- Comment on Chrono Trigger Is Timeless 1 week ago:
I made a post about the shader I’m using on the Steam Deck with an album of screenshots hosted outside of Lemmy upload (on Lensdump) and seems to be better, I think Lemmy is doing something to the image with compression.
- Comment on Chrono Trigger Is Timeless 1 week ago:
To each their own. The ones with the shader are closer to what it looked like on a CRT (minus some extra bloom and color bleed if using composite or RF).
- Comment on Chrono Trigger Is Timeless 1 week ago:
I grabbed some more comparisons, this time from my tablet using the CRT-Consumer shader. Notice stuff like the bloom from the window and shading around the curtains, the kitchen appliances and plants, general shading around dithered stuff like the tent, and the trees on the world map.
- Comment on Chrono Trigger Is Timeless 1 week ago:
Yeah, it looks a bit different on my Steam deck and TV, maybe because they’re OLED displays. It doesn’t come across as dramatic as it is in person on the screenshot. In person there’s more bloom and higher contrast, the characters look more… planted in the world, I guess is the best way to explain it.
Like, is you look at the rounded parts of the big robot there’s a bit more depth and contrast that give it more rounding and image depth in shadows, but again, the screenshot isn’t doing the effect justice.
Also, the still image doesn’t help because the shader also impacts how the game looks in motion.
I took the screenshots on my Steam Deck, but hadn’t actually seen them until I uploaded here.
- Comment on Chrono Trigger Is Timeless 1 week ago:
I don’t have nostalgia for the game, tried it a few years ago but bounced off. Not sure why, just wasn’t in the mood for a HRPG at the time I guess.
I recently gave it another go, been playing it on my Steam Deck and it’s been great. I’m a few hours into it in the future currently and I think it’ll stick this time, it’s great.
Only thing is the game feels like it was really made with CRT behavior in mind. Like the game has some amazing shading and almost 3D depth to a lot of the art but without CRT shaders you don’t see it at all. If you play the Steam version, reshade goes a long way. I’m using a combination of CRT-frutbuhn, EasymodeCRT, and vibrance and it looks amazing.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
Enjoy the block list.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
Not going to be playing “honest question” with you, since it’s obviously not honest, and you’re not open to changing your viewpoint. No, sometimes it’s about critical care in life threatening situations, often involving pregnancies that cannot be brought to term anyway. Women are literally dying from preventable issues due to pregnancy complications. And that’s not even getting into the concept of women’s care for horrible situations like rape.
If you can’t see the issue here, you’re part of the problem. I knew that already, but thanks for confirming.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
What am I missing?
You’re missing the fact that currently in many states in the US, a Tesla has more civil rights than a woman, and it’s bullshit.
- Comment on Favourite Mario Kart game? 2 weeks ago:
MK7 has been my favorite, especially with the CTGP-7 mod.
- Comment on Current chain of command 5 weeks ago:
Reported. This community is for shitposts, not real facts.
- Comment on About to turn the car to a flying car 3 months ago:
Don’t forget also that tire pressure increases with temperature. You’re pressure will be higher if the weather is warmer, and will actually increase as you drive. A 30 mile drive could see a 4-5 psi increase.
- Comment on I'm not a good liar but need to pretend I like my current job and not rant about how much I dislike it till I find a job I like more. How do I make my coworkers and supervisors believe this lie? 7 months ago:
Performance improvement plan. Sometimes a legitimate way to help an employee who is slow or failing at takes to improve and perform better.
More often it’s a management ploy to start a paper trail to legitimize terminating said employee without repercussions, regardless of actual performance metrics.
- Comment on Why is DNS often joked about in the I.T. Industry? 7 months ago:
DNS is often misconfigured.
On the linux side of things, people like to manually edit /etc/resolv.conf when it’s actually a symlink and changes to it don’t persist on boot (the real file location varies, but it’s usually in something like /etc/system/resolve).
On the Windows side, people love to ignore that reverse DNS exists, even though so many things use it. They also freaking love CNAME aliases and break stuff in interesting ways (for example, a “load balanced” configuration that’s all just the first node acting as all three nodes of a cluster or pool).
Many people only know enough DNS to be dangerous and come up with really jank workarounds to get things running because they don’t understand the proper solutions.
- Comment on I need new glasses. The only insurance-approved place I can shop online will cost $250 with my needs. I went to a "cheap" glasses website that doesn't accept insurance: $250. Yay, America. 7 months ago:
Don’t be. I’m fortunate to be able to afford it, and it’s just part of the cost of living to me. In my 40s now and been wearing glasses since I was 10yo.
