- Comment on Why do we even do mens vs womens sizes for clothes? 3 days ago:
I just wish there wasn’t so much guesstimating required. I stopped growing a while back and yet I’ve fit an 11, 11.5, and 11W, depending on the shoe. I wish it was a bit more standardised based on length and width. I’ve nwver shopped online for shoes because I know they probably won’t fit right!
- Comment on Why do we even do mens vs womens sizes for clothes? 4 days ago:
This really depends on the clothes. Shoes should absolutely have a single sizing system and I would love for all pants to use waist/leg measurements like jeans do. But many other garments are completely reasonable to separate based on gender (or sex, rather), primarily tops due to the fact of boobs existing and even pants like I mentioned are able to have tighter crotches on a women’s size.
- Comment on PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games, oh and there are apparently 908 million of us now 1 week ago:
I have a large backlog of five(?)+ plus year old games that are really good and I have yet to play. I’d much rather burn through those enjoying them on high settings instead of playing current games on low settings while trying to dodge crap monetization.
- Comment on How do we know this is actually Earth, and not just some torture chamber in Hell and we are just being punished? 4 weeks ago:
How do we know anything? Because we can prove it. We can confirm it through repeatable tests or there is insurmountable evidence for it to be true. I don’t see how there’s any proof of us being in a simulation, thus I live my life as if we aren’t. Although I could just be an NPC trying to convince you otherwise…
- Comment on Trump and Musk aren’t the first to make deep cuts. Clinton-era Reinventing Government saved billions 4 weeks ago:
Where in the rules does it say you have to be American?
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 1 month ago:
That makes sense, it’s probably the same people writing both messages.
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 1 month ago:
Check r/conservative and you get a fair idea.
- Comment on Why do some laws exist if everyone is expected to just break them? 1 month ago:
To expand on what Grappling said, I’ll give you an example. A few years ago the city repaved a decrepit section of road into a smooth and wide open road that is wide enough for 4 lanes but made into 2 wide ones with massive shoulders. There are no pedestrians on this road and you can comfortably go 80-100km/h. The speed limit they set? 50. While it’s not every road, it is definitely a lot of roads that get treated like this. It results in getting very comfortable with breaking the speed limits because the speed limits and road designs are made with two different goals.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 1 month ago:
… oh. It begins then. Thank you for the multiple links!
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 1 month ago:
Uh, I missed this one. Someone got the backstory?
- Comment on How are you actually doing today? 1 month ago:
Been sleeping the majority of the last 36 hours in between emptying my stomach, so not too hot. I really should not go into work today but I probably will anyway.
- Comment on I am in the US and its gotten very political but as pretty much a peon do I just tune the stuff out thinking its fear mongering? Or should I closely pay attention to it? 1 month ago:
Removing news from your regular feeds or taking a break from them for a week is chill, everyone should do that here and there. But don’t bury your head in the sand, you should keep an eye on it even if that is only browsing a dedicated news feed every week or two. Ignorance and complacency is how we got Trump 2024 with people actively voting againt themselves.
- Comment on Do you ever simply not understand a piece of text no matter how many times you read it despite the fact that you understand the language and individual words? 2 months ago:
I understood the reference post as I’m far too deep into degenerate internet culture, but I have definitely experienced what you say. I think sometimes people write in a way that simply doesn’t welcome people not on their wavelength.
- Comment on 'Why don't we call it Mexican America?': Claudia Sheinbaum hits back at Trump 2 months ago:
Climate change is rather important too but I wouldn’t bring it up when asked about my opinion on ice cream.
- Comment on 'Why don't we call it Mexican America?': Claudia Sheinbaum hits back at Trump 2 months ago:
- Comment on Luigi Mangione Content Is a Challenge for Social Media Moderators - B… 2 months ago:
“This enforcement began in the immediate aftermath of the incident, as part of our standard practice to address content related to violent tragedies.”
Tragedy is a strong word.
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 2 months ago:
There are various reasons people may treat you as if you’re younger. I would bet the primary reason is no matter how much you think you’ve grown up, those changes have to be seen outwardly for a while before people that knew you as a kid will accept it. It took until 24 or 25 before I felt people had stopped treating me with kid hands. Keep in mind as well that as people get older, younger people start blending together a bit and a 20 year old does not seem as mature from a 30-40’s perspective. It’s similar to how younger people often have a hard time telling apart old people’s ages and they all seem “old”. The final point I’d make is that swearing isn’t something all adults do and is not related to maturity. It can be a sign of familiarity between certain people though. Swearing around family members is either something that comes with time or never, really depends on your parents/relatives.
Trying to push these issues in an “I’m a big boy now!” manner will generally backfire and get you treated young for longer, because it’s a very childish thing to do. I am not all-knowing so I don’t like giving absolute advice, but personally I think the best thing you can do is not worry so much about it and continue acting in a responsible manner. If you show yourself to be mature, others will realise and treat you as such. If they don’t then either you’re not as mature as you think or you should find someone who you can have a more level conversation with. It’s not so bad being young, anyway, you will miss it when people always look at you like an adult!
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 2 months ago:
Plenty of mature adults are furries and are treated as adults. This is not helpful advice.
- Comment on Justice should be equal 2 months ago:
37 under 18 compared to 33 over 18. Close to a 50/50 split. Link
- Comment on Justice should be equal 2 months ago:
We’re just going to ignore that school shooters are generally students and thus not tried as adults? Okay then.
- Comment on Justice should be equal 2 months ago:
I, too, watched Legal Eagle’s video.
- Comment on 2024 Steam Awards Nominees Announced 3 months ago:
Relies on people knowing about it, sadly.
- Comment on 2024 Steam Awards Nominees Announced 3 months ago:
Occasionally good games get nominated for the correct categories (Terraria for Labor of Love) but it’s very rare. I haven’t even played any 2024 games but wanted the badge so I just nominated some off brand games that will never win.
- Comment on Pretty interesting when you really think about it. 3 months ago:
It is possible to agree with something and still believe it is terribly presented.
- Comment on Anon gets plastered 3 months ago:
Spending 50-100% more time doing something because you are slow/taking breaks/chatting is being unproductive.
- Comment on Borderlands 4 - Official First Look | The Game Awards 2024 3 months ago:
I’m an absolute Borderlands slut so I am pumped for this. I really hope the monetisation scheme is fine and that they added some QoL features I’ve been wanting since 2012 (multi quest trackers?!) but either way I’ll probably play this.
- Comment on Do you have any recommendations for casual games? 3 months ago:
Depending on what you mean by casual, Terraria fits the bill. I love sitting down with a journey mode character and taking the game at my own pace. For the first playthrough I would probably point people to softcore normal mode as it’s the “proper” way to play, but once you’ve grinded out goals once journey is a really nice way to take control of the game’s difficulty on the fly.
- Comment on Do you have any recommendations for casual games? 3 months ago:
This really depends on the type of person you are. I find every time I launch it I get caught up in a mess of wiki pages and spreadsheets figuring out the ideal crops to plant and when, what gifts people like and when to gift them, etcetera etcetera. It became stressful and I stopped playing it after finishing most of the main objectives.
- Comment on Interesting. It's a constant reminder 3 months ago:
This problem is solved by having paper towels (air dryers suck) and placing the paper towel trash bin next to the door so that you can use your hand-full of towels as a barrier between the handle and throw the towels away as you leave.
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 3 months ago:
They do have achievements, yeah. Not much else though.