Comment on Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk 7 months agoNot judging you on your milk drinking, but drinking too much milk can have serious side effects. Humans weren’t biologically made to drink milk their whole lives. 7 months ago
They weren’t biologically made to drink alcohol or big macs their whole lives either yet here you are. 7 months ago
Yeah, this is a hella weird comment in an alcohol thread. That stuff is actually toxic, and popular mainly because of it. 7 months ago
Everyone knows alcohol is poison. Not many people know the side effects of drinking too much milk. You could actually become addicted to it and it would become a problem. I had a friend who had some trouble with it, which is why I typed that comment. 7 months ago
You’re getting downvoted but you’re actually correct. My grandfather was told by his doctor not to drink so much milk. He drank at least 3 glasses a day. I forget why but if you’re telling an 85 yo to stop doing something as a doctor, it probably has some bad short-term effects 7 months ago
Source? Addictive milk is kinda “out of left field” for me. 7 months ago
What’s with Lemmy’s obsession with water? Most people know that water is the best thing to drink but this site is preachy as fuck about it. 7 months ago
The hydrohomies are all grown up, I guess? 7 months ago
I haven’t actually seen that. 7 months ago
Very true, yet lactose intolerance is quite common among humans.