I’m just happy I’ll be able to read fine print and see stuff close again without needing to take off my glasses.
- Comment on I need new glasses. The only insurance-approved place I can shop online will cost $250 with my needs. I went to a "cheap" glasses website that doesn't accept insurance: $250. Yay, America. 7 months ago:
I recently went for glasses and eye exam. Near sighted with astigmatism, and now I need bifocals on top of it. Bifocals with line aren’t common now so doctor suggested progressives. I’m fine with that.
I’m also a special kid who can’t wear polycarbonate lenses because I’m hypersensitive to chromatic aberration. So need Trivex lenses as well. Throw in an anti-glare coating and my cost (with insurance) is like $460.
The sad part is given my needs and how few carry Trivex in my area, I consider it a decent deal.
- Comment on It just does. 8 months ago:
Yeah, but JIF is like… sugar and palm kernel oil garbage. It’s a peanut butter product, not peanut butter.
Peanut butter should have one or two ingredients, max. Peanuts, and maybe salt.
- Comment on And they don't fold well either 8 months ago:
Get a quality bamboo pillow with crushed memory foam filling. You can control how much fill goes into the pillow, and if you change your mind you can always add or remove some of the fill.
- Comment on Cyberfish 8 months ago:
All praise the Omnissiah.
- Comment on I wish I was as bold as these authors. 8 months ago:
Don’t waste your time. It’s honestly fucking awful. Reading it was like experiencing someone mentally masturbating in real time.
- Comment on Windows just changed the desktop wallpaper and re-added the search bar without my permission after an update 9 months ago:
Face it, they can do whatever they want with your computer and you’re powerless to stop them.
Not my computer. They can’t do shit if it’s not installed.
- Comment on Windows just changed the desktop wallpaper and re-added the search bar without my permission after an update 9 months ago:
This is why you should not trust them regarding Recall. They will not let it go. It will be forced on you eventually.
- Comment on Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds - Expansion Announcement 9 months ago:
Try this config. I posted about it above. It’s worked well for me to the point I’m no longer even comfortable playing GW2 on a keyboard, I’m able to react much more quickly to everything with the gamepad setup. Most important thing is always use action camera for combat and general exploration unless you specifically need the mouse for something.
- Comment on Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds - Expansion Announcement 9 months ago:
Here you go: steam://controllerconfig/413080/2866090215
Paste that steam link in a browser while Steam is open and it will pull up the controller config.
Control mappings have face buttons and R1/R2 as attacks, L1/L2 as button layer modifiers, Joystick mouse and more. F-keys are on the d-pad, and most mouse related functions are active while holding L1. Back button is your "interact. L1 + R3 switches between “action” camera and regular mouse mode for aiming. Action camera is better for combat, and is the mode I use like 90% of the time. Dodge is on R3. L3 swaps weapons. There’s also key combos for all the mounts, special action abilities (N key, on L2+back)… basically, everything you could possibly want to do in-game, there’s a controller way to do it. You may need to remap some of the mount buttons, I forget if I did custom mappings for some of those, as I have a lot of mounts (everything except roller beetle and gryffon).
Hope it works for you. I think it’s a great config, but my perspective may be skewed since I’m highly accustomed to it from muscle memory and using it for years (with Xpadder even, before steam controller mapping was a thing). I’ve used this config for every single class in the game and dialed it in so I can play literally any class without issues, including ones that have a number of aiming skills like engineer and elementalist. Actually, elementalist is a blast for this, dpad was perfect for switching elements compared to fumbling with F-keys.
- Comment on Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds - Expansion Announcement 9 months ago:
I dunno about this one. Waiting to see what the crowd thinks as far as reviews. Secrets of the Obscure was as mediocre as they come and I have doubts now.
- Comment on Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds - Expansion Announcement 9 months ago:
I’ve been playing it on a gamepad since 2012. I’ll see if I can get my Steam config link for you later.
- Comment on Learn how to count with Bill Gates 10 months ago:
How about Windows NoPrivacyOnlyAdsForYou Edition? Kinda rolls nicely off the tongue.
- Comment on With US Workers on the March, Southern States Take Aim at Unions 10 months ago:
Don’t worry, they’ll surrender to the union this time too eventually.
- Comment on I was handed this lovely flyer while grocery shopping 11 months ago:
Yeah, don’t accept trash from strangers.
- Comment on What are y'all buying on the steam sale? 1 year ago:
I played it for 440 hours and I still don’t feel done with it.