could actually become addicted to it and it would become a problem. I had a friend who had some trouble with it, which is why I typed that comment.
- Comment on Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk 10 months ago:
Not judging you on your milk drinking, but drinking too much milk can have serious side effects. Humans weren’t biologically made to drink milk their whole lives.
- Comment on Seedless Catholics Against Watermelons? 10 months ago:
Tensions between the watermelons and the cavaillons have always been high, but now we’re just at a pitting point.
- Comment on Nice. 10 months ago:
- Comment on tag yourself (I'm basic) 11 months ago:
So based it’s purple.
- Comment on more proof that they are just opossums with armour 11 months ago:
I find the anatomy of the armadillo a lot more reassuring than the turtle’s IMHO. It’s a body with armor on top. But the turtle is the shell and the shell is the turtle. That’s just crazy to me somehow.
- Comment on Jan Smit 11 months ago:
Last name, sure, first name though… There are some older Jans, but the younger ones are few and far between. At least where I live.
- Comment on RAW DATA 1 year ago:
Is that… Linus?
- Comment on temperature 1 year ago:
If you don’t know what you’re talking about, then yes, you might as well speak Elvish.
- Comment on Good luck out there 1 year ago:
Been biking all my life, won’t quit now.
- Comment on FEDiverse 1 year ago:
I don’t know if I would be over the top with excitement to meet President Barry or if I would be scared shitless because of the implication of his visit. He doesn’t look happy.
- Comment on NASA has some explaining to do 1 year ago:
It sounds horrifying if you put it like that. ):
- Comment on Gilbert's gripe 1 year ago:
Just yell out his nickname, Gilly-Willy.